Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Family Portrait


I think I’m supposed to be focused on the adorable, totally normal-looking celeb fam, consisting of Gwen Stefani, Gavin Rossdale and their kids Kingston and Zuma, in Beverly Hills yesterday.  Cute.

But isn’t the real story here the complete absence of nannies?  And red lipstick?

19 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Is she wearing high heels? ‘Cause if she isn’t then I believe that aliens have possessed Gwen Stephani’s body.
    (Sidenote – ADORABLENESS).

  • My favorite celebrity couple in this week’s episode of “Celebrities: Keeping it Real”

  • That man is not the father of the year. Gavin has an adult daughter. I hope that he is man enough to be as generous to her with his time and emotional support.

    • he only found out about her [the adult daughter] like a year ago! don’t be so harsh on him for that!! she had a dad thoughout her years growing up and now, well she’s an adult isn’t she. Gav should be with his real children who he planned and wanted, they are young, vunerable and in need of parenting now.

      Gwen looks great, even dressed down you can see her face is lovely.

    • i feel bad for gavin, i mean he didn’t find out he was daisy’s father until she was 17, i think. she already had a father figure in her life. if she were a child that would be one thing, but daisy’s an adult whom i’m sure would be pissed if gavin came in and started telling her to cover up her tatas just because his sperm won out against a few others 18 years ago.

    • hello? He found out about her tho when she was a teenager. that is not his fault, that’s the mom’s fault for waiting that long.

      • Daisy doesn’t need him in the same way the two little boys need him, but I hope that he makes an effort to get to know her.

  • There are also no bodyguards – and they are at a public playground! How interesting that some celebrities and multimillionaires manage to lead semi-normal seeming lives while some are probably never alone, either in public or private. How do they decide to brave the obsessed and intrusive public to go play in a public park when they must have swing sets galore at home?

  • As opposed to the pictures from Friday of Kingston out with his two nannies only flying kites? Or the pictures earlier in the week of Kingston and his nannies at the same park? I mean, whatever, it’s just super expensive daycare and both parents work, but frankly, I can practically pick Kingston’s main nanny out of a lineup now. So it’s weird to single out this couple.

    Also, I’d like Gwen Stefani a lot more if she didn’t think it was kewl to hire four asian women to follow her around and not talk to promote her fashion line.

    • Agreed, the Harajuku girls are fucking creepy. Or rather, the fact that Gwen hired them is fucking creepy.