Today's Evil Beet Gossip

The Rihanna/Chris Brown Fight Re-enactment

I suppose this was just a matter of time. The kids over at have released a video re-enactment of the violence that took place between Chris Brown and Rihanna on that fateful Grammy eve, based on the detective’s notes. To be fair, it’s nowhere near as cheesy as it could have been.

To help raise awareness about teen dating abuse, DoSomething is giving away a free set of three bracelets — one blue, two black, to demonstrate that one in three teens is the victim of dating violence. You can order yours here.

And while I certainly commend anyone for doing anything to speak out against domestic violence, the most powerful action you can take here is to end a relationship the very first time your significant other shows signs of violence or emotional abuse. Don’t put up with that shit, not ever. You’re worth more than that.

4 CommentsLeave a comment

  • i think this video does the complete opposite of what it was intended to do. where are the hard blows and where is the blood? this make it look like a scuffle between brother and sister over car keys and not what it actually was – an enraged madman beating the crap out of his girlfriend to the point where he gave her a black eye, busted her lip and made her bleed from her face.

  • Beet, I totally agree with you that the best thing you can do is to end the relationship. I think it’s really unhelpful, however, to sneer at and denigrate a woman (or man) stuck in victimhood who does not end the relationship – that totally fails to help them but rather impacts the self-esteem problems and victim persona they are already struggling with.

    This is why I have not responded to your recent posts in which you have slated Rihanna for not ditching Chris Brown. If the girl is stuck in the relationship, the last thing she needs is people then turning on her. You have a much healthier and more compassionate attitude to the problems people have when trying to kick an addiction.

    I think that what C. says about this video is true, but, on the other hand, would this project have been accepted at all if the real violence was shown?

  • hi chirs i love your music. BUT I HATE RIANA. I no how to spll her name though. and for you helth she is cheating on you . i seen it with my own too eyes .