Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Octo-Mom Needs An Angel. Or Oprah.

Octo-Mom, Nadya Suleman, is about to be homeless.  The three bedroom, one bath house in Whittier California is up for foreclosure.  The owner, Angela Suleman or Octo-Gram, hasn’t made any payments on the home since May of 2008 and currently owes $23,224.98 in back payments. Angela filed for bankruptcy last year after selling another home, valued at $615,000 for $369,000.

Angela’s husband, Ed, is appearing on the February 24th episode of Oprah to tell the story from his perspective.

I’m worried about all these babies.  Where are all these people going to go?  I don’t think they even make cardboard boxes large enough to fit such a massive brood.

They need a television series, product endorsement deal or private donor.  Oprah, goddess of everything that walks the planet, needs to write Octo-Pop a check!

You can have so much fun with hypenated Octo names.

43 CommentsLeave a comment

  • If times were so tough for Octo-gram, why is Christ’s name did Octo-mom decided to have more kids? I am really looking forward to the days of Big Brother when we can implant chips and shit into people’s genitals and not allow them to have kids until they pass some sort of test because it’s clear some folks shouldn’t breed. I’m torn between the hate I feel for Octo-Mom and my desire to make sure the kids end up safe and in a happy home. There’s got to be a way.

    • I know! I feel so much contempt for her ignorance regarding having all these children. But, regardless what I feel for her, there are 144 innocent children here who didn’t ask for this either.

    • YES exactly what I feel, I hate people like that. In Scotland (where I live) you get paid a certain amount of money a week if you are pregnant and earning under a certain amount, so in like every bad neighbourhood you get every girl by the age of 18 pregnant with like 2 kids and jobless. It’s sick, and really pisses me off. I think people should be TAXED for having children unless they are in a stable environment, I’m sure people would think more carefully about contraception/getting kids for cash in future. Rant over.

      • (obviously not her) in some cases you have children when life is stable and then your world crashes. Want to know the kikcer about the American system? If you work all your life and hit hard times the system won’t help you, but if you never work they hand you checks every month

    • Indeed Octo-Mom is seriously mentally ill. She needs to be institutionalized and those children placed in foster care. How in the hell does this cretin think that she can properly raise them? One child costs roughly $5,000 to $10,000 a year when you factor in clothing, food, medical expenses, schooling, etc. Holy hell! fourteen children! Even at $5,000 a year for one kid, fourteen kids equals $70,000 a year!!!!!!!!! Who in the f****** hell is going to foot the bill? Oh, we hear about these “angels” who claim that they’ll bring aid to Octo-Mom; of course pseudo-humanitarian Oprah Winfry will exploit Octo-Mom just for ratings purposes as well as that piece of shit, pseudo psychiatrist Dr. Phil. Then we have our government to provide to irresponsible douche bags like the Octo-Mom. Give this undeserving, irresponsible bitch financial aid at the taxpayers expense. NO, IT”S NOT FAIR! Too bad there’s not a policy for mandatory abortions to be performed when whack jobs like Octo-Mom come around. China has the right idea! Fuck you Octo-Mom, fuck you Oprah Winfry and fuck any of you who support Octo-Mom’s actions!

  • Maybe they need to give the kids up for adoption since they obviously cannot take care of themselves let alone 14 kids.

  • Perhaps if Octo-Mom would stop getting her nails done, buy stuff at the MAC counter, etc and give some of that $$ to her mom to pay the house payment this wouldn’t have happened? Oh yeah, and not have had all these extra kids! She disgusts me.

  • I’m pretty sure God is saying, “She didn’t get the message about me not wanting her to have kids. That bitch is on her own.”

    I will donate to the “Keep these children from living in a Maytag box” fund if someone will hotglue Octo-Mom’s uterus shut.

    • Oh, and I want to shovel eight Parcheesi marbles into the doctor’s anal cavity. One for every egg he never should have implanted in the first place.

  • i don’t feel any worse for these people than i do for other homeless families, and maybe even less so. after all, most homeless families are not unemployed freeloaders who pop out 14 children they cannot take care of. why does she deserve special treatment?

    • I totally agree, she brought this mess upon herself and I personally don’t care where she ends up. Maybe social services should step in and place the kids with parents that aren’t deranged.

  • No, they don’t need Oprah or an angel. They need the state to step in and take those kids away from that bat-shit crazy loon of a mother. Let some lovely, sane couple(s) adopt those kid and give them a chance at normalcy.

  • I hope, for the sake of all the children and of their apparently mentally ill mother, that this housing situation is resolved.

  • Nadya, you bit off more than you could chew. I know you thought it would make you famous and rich beyond your wildest dreams, but in this economy where some couples are finding it difficult to feed 2 or 3 kids, and you squirt out 8 in addition to the 6 that you are receiving food stamps to feed, maybe you can see how this is not a good idea? Can you understand why most folks are furious with you?

    You have no job, and apparently now no place to live. If you really love children like you say you do, maybe it’s time to consider giving the octo-babies up for adoption.

    I hope Oprah has the sense not to bail you out.

    • Nadya understand something? No way, no how, not unless medical science makes a quantum leap and stem cells can grow her a new brain. She has some kind of permanent disconnect between her and reality as the rest of us experience it.

      As for Oprah, I can remember years ago when some woman sent her electric bill to the show, asking if the goddess could please pay it to keep her utilities from being cut off. Oprah read it, said “I don’t pay other people’s bills”, then tore it in half and tossed it on the floor. I hope she doesn’t break with tradition…

  • I am wondering when the press will get a hold of this doctor! I have heard nothing about him/her. I still hope the California State Medical Board will revoke the license. It’s ridiculous to have implanted all of those eggs.

    I try not to judge too harshly those that are obviously suffering from mental illness because, many times, they have no control over their actions. I do, however, think that her parents need to cut her off and let Social Services take over once Nadya comes to the realization (or those around her can confirm the fact) that she is completely unable to care for these kids.

  • It’s more obvious every day that Nadya suffers from a Britney Spears level mental illness and should be taken to the hospital. I really fear she will go off the deep end and hurt the kids like Andrea Yates did. DSS needs to get involved ASAP.

  • She chose her actions, nothing “happened” to her so now she can deal with the consequences. She already had six she couldn’t afford and then decided the best thing for her was to add a seventh.

    Like a poster above said, I feel worse for other families who silently struggle. I’d give to a food bank or soup kitchen before I’d ever give her a dime.

  • My first thoughts:

    A. She got impregnated right around the time that she decided to stop paying for her house. Nothing like having your priorities straight.

    B. She was planning on raising fourteen children in a three bedroom/one bath house???

  • I have many friends that are struggling to get pregnant. They have money to raise children and are wonderful people. Life isn’t fair it seems. I hate seeing people pumping out kids and standing in line at the grocery store with their food stamps. How pathetic. I only had children because I knew I could take care of them in every possible way. Now this chick is the extreme however, but wouldn’t it be a neat concept if you had to pay to have the priviledge to get pregnant? People would check out your finances etc, and then you get approved for one. Or at least people that are trying to do it by invitro! This chick would definitely have been denied! I don’t know, this has just got me so sick!

  • Take all the kids away and let the bitch live in the street. I feel absolutely no sympathy for her dumb ass.

  • I am so happy for her! I am writing out a check for 2cents. ( I dont think so)!!!!!!!I have one child, married, own a home, and struggling to keep our home. I would have loved to have another child, but I am glad I did not. I can hardly clothe and feed the one. It would of been selfish to have another I could not afford. Instead I bought a a couple of dogs. How in the world could she afford to pay for invtro or whatever she did????? The women has problems. This is insane. There needs to be a law or something for women undergoing these procedures. They need to qualify for it in some way. They need to go through background checks, mental counseling, income verification. A full out investigation. Why would a person do this that already has 6 children????no mate, no job, no nothing. Mandatory removal of uterus should of been done.Removal of her little pea brain, so it could be donated to science and studied for abnormalities WHY ????????? How does she take care of 6?? This wrong in so many ways, I am just amazed at the ignorance of it. This is shameful, Stupid, crazy, sick, irresponsilbe, dumb, retarded, and ignorant on every level. The babies are innocent. Hopefully they will not follow in her footsteps.

    • I agree, sweetie. I agree. I have carried and insurance fund on my own dime after taxes since I was a teen (I am over 40 now) and could hardly afford the bills for two miscarriage. Who is this bitch? I don’t know. But ignorant, irresponsible and crazy barely begin to scratch the surface!! Hugs, friend. May all go well w/ you and us “responsible” types. If I believed in Karma, I would think Nadya is a child w/ a lot to learn. But I don’t. I believe in heaven and hell and judgement per the Bible, so we’ll see …

  • I personally would not give her a dime, but I would give to any one who has authority to manage her fuds for the kids, they are innocent little souls, did not ask for all this drama, but they really need someone to care about them, I do believe the grand parents are totally worn out , not only financially, but emotionally and physically/spiritually also, My heart goes out to those grand parents,
    I do not understand why a woman would choose to do such a stupid thing, espically when she has 3 special needs children already, but I would not go as far as to call her names either, Remember she is one of Gods children to, and he loves her as much as he does you or I.