Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Terrence Howard: A Moron and a Wife-Beater


What a fucking idiot.

Terrence Howard should have kept him damn mouth shut. Oh, wait, he shouldn’t have. Because if this jackass hadn’t run his mouth about how what Chris Brown did wasn’t really all that bad, and “it’s just life,”* we wouldn’t know that he was arrested for kicking his own ex-wife’s ass back in 2001.

Yeah, that’s right.

This fucktard beats up women too.

According to a Whitemarsh Police Department report, after Howard and Lori McCommas argued on the phone, the actor warned, “Don’t disrespect me by hanging up on me or I’ll come over and hurt you.” McCommas then “hung up and contacted 911 fearing Howard was serious.”

While McCommas was speaking with a police dispatcher, Howard “showed up at the victim’s residence and began breaking the door down.” McCommas ran to the rear of the house and into the backyard. Howard then “broke the front door down and ran through the screen door in the kitchen. Howard then grabbed the victim’s left arm and punched her twice with a closed fist in the left side of the face.”

The attack was broken up by Howard’s brother, who responded to McCommas’s house after he “saw Howard storm out of their house to go to the victim’s house.” When a Whitemarsh cop responded to the scene, Howard admitted, “I broke the door down and hit my wife.” A second officer noted there was “fresh damage to the front door and marks on the victim’s face and arm from being struck.”

Above find his mug shot.

I hope no one ever hires this dude again. What a fucking cocksucker. Beating up a woman and then having the gall to publicly support someone else accused of doing the same. This is NOT ACCEPTABLE BEHAVIOR, and these total losers should not be rewarded with successful careers. It is nothing short of insanity (and evil!) to believe and promote the idea that you can hit your girlfriend, wife, ex-wife, whatever, and not be condemned by society for it. I AM HERE CONDEMNING AS LOUDLY AS POSSIBLE. Unacceptable. Completely and totally unacceptable.

* By the way, I just watched that interview for the first time, because last week I was too angry about it to watch any of this shit, and why has no one pointed out how fucking wasted this asswipe is?? What a gross, drunk loser.

51 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Want to know a sure fire way to tell if a guy is an abuser? He uses the word “disrespect.”

    Years ago, I had a boyfriend who liked to … well he never punched me but he certainly had other ways of hurting me physically. Anyhoo, I knew I had set him off when that word would get played. I still cringe when I hear that word.

    Fucking prick (I’m just going to throw that out there to all woman beating bastards).

    • Of course this is wrong! but my ex- girlfriend scratched my face after she started an argument with me, so I grabbed her wrists and pulled them away from my face, and her’ closed fist hit her’ upper lip and she called the police. Well the police believed me!! and then said we still have to arrest you, why!! if you believe me, So not all woman are victims not all men are victims, violence is an equal crime. No charges were pressed I kicked the bitch to the curb for being too dramatic.

  • Another way to tell your in deep shit is they vent in cars, where you can’t escape.

    I know it’s usually reserved for women but what a fucking cunt he is.

    • My mother ALWAYS starts fights in the car and then we scream for like ten minutes; she goes “ALRIGHT enough” and doesn’t let me finish what i’m trying to say; then we sit in silence for 20 minutes until we reach the destination.

      I HATE car fights.

  • That seals it. I wondered why he would say such things to begin with, but there are no grey areas in domestic violence. It is flat out wrong for it to happen, and I will absolutely not contribute one penny to someone who allows it to. I honestly think its about time for this to come to light and maybe, as awful as it is – this will be the way that gets people talking about it. Rihanna, come out and talk about it. Let’s just get it out of the closets of america and into our living rooms – after all – isnt the saying of the day “Change has come”? Let it be a rally cry, not just a slogan.

    PS, terrence howard always did creep me out.

    • Im going to go ahead and jump on the comment below, because I have always loved that word and it really, really seems appropriate now – FUCKTARD. These two men, and countless others – are fucktards. And I am a man.

      FUCKTARD FUCKTARD FUCKTARD. Im going to remember that next time I see a trailer or hear a song featuring them. Fucktard. I invite the rest of the world to do the same.

  • He lost all respect from me. I use to love him as an actor, but a wifebeater? Really? I can’t support someone who condones any kind of domestic violence.

  • I agree with everything you’ve said here, but in light of your stance, I’m still confused about how Charles Barkley’s DUI is okay to laugh about?

    Obviously, apples and oranges. But in terms of the possible harm to another human being? Again, I realize that abuse involves intentionally hurting someone while in the case of DUI it is more a case of negligence, but…

    • I think the only funny things about his DUI were his sweaty mugshot, and the fact that he was speeding because he needed to get a BLOW JOB. The fact that he was under the influence while speeding/driving is not funny, at all.

      • i agree – i don’t think any believes that driving wasted is funny. but his excuse about hurrying to get a blow job? gotta admit – that is some funny shit.

      • Agreed. DUI’s not funny. Telling the officers that you are on your way to get a blowjob? Pretty freaking funny. And, again, no one got hurt… so…. funny

  • What a fucking douche. I wish I could rip his balls off. His AND Chris Brown’s. Then we’d see just how manly they think they are.

  • Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I was ticked off that he was ditched from the Iron Man 2 cast. Now I’m glad – bring on Don Cheadle.

  • Good thing I’m fairly sure I’ve never seen a movie this douche has been in!

    Btw, Beet, Roseanne Barr had some choice words to say about this situation.

    “make me want to beat the crap out of him…he uses the language of the perpetrator just like every sleazy bastard who ever smacked his wife, kid mother or girlfriend around uses. you dirty bastard, I hope you go to prison for ten years. IT’S YOUR FAULT, ASSHOLE! as for all the mealy mouthed hollywood and music scene chicks that can’t bring themselves to condemn a misogynistic bully, let me say this: your time as whores for propaganda is ending, bitches.”


    • ok, i’ve failed to pay any attention to roseanne barr these days since she’s gone w/ the whackies…HOWEVER, she sure has it together for this issue.

      well said rosie!
      women need to start holding other women accountable (i.e. groupies/music scene chicks, babies’ mamas, etc) that feeds the egos of these animals.

  • Way to keep it classy Terrence Howard. I certainly hope you enjoy the rest of your ‘straight to DVD’, and ‘from the creative minds that brought you Gigli’, career.

    • “from the creative minds that brought you Gigli” damn that made me laugh. But yeah, I could tell that Howard was a misogynistic fucktard when he said that thing about women not being “completely clean” unless they used baby wipes. I couldn’t believe that shit.

      • Ugh. I totally didn’t know about the “completely clean” comments. Seriously, he must fart glitter and unicorns with that mentality.

        Forget the film career at this point, let’s focus on the fact that he is only a few baby steps away from being clinically diagnosed as some sort of killer.

        Please keep me posted if he ever decides to move to Canada – that’s all I need is for Terrence Howard to wear my ass as a hat…literally.

  • As soon as I saw this on Smoking Gun… I knew Beet was going to have something interesting to offer in this conversation.

    The thing that got me about this story… was Howard had to get in his car… and drive to her house to do his Ike Turner impersonation. The fact he did not kill her is a miracle. Any man that has that kind of hate, is a man that will eventually kill someone.

    All this just takes me back to the whole Nicole Brown murder. OJ had beat her ass repeatly… she told everyone that he would kill her one day. And he did. Yet, when she was murder look how many of his buddies had his back.

    Still to this day men get to rationalize beating women… and making it clear it is their right to knock you around for mouthing off. Cause that was the exact impression I got from everything Chris Brown and his family have said since he did his Ike Turner impression. That Rihanna had asked for it.

  • Right on, Beet! Nothing – and I mean – nothing is okay about either of these situations. Terrence Howard has revealed his true colors – and then some. It’s amazing how easy he got off on charges – I hope this doesn’t stand true for Chris Brown. He deserves to be punished!

  • I used to like Terrance Howard as an actor, but as his layers peel off and expose the true “man” he is turning out to be a real loser. He lost me when he started to whine about his work schedule on Broadway, and now I find out he’d resort to violence toward his own wife. No more love for this bastard.

  • WHOA!! I never knew he did this. So depressing. I thought he seemed like a good person. I will not support anything he does. What a moron for opening his big ol pie hole.

  • I’ve always found something vaguely distasteful about Terrence Howard, even before this mess. Something about the way he talked and carried himself in general reminded me of the neighbor I had who tried to force his way in my door and assault me while I was home alone. At least I know the old intuition isn’t broken.

    And ah, car fights. My husband has such *fond* childhood memories of his mom and stepdad each threatening to take the kids away, or literally throwing eggs at one another.

  • Is it bad that I could have called this one?

    Does that mean I’m super judgmental and simply look at a person and say things like, “He totally kicks his wife’s ass on a daily basis?” Hmm.. whatever.

    I could have called it.

  • You know what they say, “If he hits you once, he’ll do it again.”
    There’s a toasty place in hell for these assholes.

  • last week i knew i didn’t like Terrence Howard anymore…now I really, really, REALLY don’t like Terrence Howard anymore. Let’s hit him where it hurts…the wallet! Never see a TH movie again!

  • I’m so disgusted by this all. This guy is complete and utter scum. You know what though? He couldn’t keep his mouth shut, he obviously has no restraint whatsoever. Whether it has to do with the flapping of his asshole lips or the throwing of a fist.

    • oh bull. a cat scratches a gorilla….. therefore the gorilla should be able to break the cat’s neck with a swat because it’s just that much stronger?

      hand to hand combat – no weapons – a male has the strength to keep a female from landing blows, and even those that do land are hardly likely to break bones or cause injury or death. one big slap or punch from a man to a woman can kill her, and she’s unlikely to be able to escape in the first place.

      welcome to the real world…… unequal between the sexes in many ways.

  • i’m really sick of people getting so worked up over this and then just ranting about it in various parts of the internet. there are ways to get involved in organizations that aid victims of domestic abuse, and these organizations are always looking for volunteers. if everyone feels so strongly about this, then maybe it’s time to actually do something and get involved.

      • i realize that could have come off strongly. i was more so hoping that because of the recent rihanna incident, more light would be shed on these frequent and common crimes and that more would be actually done. ie: that people would get more involved. but for the past two weeks i’ve just seen more and more venting.

      • well, caroline, it’s presumptuous to assume that more people AREN’T getting involved. venting/caring about an issue, just showing that you care, is usually the first step.

      • i guess my intention was to get the wheels turning a little faster. like i said in another reply, i realized that my meaning was harshly phrased.

  • There’s a couple of sure fire ways to tell if a guy is an abuser:

    1. How he treats his mother. If he has mother issues watch out.

    2. Road rage. If he drives like a nut and yells at other drivers he’s got anger issues.

    3. He trashes is ex’s and talks about them being “possessive” or uses misogynistic words to describe them. Speaks for itself.

  • hey beet, start a group on fb and the like – ‘terrence and chris b. are morons and wifebeaters suck’ or something like that.
    keep the message going.

  • This guy is a self-loathing asspie. Misogynistic turd. He’s said he doesn’t feel clean if he makes love to a woman outside of wedlock. Does he feel clean when he beats one? Prick sauce.

  • I just saw a commercial for a low budget flick with Terrence Howard “Fighting” ha, ha. Everytime he spoke in the promo I got creeped out and decided to google his name with the word sleazy and this site came up. Man good to find other folks who get the same vibe from him, I’m shocked he has a career at all cuz it’s clear he wasn’t actin in “Hustle & Flow”. Yuck. It’s clear he’s a nobody, with the things he’s said, if he were Will Smith or Mel Gibson, there’d be a big stink. Instead his comments are ignored just like his career.

  • Let me begin by saying I have NO RESPECT/REGARD for anyone who would beat up a smaller, or weaker person, physically, or emotionally. So none for Terence Howard. But while its unpopular to say this, women need to take some responsibility. I have been shocked to read of women who KNOW of some guy beating up his ex or other women, but still go connect with him. They believe he will be different with me. Or it was the other woman’s fault. Most times, its a guy with fame or money. Well, if you overlook reality, for that reason, dont be shocked when he beats you up. Sorry, I blame both in such cases. I think people should take responsibility for their safety, by NOT putting themselves in bad situations. For those who were taken by surprise, the first day a guy hits you, run away to the cops, your family and LEAVE HIM. He wont change!