Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Miley Cyrus’ Most Expensive Mistake, Ever


Lucie J. Kim has filed suit in Superior Court against Miley Cyrus, on behalf of every Asian Pacific Islander in Los Angeles County.  This is just the newest development in Slantgate.  Kim is asking for the minimum amount that can be awarded for a civil rights violation-$4,000 for each person.  That totals FOUR BILLION DOLLARS.

Kim isn’t swayed by Miley’s “aw, shucks, I’m just a young’un, ya’ll know I love you and Jesus,” apology and feels that Cyrus is on the same maturity level as Paris Hilton.  In other words, this chick basically called Miley a whore.  A whore who must pay.

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  • I’m an attorney and I can say that her attorney should be disbarred for brining such a frivolous lawsuit against a teenager.

  • Um im not up on all legal matters but i dont see how thats a civil rights violation…. people take these things way to far. Freedom of speechhhhhh.

  • wowww she needs to grow up more then miley does, kinda liek the whole lawsuit where the boys couldnt get jobs at hooters… sooo stupid.

  • I hate Miley Cyrus. Believe me, I do. I sell children’s apparel to get myself through school, and I am subjected to her “music” for 9 hour stretches of the day (along with those Jonas boys and heck, did you know that I see Dead People Kid’s little sister is a “singer” too? It’s /true/. ) I have unique, deep, and abiding reasons to hate Miley Cyrus.

    But the simple fact of the matter is Miley Cyrus, in a private photograph, doing something insensitive and stupid, is not. capable. of violating someone’s civil rights. This is a misuse of the very meaning of the term. Miley Cyrus is famous (shoot me) but this does not make her an arm of the state at large. People, private individuals, are actually allowed to hate Asian people. Or Arabs. Or Miley Cyrus. Some of these hates may be inexcusable (others not so much), but that does not make them illegal.

    • I agree… also, if she’s going to be nit-picky [read: “stupid”] enough to sue Miley over it, shouldn’t she be suing everyone else in the picture, too (excluding the one guy who’s actually Asian)?

  • next thing you know the kkk will be suing peta for unlawfully using the white hoods and robes during their protest of the westminster kennel show…

    this lawsuit is as offensive as the photo that started it all…

    and i’m gonna sue this chick for making all us asians look bad!!!

  • next thing you know the kkk will be suing peta for unlawfully using the white hoods and robes during their protest of the westminster kennel show…

    this lawsuit is as offensive as the photo that started it all…

    and i’m gonna sue this chick for making all us asians look bad!!!

  • next thing you know the kkk will be suing peta for unlawfully using the white hoods and robes during their protest of the westminster kennel show…

    this lawsuit is as offensive as the photo that started it all…

    and i’m gonna sue this chick for making all us asians look bad!!!

  • People are seeming to forget that China forgave the Spanish Olympic Basketball team for making a similar picture that appeared in an add. They just need to get over this one…

  • This is SO STUPID. Yeah, Miley’s slant-eyes weren’t very nice, but everyone needs to STFU about this. She’s a kid. Kids do dumb stuff. She’s said she’s sorry. Drop it.

    And what the hell happened to freedom of speech? The Constitution does not qualify the first amendment by giving that freedom only when you’re being PC and polite.


  • I don’t know if Kim is the attorney on this or not, but whoever it is, that person is a big reason attorney’s have such a bad reputation. The attorney should be sanctioned, if not disbarred. Pathetic.

  • Oh, dear Lord. I do hate Miley Cyrus with every cell of my being, but I think this is just too much. Is this Lucie chick also going to sue 85% of America for having made this same face during childhood?

  • Is much as I despise Miley Cyrus this is really too far. I agree with all the above sentiments and hope Lucie J. Kim gets some sort of comeuppance for attention whoring and causing such a waste of time.

    • No they dont Kevina. Miley has done really stupid things in her life. Besides her great reputation as a singer and an actress, she has dated alot of guys (And justin gaston was 22 when they dated) And that Vanity Fair photoshoot what so unreasonable. This situation means she crossed a line, a long one. I’m not trying to be rude to her but it goes without saying, she went to far to mess up her life after only 16 years.

      P.S. I do think Lucie went to far though.

  • The only reason Lucie is doing the whole court thing, is to bring more attention to the matter. Anyone with half a brain cell would know that it is an unwinnable case. And I thought that people would be much more astute in guessing the motive behind Lucies actions.

    Like Big DUH.


  • Wait a minute. She is suing for $4 Billion at a rate of $4000 per each asian pacific ilsander. Who named her the sole representative of a million asians (and how can I get in on that).

  • Also, and we forget this because of our near-constant exposure to her side-boob and camera-phone nudie shots, but she’s a minor.
    So actually she’s suing Billy-Ray.

  • That lawsuit is ridiculous. I’m Irish so everytime somebody puts on a shamrock and a leprechaun hat I should sue them? C’mon, get real.

  • god, i hope Lucie J. Kim never stumbles across a website like 4chan. pants would be shat!!!

    LOL. nothing like living in america. taking some pictures w/ friends and you get sued. LOL.

  • Is Beet developing a parfum line or something? I have no problem with Wendie’s posts (love em) but I’m just wondering what else is going on with Miss Beet. Seems like she rarely posts anymore.

  • Oh jeez. This is beyond pathetic. I thought we were past this like last week? Can no one else see that this is just a group of teenage friends messing around? And can no one see that while all of the white people in this picture are making slanted eyes, the asian if liftings his eyebrows really high to make his eyes be more open and round? Why is no one suing that guy? And if Miley is getting sued, what about the other 5 white people in the pic? HELLLLLOOOOO!?

  • yes, and me as mexican, should i sue every person who has wear a sombrero, eat burritos, said guacamole and wear a mustacho, drink tequila, and stuff??

    i didnt think it was a big deal, i mean, why do they take it like something offensive, and not like somethig flatering???

    • Your argument is invalid…. Mexicans aren’t born with a bottle of tequila in their hands..but Asians are born the way they are, it can’t be prevented. :(

      Why would they take it as being flattering? Miley openly mocked them and, while it’s silly to make such a big deal about it, the fact that Miley is still toting around her “I’m a good girl of GOD!!!!!!” image makes it reeeally pathetic. Miley’s trying to have her cake and eat it too… she can’t feed off Disney if she isn’t willing to ditch her stupid antics. She should’ve ditched Hannah Montana & the Disney corp while she was still relatively unknown, and then go off and be an idiot. Oh well.

  • ok and sue everyone sle making that face in the picture.. oh wait that is everyone else in the picture excluding the actual asian guy!

  • They should sue taylor swift too…
    Sorry that was bad… but she does have slanty eyes.

    And this is ridiculous. I was hoping you wouldn’t even acknowledge it as anything valid whatsoever. How the HELL do they decide that the amount of compensation for feeling insulted is 4 THOUSAND dollars. One dollar each would be too much.

    People are entirely too sensitive these days. I don’t see them suing anybody else in this picture… oh wait because they’re just money hungry attention seekers. God people will do anything to make a buck even if it means attacking a 16 year old girl for money that she earned.

  • Yes, Miley is a complete idiot and pretty stupid/uninspiring, but this lawsuit is… well… pretty much guilty of the same three adjectives.

  • The court will throw it out — there is no foundation here whatsoever for Kim’s claim. What evidence is there in this photo that even proves they are making a reference to or slur against any ethnic group, whether it be Asian or anyone else? The last I checked it is not in violation of any law (either civil or criminal) to pull your eyelids out towards the sides of your head.

  • Miley is an asshole but the people offended by her slant eye gesture are bigger assholes. I am so sick of minorities whining about being offended over every little thing. GET OVER IT. You people say/do offensive things to white people all the time so practice what you preach. No where in the constitution does it say you have the right to not be offended.

  • It won’t be surprised if, after the litigation has been dismissed, miley turns around and slaps a lawsuit on lucie for damages and legal fees. i bet this chick’s only doing it for her 15 minutes of fame whoring. i’m not a miley fan but i would love to see a big F-you to people that abuse the legal system like this.

    • i absolutely agree with you. the legal fees that the cyrus family will have to pay are going to be astronomical, considering the fact that they probably have a damn good lawyer on retainer. i hope, despite my dislike of miley, that the cyrus family countersues for damages. this is indeed a pathetic abuse of the legal system, as you said. what i want to know is what kind of money this lucie girl must be paying her lawyer

      • considering she’s obviously not going to win the case. that woman must be charging the shit out of her client, who’s probably assuming she’ll profit from this whole thing. so disgustingly pathetic and petty.

        sorry for the two-part comment; i accidentally clicked ‘submit’ instead of the scroll button :).

  • I personally think it’s stupid because it’s clearly a joke with the friends. Everyone in the picture is squinting their eyes, and another guy is using his hands like Miley as well. Oh, look, and their’s a peace sign as well.

  • lol.. I hate miley but this shit simply will not fly. lets just sue everyone who makes an “Asian face”

    im not defending what she did, but this whole thing is so dumb. my Asian friends pull their eyes wide and say they look like me and its not like I want to sue their asses.

  • OMGGGG ! THIS IS SO RIDICULOUS ! THIS LUCIE GIRL IS ONLY SUING MILEY BECAUSE SHE KNOWS THAT SHE HAS MONEY! SO PATHETIC!!!!!! ahhh , i love miley and i know that she wasn’t being racist !:)

  • Same maturity as Paris Hilton? That’s really not saying much…

    I think it’s kind of stupid… I kind of get how people would be offended… but then again, it’s really dumb. Boo hoo. People are too sensitive.

  • Oh common now. She is just a teenager who had some fun with her friends. I dont like her at all but give the girl a break. Jesus. It was a joke with friends. Im sure none of them hate asian people.

  • Don’t asian people make fun of us when we patronize their businesses? Why are they always yapping in their native language in front of us? What are they saying that they can’t say in English? hmmmmmm ……. I need an attorney!

  • I like Miley, I don’t know why, but I do.

    It doesn’t look like Data was offended & maybe they were all just smoking pot and playing “me Chinese” to make him feel at home? ; )

    People need to lighten up…seriously *shakes head*

  • This is so ridiculous, she’s a teenage girl who was goofing around with her friends, it’s not cause for a lawsuit. Everyone just needs to get over it!

  • This Kim lady clearly happened to come across this photo, and jumped at the chance to call it a civil rights violation and get a bunch of money. You know that she probably doesn’t really care THAT much. However, i suppose she is making a good stance against racism that still occurs today…

  • umm what about the others in the photo making the SAME face as her? that’s ridiculous. i can understand racism and i definitely am not a miley fan, but really? harmless.

  • Yeah, um, sorry to burst her bubble, and I don’t know what dumb fuck lawyer took and filed this lawsuit, speaking as a lawyer who isn’t a dumbass and did pass constitutional law, Miley Cirus can’t violate anyone’s civil rights or be “liable” for racism. She’s not the government, she’s not the state — she’s a PRIVATE PARTY. She’s just as entitled to free speech and/or free “actions” as the next person. Including making fun of people with slanted eyes! Jesus christ! Unless there’s some wierd ass statute out there that I’m not aware of…It’s shit like this that gives lawyers a bad name.

  • Listen.

    Anyone dumb enough to believe that this was filed due to stupidity obviously does not know much about the way of the world.

    It’s for ATTENTION. Get it? It’s to bring light to the plight of Asian Pacific Islander Americans in the US. If this had been a slight against African Americans, the NAACP would be all over it calling for reparations (rightfully so) and everyone would stand behind it. Have you forgotten that racism can happen to anyone of any color and it is NOT acceptable?

    Would you be more ok if the number was lower? Because I feel like, to be honest, I’m definitely worth more than $4000 (which is about how much they’re estimating per Asian person in LA County) So think of it like that.

    Obviously she is not a governmental entity but you know, sometimes, a large statement must be made to showcase the idiocy of racism altogether.

    Justice Frank Murphy said it best in his famous dissent for Korematsu v. United States , which by the way, has yet to be overturned completely.

    I dissent, therefore, from this legalization of racism. Racial discrimination in any form and in any degree has no justifiable part whatever in our democratic way of life. It is unattractive in any setting, but it is utterly revolting among a free people who have embraced the principles set forth in the Constitution of the United States. All residents of this nation are kin in some way by blood or culture to a foreign land. Yet they are primarily and necessarily a part of the new and distinct civilization of the United States

    • Exactly how do you put a monetary value on a perceived slight? And by the way, if you did not notice, most Asians have slanted eyes. If you are Asian and somehow embarrassed by that fact then you’ve got a major problem.

  • Oh, and I’d like to note that the likelihood of a judge even hearing this case is slim. And if one does, it’s doubtful the settlement will be that large. But only time will tell. The courts have done some wacky things before.

    I mean, suing McDonald’s for hot coffee? And winning?

    Oh tort law, what have you turned into!?

    At least this is a civil rights issue and not something ridiculous like coffee being *GASP* HOT.

  • You know, I think Miley Cyrus sucks ass! Though, this is fucking stupid. Everyone in the entire world has done the “Chinese Eye” thing for a photo opp. Get over it you sissy ass liberal fucksticks! This is yet another reason the ACLU should be abolished from the face of the earth. Get a grip people

  • Does this mean I can sue Robert Downey Jr. for portraying a white man pretending to be a black man or as he said it “the dude playing the dude disguised as another dude”?
    This is shit. She shouldn’t get a cent.

  • Dude, the guy on the far right(with a glass of WHAT in his hand, exactly?) is pretty hot. reminds me of a less good looking Page.

  • Even if there is an asian in that picture, there is no need to make those eyes , because most asians’ eyes are not like that. And some people don’t think that as a “goofy” face.

  • Miley has done really stupid things in her life. Besides her great reputation as a singer and an actress, she has dated alot of guys (And justin gaston was 22 when they dated) And that Vanity Fair photoshoot what so unreasonable. This situation means she crossed a line, a long one. I’m not trying to be rude to her but it goes without saying, she went to far to mess up her life after only 16 years.

    P.S. I do think Lucie went to far though.

  • I do feel sorry for miley because she has worked hard. But if she wanted to have fun she shouldnt have had offensive fun.In some ways she is wrong and the attorney is wrong. But in my opinion I definetly think we have seen the ‘Other side of her’ No offense meant honest, I still like her songs.