Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Joaquin Phoenix Confirms He’s Laughable Despite What His Knuckles Say.


A few weekends ago, after this performance, the media and blogs started reporting that Joaquin Phoenix’s transition from acting to music was some sort of Andy Kaufman-like hoax.  I didn’t write about it because I knew it was his PR team doing spin.  You just know there were closed door conversations that sounded like “He’s so bad-we have to tell everyone it was a joke we were doing for a documentary.”

Phoenix now confirms that he’s just really, really bad.  I, for one, am glad he’s talking to People and setting the record straight.

“There’s not a hoax,” Phoenix tells the Associated Press of doubts about his sudden conversation (sic) from movie star to hip-hop artist. “Might I be ridiculous? Might my career in music be laughable? Yeah, that’s possible, but that’s certainly not my intention.”

Questions about his intentions surfaced after the newly bearded Phoenix, 34, took the stage in Las Vegas on Jan. 16 in an ill-fated debut of his new career. A video of his performance shows him falling off the stage, though he says it looks worse than it was.

“I had a lot of dudes come up and say, `We really respect you for doing it, putting yourself out there, and going with it,'” he tells AP. “Because I think true hip-hop heads know that it’s hard, it’s going to be a hard transition, and people are going to be lining up just to make fun of me.”

How the hell does being an unintelligible pogo stick that eventually launches ones self off of a stage “look worse than it was”?  Might he be ridiculous?  Oh, it’s a given.  And the dudes who are telling him to “go with it” are gossip bloggers that need new material.  Isn’t that painfully obvious?

Unless this interview is part of the hoax.  Ugh.

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