Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Remember When You Used To Celebrate A Touchdown By Chest Bumping and Ball Spiking?

Superbowl viewers in Tuscon got more than they bargained for last night.  With 2:48 left in the game, Comcast went a little nuts with the end zone celebrations.  And when I say “nuts”, I mean nuts in the most literal sense.

I mean, yeah, it was exciting that Arizona took the lead but wasn’t that enough?  Did Tusconians need porn too?

Click here for the totally NSFW or children, dick waving, so much more than a wardrobe malfunction video that Comcast customers in Tuscon were treated to in lieu of post touchdown commentary.  You’ll have to scroll down a bit to see the video.

24 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I don’t even understand what that was, it was like someone spliced that clip into the game for no reason at all

  • Oh my fucking god!!

    How the fuck did that happen?

    Those poor people who had to explain that shit to their kids…oh and the nannas watching probably had a heart attack.

    I bet Janet Jackson is stoked…finally people will stop talking about her nipple

  • That was bizarre… does this mean we’ll have to suffer thru another safe halftime performer next year also? Bruce was ok, but can we please have someone that is not old enough to be my dad to perform? It’s what the 7 second delay is made for, and Pay to Perform Clauses; if they fuck up on stage, they don’t get paid and get sued… Work it out! I heard they are talking Elton John or Billy Joel; just say no.

    • Yes! Thank you! I noticed the same thing. Halftime was lame-o. I want a sexy, controversial entertainer. That’s what keeps me watching…the chance of seeing someone forget thier lines in a drug induced stupor, fall on stage, or do something inappropriate like cuss or strip.

      I’m thinking Amy Winehouse or Rosie O’Donnel.

    • You’re lacking some logic. The porn had absolutely nothing to do with the halftime performer.
      Additionally, people like Bruce (and Elton or Billy) bring in plenty of money. He’s profitable for them, and loved the world over. Why wouldn’t they continue to pick acts like this? Because you have an issue with their age? Obviously they didn’t get what they wanted out of acts like Britney or Justin, and Janet is old enough to be your mom if Bruce is old enough to be your dad.
      Just sayin’.

      • so I have a hidden Oedipus Complex with the “slim Janet”… But I was exaggerating on the age thing with Bruce… but come on; give me something current; hell, I”ll take Taylor Swift over someone that’s gonna recycle 20 year old hits. The commercials cost $3mil a piece, they don’t need Bruce to bring in $$.

  • Let me just say I’m *very* disappointed that no one here has made the obvious joke about this happening to, wait for it……Cox customers.

    Come on, people.

    Cox customers.

    Over to you for the next round. I’ll be sitting here shaking nervously as I sip coffee with fat-free creamer and gag down plain oatmeal. Please. I need this. Do it for your old friend ‘verbs.

    • I don’t wanna wreck your breakfast (or probably now, more likely lunch), but it was Comcast, not Cox.

      Sorry for the bad news :(

      • But it was Cox’s fault per the carrier agreement, no?

        *Corporate Affairs Manager with Comcast, Kelle Maslyn, said, “We are investigating the cause, and working with engineers at Cox Communications to find out why this happened.”

        While Cox Communications spokesman Michael Dunne said, “As far as we can determine, there has been no inappropriate material shown to Cox customers.”*

        And shh, please don’t tell anyone else I actually checked back to this here thread looking for bad puns. Haha.

  • Wtf! The video wont play! I even downloaded the latest version of Quicktime and it still wont play!!! I wanna seeee

  • tuCSon! ARGH! C before S, people.

    Beet, I thought the people you were hiring had to have “impeccable grammar?”

    Wendie and Soleil both make my eyes bleed.

  • Oh, and I’m in Tucson. TUCSON. But I get Cox (heh) and not Comcast so I didn’t get to see the good stuff. But my parents did!!

  • LOL, my aunt lives in Tucson and had it on her Facebook status pretty damn quick… she’s one of the unfortunate Comcasters. Here’s the local article: I’m sorry, it made me chuckle the way they wrote: “Callers said that the clip showed a woman unzipping a man’s pants, followed by a graphic act between the two.”