Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Listen, Miley Cyrus Is Not Making Fun of Asian People in This Photograph


I am pretty sure everyone here is just doing their best Cate Blanchett impression.

Except for the Asian guy. He just hopes you have cocaine.

227 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Most people are not fit to lick Cates boots.
    You should be so lucky.

    On Topic: Im tired of this little cunty cunt Miley and the rest of these junior douche bags. Most people at least reach the age of 20 before all of America wishes to punch them in the cooter bone and yell for them to STFU and stop taking naked pictures.
    This here twatt waffle is an over achiever. 16 and retarded as hell and grown adults are screaming for this bitch to GET OFF THEIR LAWNS!

      • I don’t know. 5th grade grammar never hurt anyone. I admit that’s it is annoying to point out, but simple mistakes like that drive me insane.

      • Lisa, do you really think it endears you or makes others think more highly of you when you correct grammar on a gossip blog? Really, I hate poor grammar too but I know that posters on here come from all backgrounds. If you want to mark up comments, start your own grammar blog.

      • THANK YOU ERIN.. plus “I admit that’s it is annoying..” has an extra apostrophe, thatLisa.. you might want to hit the spellcheck button yourself sometime

      • In that case, you forgot to capitalize the first letter in your sentence and also did not end it with any punctuation.

      • (Sorry for the repeat. Forgot to login)
        In that case, you did not capitalize the first letter of your sentence. Also, you did not end with any type of punctuation.

    • shut up. i thinkkkk they’re all trying to be ass-chickens. oh wait, they are. not to mention everyone looks blown out of their fucking brains in this pic, particularly cunty cyrus.

  • Gosh she is probably one of the ugliest things i’ve ever seen. And is the guy who’s lap she’s sitting on her boyfriend Justin? Cause he is also REALLY starting to annoy me. I mean does he have to wear that f*ckn gay shirt ALL THE TIME? I bet you could open his closet and find it’s only contents are those stupid shirts.

  • Miley Cyrus is a fucking idiot. I’m sure her defence would be that she is earning more than I ever will, and that she is the one world renowed.

    But it is for these reasons that she should think before she does the stupid things she does on camera.

  • what the fuck. all this progress about black president and how racism is bad. you say one bad thing about a black person and you’re screwed. make fun of an asian, and people think you’re hilarious. i’m tired of racism being black and white–it spans the whole spectrum!

    • what are you babbling about? No one so far has said that they think this is funny. only one person sort of defended it. Most have been quite taken aback by it.


    • i’m with you diana. racism is vulgar and offensive no matter what race. except for indians. as vice president joe biden once demonstrated, they’re all fair game!

  • god, what an ugly bitch. i seriously cannot stand the girl. she is ignorant and obviously racist white trash. her ugly face bothers me every time i see her! she seriously needs to go back to tennessee, crawl in a hole, and leave me alone.

  • Um. Chill, people. I’m pretty sure they’re ALL making fun of asians while the asian finally gets to have the biggest eyes in a group photograph. Trust me, I’m Asian. My friends and I have done this kind of thing before and we find it amusing as hell. Get over it.

    • you know, after I read this, I agree with you. The picture might seem really off to us, but we weren’t there when they took it. They were probably just kidding around with their friend. It’d be a whole different story if there wasn’t an Asian person present, but alas, that is not the case here.

      Good call.

      • Yeah, but even if they were kidding around, the public doesn’t know that, and they’re going to base their opinions off of the picture itself. I don’t necessarily think that Cyrus (however much I despise her) was intending any harm, but I do think she looks like an ugly chipmunk in the pic :)

  • which one’s miley? :P
    as an asian,
    i put up with that eye thing every day.
    as well as the ching chong thing. :P
    you just have to laugh it off,
    or sometimes,
    i like pretending i’m a chinese immigrant when we have substitutes. :D
    i do a chinese accent and repeatedly say “communism good!” :D
    its hilarious to watch their reactions! :)

    • my best friend says my emoticon smiley isnt this- :)
      its this- >-<
      my eyes crinkle all slitty. :D

      • You are only making it easier for people to make fun of Asians and making them a lower common denominator. Your ancestors that came to America before you were mistreated with hate and disgust. Your are living up to racist’s expectations. Wake up. This goes for any race or ethnicity.

      • dude, josie!
        i came to america when i was six.
        my ancestors lived on korea. :D
        and there’s nothing wrong with being able to laugh at yourself.
        i bet you’re an uptight honky person
        who blames everything on everyone else
        and believe that you have no faults.

  • Ah, flipping hilarious line, “Except for the Asian guy. He just hopes you have cocaine.”

  • I dislike her for SO many obvious reasons but one of them is that she tries way too fucking hard. Like why does she feel the need to always hang out with people so much older than her? Act your age, stupid brat.

  • Cate Blanchett and Miley Cyrus in the same article? Is the world about to end? Fuck you Miley Cyrus.

  • omg they look high as fuck. so wasted- shame on you miley, that’s the kinda shit you do in college. um, well, i forgot you won’t make it into one, yikes! let the baking continue…

  • I’m really sad that no one pointed out how funny my Cate Blanchett bit was. I thought that was a real zinger.

  • I love Cate Blanchett and think that she is probably the best actress alive right now. Miley on the other hand is an overexposed idiot.

  • I thought the Cate Blanchett bit was funny.
    Too late to make you feel better, but it’s the thought that counts…

  • I hate this little snot for all kinds of reasons having nothing to do with this unfortunate picture. This is just the icing on the cake. Can’t wait to see the True Hollywood Story on her when she becomes a crack whore.

  • they all look high as fuck.

    i mean do people walk around with beaver teeth
    and pretend their miley?!!
    i kind of think its rude to do that. but that asian guy looks high-larious

  • Ok i dont like Milye, hannah or what ever her name is but you cant hate the girl for something that we all do to joke around….. just because she’s a famous artist, she’s just having fun with her friends….. although i have to say shes in the public eye and she needs to be careful with what she does.

  • but yaah, i do totallly agree thatt miley cyrus is going to turnn intoo a totaal brittney spearrs. i remember, two yeaars ago i said, ‘look at miley! she reminds me of a youung brittneey spears ! & that`s probaably exacttly howw she`s goinng to turn ouut, too;’ i said this beffoore brittney madee a commebackk, of courseee(=. & its not likke anybody really looooks upp to herr annymorre. thee daay has finnally commee ! :D

  • I unfortunately worked at a Walmart in the Toy section last year, and all I saw was her face. And let me tell you, it’s not any cuter when she does that then it was back then. I’m quite sick of her :)

  • are u fuckin serious! why is the asian guy the only one not fuckin doing it? ITS CAUSE THERE MAKING FUN OF ASIANS!!!
    Miley needs to stop sucking her dads dick and grow up.
    shes the uglyest cunt face i’v ever seen

  • she reall needs to stop.
    i think she is just a dumb ass twat who needs to
    stop being stpid and slutty! i completly agree with

  • ummm fira, get your facts straight no matter who you
    are you should notbe making fun of asians.
    okay. and its really bad of her. i HATE her.

  • Is she drugged?
    And I just love how she goes and fucks shit up for herself. About time to get off the screen sweety!

  • omg ppl stop hating on me..well no offence thts how asian ppl look.
    jkzzz i kid i joke..
    and who ever wants a piece of me at 888*********

  • Miley is Awesom! i dont know y so many ppl have a problem with her!?! what did she ever do to u? its not her fault that ppl r always taking pictures of her! she is stalked by the paparazzi! (if thats how u spell it) everone has done it at one point in their life. if u can honestly say u never did that, u have no friends and no life! besides, y would she be making fun of asians if she has one as a friend! u ppl r so dumbb. get a life of your own and stop ruining other ppls!!!

  • oh my gosh. just because she did that does not mean she’s racist! She’s just making a face. I got my family to come look at it and even my mom said people are making a huge deal out a silly picture. It doens’t mean she’s racist. stop picking apart every little thing she does and make it into something HUGE when you’ve obviously done it yourself. hypocrits

  • this traditional “asian face” that american media created, is it really what average asians look like? i know many koreans and mongolians have thin sharp eyes without surgery or makeup…but majority of asians i met in nyc had not big but pretty round shaped eyes unlike margaret chow or sandra oh.

  • i think this girls needs to smarten up i mean honestly?
    i dont think she is reacist towards asians though considering she is hanging out with one? but i do think she needs to learn some maturity there and stop doing stupid things.

  • man ppl miley is soooooo racist her fans that were asian probaly did not like it so what im trying to say is she is does not care bout her life what a dumb ass

  • yeahhh..shes not making fun of them alrite.She has an image to keep up for little kids, and if she didn’t want that responsibility she shud have never started in the business.dumbass girl, wow.And shes sitting on her boyfriends lap..umm? ok? yeahhh..

  • yeahhh..shes not making fun of them alrite.She has an image to keep up for little kids, and if she didn’t want that responsibility she shud have never started in the business.dumbass girl, wow.And shes sitting on her boyfriends lap..umm? ok? yeahhh..

  • yeahhh..shes not making fun of them alrite.She has an image to keep up for little kids, and if she didn’t want that responsibility she shud have never started in the business.dumbass girl, wow.And shes sitting on her boyfriends lap..umm? ok? yeahhh..

  • I cannot believe people are making a big deal out of this. Our economy is shot to hell and people are squabbling over a silly picture Miley is in with some friends. HELLO … there is another guy in the pic slanting his eyes. In fact most of them look that way and there is an Asian guy in the pic!!

    • How could we NOT make a big deal out of this?! Uhm hello did you notice how the ASIAN guy in the front isn’t “making a GOOFY FACE” ?! Did you ever stop to recongnize that?! Our economy has nothing to do w/ this. Our economy of little kids maybe. They mite look up to this bitch;; & think it’s alrite to do something so mean,cruel,& harsh. People tell us Miley haters “were harsh” & we have no rite to hate her b/c “we don’t know her”…well she’s being MEAN CRUEL & HARSH about asian people. & SHE DOESN’T KNOW THEM!! So why does your slut of a rolemodel not get any hatemail for this?! & yes there is a asian guy in the pic…but NOTICEE he isn’t “MAKING A GOOFY FACE”! SHE WAS MAKING FUN OF ASIANS! WEITHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!

      • for all the people who say the asian guy isnt making a funny face, HELLO he dosent need to make a funny face! his eyes r already slanted. ppl do this kind of stuff its jus a joke iim sure some of u joked around like this. damb u people r anoying face the facts..but they do all look STONED as fuk..i would hate to see wat people would do if she made a sextape!!

      • The point is, shes rude to make fun of others. whatever the race, its wrong. even as a joke. how would you like it if someone made fun of your looks and posted it onto the internet to be spread like wildfire?

  • Come on people, this is rediculous. I agree with Anita, the economy is the worst that it’s EVER been, and all of you are worrying about Miley making herself have slanted eyes? There seems to be an Asian man in the picture, and I think Miley’s smart enough that if she was going to make fun of them, it would be somewhere where the Asian man wasn’t.

    • But NOTICE this asian guy isn’t “making a goofy face” ?! You people are retared! Let your fucking kids look up to this bitch. But I know whenever I get old enough to have kids I’m not letting them look up to her! I know better. Who gives a shit about the damn economy?! Okay the stupid ass ecnonmy has nothing to do w/ this!!

  • yup the whole lot of them are and the asian dude?? who knows maybe he didnt care maybe it doesnt matter maybe she should stop putting her pics out there they seem to matter to people lol peace

  • Of course this loser is going to defend Miley the young slut. The author is a hack for the entertainment industry just like CNBC is a hack for Wall Street. Let me spell it out for you idiots…..advertisement revenues and you don’t bite the hand that feeds you. This is just another example of why it’s dangerous to make idiots with no real accomplishments into role models. Michael Phelps is another example. Why can’t the media make real achievers into role models….like scientists. I’ll tell you why. Because they are dumbing you fools down so you won’t realize how bad America has become. They want to distract you with trivial BS from the likes of Britney and Paris so you won’t realize how US living standards continue to decline. Wake up idiots!!

  • what does the economy have to do with racism? so we can’t talk about any other issue because of the economy?
    Are you all for real?
    The photo is a bunch of crap! If Miley was making fun of any other racial group there would be a problem.
    Cause you know the girl would NOT make fun of Black people – she’d get tore up!

  • you miley worshippers know that shes makin fun of aisans dont try to defend her.
    I saw somethin related to this on youtube and i had to see if it was true and unfortunately it is so dont try to defend her.

  • Mmkay people…what does the damn ecnonmy have do to w/ racism?! It doesn’t make any sense. You guys are just standing up for Miley b/c she’s your rolemodel. What do you idiots do let your little kids see her slutty pictures where she’s in her underwear & say “look awl how cute! She’s got mickey mouse underwear.” What losers! She is to making fun of asians. If she was not… why would the asian guy in the front not be making the “goofy face” ?! Hmm?!

  • i think she needs to grow up she needs to stop with all these pics first i forgave her about the naughty ppicz but then the second and the third and it keeps going she needs to relize there is some little girls loking up to her and doing this isnt going to get her far some asians might take this the wrong way so it is a bigg deal SCREW YOU MILEY YOU FANS NEED TO GET OVER HER SHE OBVIOUSLY DONT CAREE ABOUT HER FANS IF SHE KEEPS DOING THESE THINGS

  • I find this pic to be very offensive! and to those of you who think its not a big deal, well maybe because ur not asian. FYI!! Ur just as ignorant as she is, if you think this is a freakin funny face!

  • 1) To even have the mind set of segragation even as little as making a gesture is no different than freaking nazis making Jewish people wear the star of david on their chest.

    2) Again, why has Disney not revoked her fame yet? Seriously…there should be like a three strike policy and you’re out. Clearly she’s surpassed that limit by a good amount.

  • Honestly if they were just making “silly faces” why are they ALL JUST doing slanty eyes?
    but then again there is an asain in the photo so they were prob playin around making fun of their friend! lol.
    so really i doubt its something to sue for.
    but she def needs to be more careful.

  • Ok seriously as a mother of an ASIAN child, and someone who really canat stand myley this is just a picture taken with friends, you mean to tell me that you have never ever in your life made fun of someone of another race? or another person for that matter. they were probley all just joking around with each other, i know me and my friends (who pretty much come from all diffrent backgrounds make fun of each others race constantly “im black so i must like watermellon and koolaid, my fiance’s asian so he eats rice and looks like he’s sleeping, my friends white so she can get away with anything” it means nothing and this is why if you werent there when this picture was being taken you cant say wether or not she did this with ill intent

    • If you’re in the public eye, you have to have better sense than to act like this when there are cameras around. This is why decent, caring parents don’t shove their kids into show business. And honestly, I don’t care if she’s racist or not as long as she goes away. Everything about her is repulsive and it’s a crime that teen and pre-teen girls think this girl is a role model and parents actually encourage it.

  • wth yes she freakin is!
    that ugly B****
    who the hell does she think she is?!
    that is not right
    ugh! our freakin eyes do not look like that!
    man she is so hideous!

  • are u fuckin kidding me?? shes sitting on her bf’s lap an ppl get mad at that? wtf do u expect. thats her fucking bf. she could do watever the fuck she wants with him/

  • Ohmygosh you guys shes shes sitting by an asian guy so apperently she has NO problem with Asians.
    And its not like shes the only one whos done that befor.
    Kids all over the world are squinting there eyes and saying “look i am asian” Who cares….
    Mileys done alot of WORST stuff then this.
    Give her a BREAK.
    It’s not like she actually ment it.

  • Miley didnt sign up to be a role model for lil kids, and to have them look up to her. She signed contracts for acting and singing. Shes just stupid and needs to grow up.

  • okay minus the Asian guy in the front they all are making fun of Asians, or at least in my opinion they are. They guy in the orange/red shirt is doing a “typical Asian pose” If you look at a lot of Asian women they do that pose in post of their pictures. So if they’re going to blame Miley they should blame all of them, because they all are making fun of Asians. Plus all these people look way to old for her to be hanging out with look at the white guy in the corner, he has a glass of wine… she shouldn’t be around that type of stuff at her age.

  • dude she was totally making fun of Asians. and i am offended because im Asian. my parents think shes stupid and could loose her “job” for this and i sorta hope she does. and my eyes are not slanted thank you very much.

  • uh i am not a fan of milley but she is not the only one playing with her eyes so every one in that picture should be sued to then

  • I actually hate miley cryus but i will say shes not exactly making fun of asians. I mean yes if she knew this picture would hit public she shoudln’t have done that knowing what it could cause but she is among friends and alot of people i know have done this. Just my little thought.

  • okkkk that is not even milley are you guys fucking retarted wow you must be cuz that is not here fuck you guys you guys are fucking losers how have to much time on your handes to dis and a 15 year old how low can you fucking get and ya i no i’m writing this but i don’t have to much time b/c i have a life and yes i’m 15 so fuck yourself and leave the fucking girl alone fuckkkkkkkkkkkk yooooooouuuuuuuuuuuu guuuuuuuuuuuyyyyyyyyyyyyysssssss are fuckiung duummbbbbbb

  • okkkk that is not even milley are you guys fucking retarted wow you must be cuz that is not here fuck you guys you guys are fucking losers how have to much time on your handes to dis and a 15 year old how low can you fucking get and ya i no i’m writing this but i don’t have to much time b/c i have a life and yes i’m 15 so fuck yourself and leave the fucking girl alone fuckkkkkkkkkkkk yooooooouuuuuuuuuuuu guuuuuuuuuuuyyyyyyyyyyyyysssssss are fuckiung duummbbbbbb


  • I am 8 years old and I was looking for stuff about her. When I saw this well I think she was just makin a funny face and can you olde people stop saying naughty words please I don’t like them.Any ways sometimes my friends make fun of me because I have really dark skin and they call me blackie mack jackie.CAN YOU PEOPLE PLEASE LEAVE HER ALONE.What if you made those faces would you want people to acuse you of that if you knew it wasn’t true?Think about it and all of you who say naughty words you should know GODIS WATCHING YOU.

  • k i think the asian guy is making fun of white people ahahah like look at his eyes…they are wide open!!!!! lol and who cares the she is squinting her eyes…man who ever thinks she is making fuin of asians…grow up cuz im sure almost everyone has made fun of another race, and did you get in trouble or sue? nope so shut up and get a life man hahha kayla i totally agree with you, i bet that is not even miley :P ya and peopl who are all concerned about her making fun of asians and who are all offened like grow up and get a life, cuz asains make fun of white people all the time like my asian friend saw the pic and she laughed, like she makes fun of her own eyes, cuz she says there are so asian but ya

  • Okay, first she makes fun of selena gomez and demi lovato,
    and now she is making fun of asians.
    See the pattern?
    Shes probably go make fun of anime or sumthing else, later.
    dat gurl needs ta get a life and stop making fun of ppl around her…

    SASUKE UCHIHA HAS SPOKEN! [srry, just had ta do dat XP]

  • well diz dum bitch wana come here n take dez picz like itz alrite u dumazz i hope ur readin diz 2 ur cracker azz tryin 2 make fun of ppl!!!!!!!!!!!n u 2 rachel idk y da fuck u wana defend diz cracker da only 1 here who needz 2 get a lyfe iz u 4 likin dat hoe!o yea n miley cyrus stop stuffin yo bra cuz every1 notices(da truth had 2 come out some time soon)n let me ask u diz rachel how da fuck u knw she aint miley cyrus unless u on dat stuff

  • ok let me just put diz out der y iz u ppl talkin about the fuckin economy wen the fuckin issue here iz her makin fun of asianz?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? iz u guyz retarted or sumetin

  • ok herz a good text i juzt got:90% of teenz wuld have breakdown if myley cyrus wuz standin on the edge of a 20 story buildin fwd diz if ud me da 10% yellin jump biTcH.N herez another:miley cyrus iz a skanky slutty WANNABE whore if u tink diz iz true keep diz goin.o yea i alwyz wanted 2 sey diz 2 u miley cyrus if ur readin: y da fuck do u wear da wig juzt dye ur fuckin hair but w.e u shud keep it like dat den if ur fanz get smart deyll notice how fake u r =)

  • i think its rediculas the fuss people are making out of this its perfetic i bet evry 1 has done it in sum point of their lives so wats the big deal n she not a slutty skanky watever your just perfitic allof you

  • she was totally making fun of asians! and our eyes do not look like that! i totally agree with you, Susuke Uchiha. miley has issues!

  • most asians do not look like that miley!i used to like u miley!now i feel why did i ever like u!if u r going to be so racsist o wait im sorry u r!

  • I am not asian, but I still think what Miley did was wrong. She really needs to grow up a little and start thinking. Whether Miley fans like it or not, it was racist. It was mean and pathetic.
    For all the people that have big eyes, imagine Miley Cyrus && her group of friends pull their eye lids up to make fun of you for having big eyes. It’s just the same of her making fun of asians eyes. There’s no difference. I’m not gonna say she’s a bad person, but what she did was very mean, and she should apologize. And that Justin boy is not a very good influence on Miley. She’s sitting on his lap and he’s an underwear model and he’s 21!!?? Her parents are CRAZY.

  • She needs to grow up. if you all notice she seems a lot younger than all of her friends. her boyfriend is several years older than her. wouldnt surprise me if she gets knocked up. Asians do get offended by that gesture and not all Asians’ eyes are slanted. and the article.. about the Asian guy, not all Asians do drugs.
    About miley’s career, i think she is falling apart. and i think most of you have all seen her photos from her phone posing in a wet tee and her bra.. miley and her friends are pretty much idiots. if they wanted the world to stay out of their business they should straighten up. and kept their goofy pictures off the web.
    if she think she didn’t do anything wrong, she shouldn’t have apologize.
    hmm.. making fun of Americans.. so many possibilities.

  • I never liked her, but I did like one of her song. Id ont think she’s making fun of Asians, I think an Asian guy was the camera guy and told them to all look Asian. lol I dont think it’s a goofey face but i think she looks goofey. Either way. if she was really racist why is she hanging with an Asian dude? ANyways I saw her performance on mtv she’s okay but i just never liked her.

  • wow…. people are ridiculous… calling a girl a slut because she is sitting on a guys lap, at the same time you are probably doing alot worse than that… are YOU a slut? and she is a bad person because she and her friends take silly pictures. lets go to your myspace and show your mom that picture you have on there where your standin in front of the mirror showin as much of your developing boobies as you can without being reported. people are pathetic. just because she i famous she is a slut. your not famous so no one knows your a slut. but really we all know… ha

  • Hey E’Naiyh yep she did said she don’t like black people! She totally hate ’em & like wanna burn ’em more up! So yea, I feel bad if yer one of them. If you are, then Miley’s a pest! =/

    • Miley never said that. One time a black girl went swimmin with her and she let her borrow one of hers, because she didn’t bring hers. GIVE MILEY A CHANCE!

    • That’s just screwed up shit. How would you have ANY idea that she said that?
      Grow up, and stop trying to act like you know celebrities. Of course, I don’t know if she’s ever said that she doesn’t like black people, but I’m not going around gossip sites spreading rumors. Alright, get a life.

  • First of all, to all the people getting mad at each other for having opinions: OHMYGOSH I READ SOMETHING ON DA INTERWEBZ THAT OFFENDED ME!!! *Must respond using z’s instead of s’*

    If you’re gonna offend one another then at least make it legible.

    Hey, remember when you guys were 16? Probably not, because most of you are probably not even that old if you’re gonna be all offended over a 16-YEAR OLD GIRL’S actions. Capitalized for effect.

    16 yr. olds are more responsible for their actions, true, but it’s not like they’re not underage either. If you say that you never did anything like this when you were 16, 17, or even 18 then you are either lying or the most boring person on the planet. In which case, you don’t have a life, so you don’t have an opinion.

  • ohh yeah and what about the other people in the picture who appear to be older than Miley they are being just as *rascist* as her. why aren’t they being sued by the asian people? Why is all the blame being thrown on top of 16 year old Mileys shoulders instead of the older people in the pic? Is it because she has money and they don’t? And if it offended the asian dude then why didn’t he say something to them before the pic was taken? If every single Asian person is offended then why hasn’t he come out and demanded an apology from Miley Cyrus? He was the one in the pic so he should have been the one that was the most offended.

  • wow…you people are as ignorant as they come. Just making “goofy faces?” Then why are all of the expressions squinty eyes? Seems the racist theme is pretty consistant to me. Oh, and one guy with a peace sign ( stereotypical asian thing to do in a picture)

    Miley needs to be held accountable for her actions since so many young people look up to her. It’s disgraceful and extremely rude what she did. She is a spoliled brat and probably a slut, based on the fact that is sitting on the lap of her 20 year old boyfriend. It’s too bad her parents let her do whatever she wants because she’s successful

    • You’re ignorant just for that comment; she’s a slut for sitting on her boyfriends lap?

      and saying that a peace sign is “stereotypical Asian thing to do in a picture” ? are you racist too?

    • Dude get a life nd stop pretending like uv nevr sed or done anythn slightly racist nd if thnk nd say u havnt dis is as racist as dey come
      “one guy with a peace sign ( stereotypical asian thing to do in a picture) ”
      dude i dont evn like miley cyrus but i do kno shes 16 nd shes jst having fun wit her friends
      yea shes a role model but i rili dont c anythn wrong wit it

  • i cannot actually believe those people saying that it’s not wrong to take silly pictures. Of course that’s not a problem..but to have miley cyrus and group of her friends use their fingers to slant their eyes, and then say that they are not making fun of ridiculous!
    if you want to take a silly picture..stick out your tounge, not make yourself have slanted eyes. and for this girl to be a role model for young children, she shouldn’t be sitting on the lap of her boyfriend who looks way too old for her! she’s only what? sixteen now?
    i’m asian, and there is no way i’m taking this photo as a “silly” picture. There is no way that this was taken in a way to make fun of asians. it doesn’t matter that there is another asain dude in the picture, it’s rude and by far, a disgrace.

    • Ok, first of all, all of us at some point has pulled our eyes slanted maybe not to always take a picture but does that mean we’re all racist against asians? NO! If she hates asians so bad then why the hell is she hanging out let alone taking a picture with a person of asian descent? They we’re probably all high or drunk just take a look at their red eyes! LOL! N E ways Miley is not a slut for sitting on his lap. She is young who wasn’t boy crazy or ready to do silly shit with a group of friends at 16? Good question, now answer it! I’m not asian nor white but if they had taken a picture with backwards hats, throwing up gang signs would we say they were making fun of blacks? Comedians of all races make fun of other races but do we make a big deal? No so leave poor little Miley Cyrus alone. If u don’t want to listen to her music or watch her t.v. show…..then don’t! She still is making money regardless so maybe we all should worry about bigger issues like our own business! Besides she apologized!

    • yes, if u r going to make a goofy face, put ur fingers in the sides of ur mouth, strech it and stick out ur toung. u dont slant ur eyes to make a goofy face. personally she is not a slut 4 sitting on her bf’s lap. but its ridiculous she gets away with everything just cause she’s famous. but i also think we should all focus on her career instead of her personal life.

  • what more that she’s trying to talk shit about britney spears being on top of her game, so that’s why the media is getting at her. She should not even start any drama with britney but worry about herself. All these celebrities need their own individual help. Miley is stupid. i am officially totally offended. I’m not listening to anymore of her music, or watching her show. I use to be a fan of her show, but she screwed up! BIGG TIME!

    • Ok LOL, yeah we’re all laughing out loud about this shit…………NO! Why does she have to be stupid? Miley if we have not all forgotten is still a child or teenager what have u! They make mistakes. Brittney on the other hand was grown as fuck and shaved her whole damn head cause she was mad about Kevin! Everyone talked shit about Brittney so are we all stupid?

    • Leave her alone, children and teenagers make stupid mistakes that is how they learn and grow into wiser adults!

  • miley is a fucken bigo fake. dumb *rascist* bitch im gonna cap her ass. the bitch is mine. dumb bitch. i swear people this days are fucken dumb. what has this world go too. i hate rascit. don’t like it and people should have respect for one another and not be all haten other. she jealous because she’s not asian. i hate miley i never liked her in the 1st place. so yeaa MILEY IS A BIIITCCCHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHa

    • Yup you just blew all that smoke yet Miley is still rich and successful! I don’t like racist people but i highly doubt that is the message her and her friends were trying to send. They were all obvisiouly high and drunk and having a silly intoxicated moment! She’s a kid for pete’s sake! Leave her alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      • She is not a kid any more she is 16 and she has choose to be famous so that comes with responsibility. She is a role model!!

  • I don’t understand why she’s so famous. Shes not all that talented in the first place, and she is an extremely poor role model to those kids who look up to her and idolize her. She has made so many mistakes and so often for a celebrity and she doesn’t even learn from her mistakes. Disney stars like her shouldn’t be this way. How is she still allowed to continue her career like this?
    And even this isn’t a racist thing to do(the picture above), what about the time when she took overexposing photos of herself? She clearly hasn’t learnt her lesson about taking offensive pictures. Instead of being careful and trying not to screw up her career even more, she continues to wreck it. She thinks its funny.
    Anyway, the picture is definitely rude. How would she like it if others did that to her? Make fun of her looks? It just shows that she doesn’t care about others feelings and she’s an irresponsible person. Shes not some young girl anymore, shes 16. She should be able to think about the consequences of her actions.

  • milley i think yuor cool but just keep doing what your doing exsept acting like a sssssslllllluuuuuutttttt



  • Um, rubbing her eyes? I dont think so. Why would she wub her eyes with two hands, and on the sides? Also, why would she be in the picture with a bunch of ppl who are doing the same thing?

    • obviously the asian guy in the pic doesnt find her racist so leave her alone and worry about serious shit like world poverty, war and real racist people who actually harms others like trying to kill them because of the color of their skin!

  • I’m asian and I dont like her either… I’m not that sentimental person but that’s obivous they are making fun of the asian… Miley hate asians? Lol I dont care but in this picture the asian guy probably asked her for a picture with her friends and/or his friends and the first thing they did went to pull your eyes and do an idiot face…

    I know when people are makin fun of me, and thats the case. Am I Offended? Of course not, she’s just another racist kid*. Role model for childreen? For white racists may be.

  • I think Miley Cyrus is brillaint! Yeah it might of been racist but she’s apoligised! She was probably drunk or something! Everyone does something they regret! It’s even worse if you’re drink you do stuff you’d never do! I think you should all back off! She’s a good kid and she does stupid stuff like most teens! She’s probably just big headed and thinks everyone wants her to be great!
    I don’t think it’s that bad! But if I was Asian then… Yeah i’d be offended! I think it’s a bit rude to start a whole website about it because for all you know Miley could just come on this site right now!!!

  • okay well, it is kind of a disqrace for her doinq this but she apoloqized, riqht ? Im actually asian myself, not chinese but cambodian instead . just to be real this didn’t really offended me . other than that my eyes not even chinky at all, some cambodians don’t have that . But yeah it was wronq for her to do that, but i don’t think she meant this picture to qet out of hand till the point she would qet sued . just let it qo . . . . & for the retards who don’t know their vocabulary, she’s not a slut for layinq on her boyfriend’s lap or somethinq . Slut means a qirl that qoes around & has sex with anyonee . correct me if im wronq, thanks[: don’t qet hyoe kuhs whatever i wrote is my opinion, deal with it . .

  • omg yall I dont hate asians it’s just I do that too with my eyes sometime too to be silly and stuff and my friends do it too and I have a asain friend and she does that too with her eyes omg u guys are stupid but not Miley becuase I do that too and she’s not really making fun of asains and I not ether becuase Demi Lovato is my friend and she said she’s really not making fun of Asians and Demi says she does that to with her eyes so give Miley Cyrus a brake I still like her and stuff and when I get older I will do the something like that and Miley cyrus pictures of her showing her belly and stuff and pants that fake becuase people edit stuff and do that becuase thay hate Miley like I edit a picture and sayed my name on it that has a picture of Miley and I edited that and put my name on it so backoff hates of Miley cyrus right know.

  • Miley I think ur show is awesome and u have a beautiful voice but stop with all this shit u do!!

  • Wow this is realy pathetic… Their sueing a 16 YEAR OLD for making a face? Yea, she did the eye thing… so what… It’s not making fun of asians, it’s her hanging out with a bunch of friends… Most of you act like this is the worst thing she could do, and you have the dumbest excuses for being upset…

    “She’s a bad role model for children.”
    Well if you raise your children right, you wont have to worry about that, will you.

    “She’s a slut!”
    How would you know that… If you know that then you either stared at her doing it or you were the one she did, IF she did it at all. That would make you just as much as a slut as she would be.

    “She made a racist photo about asians.”
    Oh, grow up. There’s people going around killing people because of their cultural background and your worried about Miley goofing around like a typical teenager? Pathetic.

    You know what, she shouldnt have to apologize. It’s not her fault she’s a normal teenager.

    And you shouldnt keep on cursing over and over again. Here’s a quote from a previous post.

    “miley is a fucken bigo fake. dumb *rascist* bitch im gonna cap her ass. the bitch is mine. dumb bitch. i swear people this days are fucken dumb. what has this world go too. i hate rascit. don’t like it and people should have respect for one another and not be all haten other. she jealous because she’s not asian. i hate miley i never liked her in the 1st place. so yeaa MILEY IS A BIIITCCCHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHa”

    Cursing someone out doesnt make you cool, it makes you look like a dickhead with no class.

    And finally, why do people care so much about what celebraties do???? Explain why the press is always picking on celebraties. They’re people with talents, so being a normal person is automatically a crime in the press’s eyes? It’s stupid, let a person live their life.

    Just so you know, a 12 year old just owned you all, including the press.

  • Wow this is realy pathetic… Their sueing a 16 YEAR OLD for making a face? Yea, she did the eye thing… so what… It’s not making fun of asians, it’s her hanging out with a bunch of friends… Most of you act like this is the worst thing she could do, and you have the dumbest excuses for being upset…

    “She’s a bad role model for children.”
    Well if you raise your children right, you wont have to worry about that, will you.

    “She’s a slut!”
    How would you know that… If you know that then you either stared at her doing it or you were the one she did, IF she did it at all. That would make you just as much as a slut as she would be.

    “She made a racist photo about asians.”
    Oh, grow up. There’s people going around killing people because of their cultural background and your worried about Miley goofing around like a typical teenager? Pathetic.

    You know what, she shouldnt have to apologize. It’s not her fault she’s a normal teenager.

    And you shouldnt keep on cursing over and over again. Here’s a quote from a previous post.

    “miley is a fucken bigo fake. dumb *rascist* bitch im gonna cap her ass. the bitch is mine. dumb bitch. i swear people this days are fucken dumb. what has this world go too. i hate rascit. don’t like it and people should have respect for one another and not be all haten other. she jealous because she’s not asian. i hate miley i never liked her in the 1st place. so yeaa MILEY IS A BIIITCCCHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHa”

    Cursing someone out doesnt make you cool, it makes you look like a dickhead with no class.

    And finally, why do people care so much about what celebraties do???? Explain why the press is always picking on celebraties. They’re people with talents, so being a normal person is automatically a crime in the press’s eyes? It’s stupid, let a person live their life.

    Just so you know, a 12 year old just owned you all, including the press.

  • yes she did and you want to know why because she isa dick an ass hole a whore a slut a bich i hatemiley cyrus looser fat ass ugly shit look’s like a lesbian

    • First if ur going to curse someone out do it right! You hating Miley who gives a fuck! She’s still rich and can damn near buy anything that she wants so all that shit you just blew out ur mouth was pointless cause she’ll never waste her time reading this bullshit cause she actually has a life….so get one and leave the girl alone!

  • that is not cool she has no right that was back then its over i mean like she needs to get it over with and martian luther king take care of it we should be more nice to each other more often she was a spoild brat we not like each thats ok but we can not be mean to each did she learn anything i afriad not i just wish she could get it over with she is disappointed her fans.


    • Okay guys stop making such a big fuss. I know how offensive the pic might b bcoz im a asian too. BTW i hate her… WAIT…. OMFG this single arguement might turn into war!!! OHMIGOSH WW3!!! OMG OMG OMG haha… jst keave miley alone. Im not saying you shouldn’t hate her. We all have our own opinions… btw Miley shook her but in front of a youn audience… OMG and she did of a little pole dance IN FRONT of an audience… I think Miley should take a brake from her “POPULARITY” Aywy c ya :)

  • are you crazy! ok lets make a count of how many of you have made a silly picture like that huh? umm I have,my friends have even a couple who were asian were there when we did,they thought it was funny. If you do not hear the words”omg asian people are funny looking or stupid” then the person did not make fun of them! and the whole”OMG miley is with a guy! in a bathing suite!(sorta)” ok yeah get over it! I know a whole lot of you have gotten freaky with a guy before and you r not horrible for doing it are you!? just becasue she is famous doesint mean anything she does that shows he stomach is slutty! She is a teenager trying to live her life,and believe it or not life invloves stuff like making funny faces or being with a guy. she is famous and she deserves to do what everyone else her age does!

  • It’s ridiculous how everyone is making such a big deal out of this. Children used to do that slanted eye thing when they were little, so why is it a big deal that Miley is doing it when she’s old and actually knows what it means? If you haven’t done that ONCE in your life, you’re obviously really weird. I’m asian, I don’t find a problem with it ’cause I do that to myself sometimes. Everyone takes pictures like that it’s no big deal. She shouldn’t be so beat up on for taking a silly picture with her friends. If all, everyone should stop obsessing about it. Oh and her dance at the TCA’s as well. ‘Cause everyone knows all she did was dip down once, and if you think that is pole dancing, go look up pole dancing on youtube. She’s not a slut for sitting on his lap either, that’s just down right shit if you think that. Everyone can have an opinion on her, and I’m not the biggest fan of her, only because I don’t listen to her music. But i don’t think she’s a damn slut for bending her knees or sitting on that guys lap. And she’s not racist for taking to picture. (;

  • Everybody, the bottom line of all this is, its just not cool. Everyone who is for her and against her would agree to this.We all say and do somethings in our lives that is not cool and we all had regrets
    that we wish we shouldn’t said or did that.It’s not easy being a human being.We all are 90% brothers and sisters, and live in a crazy world. If
    we want to live starting now in a better society,change in ourselves
    would make a better world to live with alot more love for ourselves
    and others.I can say I love you all. I’m not religious,but making the best of life day at a time!

  • she looks fat.

    And ugly.

    and horrible

    she hates asians

    we don’t have thin eyes. (some of us)

    and all those people

    what the hell?

    that’s terrible

  • i like Miley cyrus’s music but i think it was really dumb for her to
    make fun of us.But come on it’s no big deal. We can look up to other
    great stuff.

  • it doesn’t matter if she meant it or not.
    she probably didnt mean it in a “oh i hate asians” way.
    but the fact that she even JOKED about it was a stupid move.
    she (and her drunk ass friends) should really think next
    time when they’re about to take a picture.

  • i think miley should not have been doing the the eye thing because she has a lot of young fans and that is not setting a good example. I am only 10 and i was shocked when i saw the photo. It has made me like miley a bit less.

  • HannahMontanaHater don’t you think loads of people are angry with that photo i am not sticking up for her but how is miley cyrus fat and ugly get real. and for all the people that called her a slut just because she sat on her boyfriends lap i bet if u have ever had a boyfriend you would have sat on his lap so please every one i am not sticking up for her but just give her a break she’s probly crying her eye’s out.

  • Forget that last message i sent i was tired and the bit when i said she’s probly crying her eyes out was rubbish. She probly dose not even care!!!

    The last person how came on this website was on the 12th of december. Why dose no one come on here anymore and no one is even sending me a comment thanks a lot!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE somebody come on to this website and write something new because this is getting boring!!!!!!!

  • Dear Miley#1 fan shut up this is not eving about nick jonas it is about the pic she and her friends done. u are obbsesed with nick jonas. Why the hell would i be jealous of nick jonas and what do you mean what did she do!!! she and her friends done that thing with her eyes!!! DUH!!! so HA!!!!!!!!!! yourself.

  • This is for Anonymous. What if someone called u a slut for sitting on your boyfriends lap. But a don’t think you will ever get a boyfriend!!!

  • It’s soooo obvious she’s making fun of asian people!
    she even tried to pretend she wasn’t by writing stupid little excuses like “we were just making goofy faces”.
    Goofy faces, ha! That LIE is goofy. And even if they were just squinting their eyes ‘cos of the flash (i dunno) then why the hell is that guy in the back doing a fucking peace sign and putting his hand over his lips like that. And having an asian dude in the picture does NOT make it ok.

    Reply to Lexi’s:

    You know fine well it is. Miley herself even admits it. So there.

  • Yah because everyone knows tht doin tht with your eyes is makin fun of kate blanchet not asians… sure.