Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Women: Our Orgasms Are Smarter Than Men’s, Too

Wow. A study of women in China reveals that women report having more orgasms when the men they are married to are richer.

This result cannot be explained by possible confounds such as women’s age, health, happiness, educational attainment, relationship duration, wealth difference between the partners, difference between the partners in educational attainment, and regional location. It appears consistent with the view that female orgasm has an evolved adaptive function.

Let me reiterate: The female orgasm has an evolved adaptive function.

Meaning our orgasms know it’s go time when the dudes we’re with have money. Suck in that sperm, pop out that baby, lock down that cash for us and our kiddo.

Dudes will just rub one out into a goat if you’ll let ’em. Women are soooo much more sophisticated.

Thanks Ines!

40 CommentsLeave a comment

  • A study of men in America reveals that the more beer a guy drinks the better looking an ugly bitch becomes…

    It appears consistent with Drinkability.

    …studies are wise…

  • I think this has more to do with being more attractive to a better provider. Money is part of that provider quality. It is also proven that women have more orgasms with men that are more physically symmetrical and those that are genetically dissimilar, unless they are on the pill. In that case, they will choose men closer to there own immune system.

  • There is tons of articles on the matter, but interesting enough taking the pill will screw with who you find attractive.

  • I had read about studies of women being attracted to different types throughout the cycle…makes sense to me

  • Researchers said if the Pill in fact disrupts women’s attraction to men based on their smell, women who start or stop taking the Pill could no longer find their boyfriend or husband as attractive. This could contribute to the end of such relationships.

    Several previous studies have suggested that women tend to prefer the smell of men who are genetically different from them in a cluster of genes called the major histocompatibility complex (MHC), which governs the immune system. Some of these studies also claim this effect is not found among Pill users.

    • Smirfy, is catholic news really a reliable source on the effects of birth control?

      are you in high school?

  • And yes, there is a theory that we are most attractive to the opposite sex at the height of our ovulation. I guess because of pheromones again.

  • Yeah, I had read that too, makes me feel kind of good about not being on the pill, hah. But well, back to the above comment, I believe that too, since it’d be the best time for conceiving.

  • Beet, you certainly have a way with words. My husband wasn’t nearly as amused when I read it aloud, but I cracked the hell up at the way you wrote this!

  • i think this is kind of stupid. women are attracted to men who make money. orgasm is easier to reach when your having sex with someone you’re attracted to. duh

    its just like saying women have orgasms more with physically attractive men…duh, if they are attracted to them they will enjoy the sex more.

    • Did you read any of the comments below? It explains why women might be attracted to men with more money or can provide more for their offspring. It’s all instinctive, not that we all gold diggers.

      • Did you read what i said smirfy? i never said anything about gold diggers. i also never said it wasnt instinctive, i said women are attracted to men who have more money. We didnt need a study to tell us that women have more orgasms when they are having sex with people they are attracted to.

        R-E-A-D next time before you try to act like a smarty.

  • Women fuck for money? Hell I could have told you that for nothing, instead of paying some think tank in China to do a study. I find it interesting that China payed good money to figure this out. Men in America could have told you that since day one.
    “Dudes will just rub one out into a goat”? Every time you hear about bestiality who is it that blowing a horse, or fucking a dog?
    Women, that’s who. They must have been some very wealthy horses and dogs.

    • But…what are those women wearing??? And maybe, the goat/dog isn’t suffering from the “curse of the irish”

      okay, it is gross. So what. I like that you are too, so there.

      • “what are the women wearing”?, “curse of the irish”? What the hell are you talking about?
        “it is gross”, that remark I understand.

    • Bollox: It’s men who go for the animals..; camels, goats, you name it.

      Uh… why do you think Welshmen wear Wellies… and it wasn’t a woman with that sheep in “Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex… But Were Afraid to Ask,” it was Gene Wilder.

      Women might kiss a few toads but that completely apocryphal…

    • Smirfy you read to much or watch to much educational television. Take a deep breath, put another sugar cube in your mouth and relax.

      • Well at least Smirfy is interesting, not just a big ball of adolecent rage.

        I would so spank you LittleJack, but you’d enjoy it too much which would totally defeat the purpose. You need better manners.

    • the ‘one angry inch’ – Irish men by urban myth are not well endowed. Iv only seen one Irish….man…. and he was just fine. So I dunno.

  • Too much silly sex misinformation that dumbs down a normal woman’s generous, caring, loving spouse personality. If your talking about the lying ho’s and superficial gold diggers .. um yes., but then again, they’d lie down with a poolboy for a big plate of beans, greens and hot corn fritters when the hubby’s not there and pay him for the privilage.