Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Introducing: Threaded Commenting on Evil Beet!

Hi kids.

We have threaded commenting here now. Below every comment, there is a button that says “Reply.” Clicking that button will allow you to leave a reply to a specific comment. If you just want to leave a general comment on the thread, you can do that by scrolling to the end of the existing comments, just like you did before.

I figured you guys would like this, because it’ll make it easier for you to direct your ire at specific fellow commenters. When you guys fight in the comments, the real winner is always me, because it’s both funny and lucrative.

Threads will be capped at three levels deep. I can change that if you want, but I figure that any more than three levels will eventually make everyone insane.

Please let me know if you love it or hate it.


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