Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Your Daily Paris


The Daily Paris posts feel so silly lately. Like, it was kind of cute when she was toting little Benji Madden around with her, but watching Paris Hilton, at age 27, continue to tart up and drag herself to nightclubs each and every night, just like she did when she was 21, is kind of sad at this point.

I mean, we all know that girl. She used to party with you when you both were fresh out of college, and it was so much fun, in your early twenties, to hit up the clubs, like, every single night, because you were young and carefree and legal and employed and ready to party, dammit! And years pass, and you grow up, and you get it out of your system, and you’ve been there and done that, and all of a sudden it doesn’t sound like so much fun to spend five nights a week out clubbing, and you’d much rather be home watching TV or reading or sleeping, so you cut out the partying. And you run into that girl, like, five years later, and she’s still out clubbing every night, and you’re like, “Really? Wow … that’s, uh, cool,” but secretly you feel really sad for her and wouldn’t trade lives with her for any amount of money. Paris Hilton is rapidly becoming that girl.

27 CommentsLeave a comment

  • She’s way too HOT to be reading, taking a nap, or watching Golden Girls on tv…

    …but hey, it works for some women.

  • OMG thank you beet for describing every friend i had in high school. I’m 26 and I kept thinking, what is it that i’m missing out on there? Why do they still party every night and work at bars and dress like whores? But it’s not that i’m uncool now. it’s that i’m intelligent and grown up.

  • My information is coming from a close friend in her circle, Paris parties like it’s her job because it IS her job.

    Paris gets paid to promote the bars, clubs and restaurants as a PR stunt. This is how Paris is building her fortune. What does she need with more money? Who knows, but what does any wealthy person who is still massing their fortune need with more money? A bigger steak, then lipo? A better Bentley? Who knows. But Paris does PR stints for restaurant, bar and club groups (many who amass under only a few umbrellas). This is top secret information. This post will self destruct in 10 seconds….

  • i was just coming to post what alex said.

    so. yeah, what alex said.

    her life and image is based on the nightlife. she has a day named after her in vegas and all.

  • Also… this might explain why Paris always has this stern look on her face when she’s out partying. I mean, I seldom see a picture of her where she looks like she’s letting loose and having truly a good time. She has tons of pictures taken, the location where she’s at and who she’s with is ALWAYS published. And the tabs also get paid to list the places where Paris is seen…

  • And even more sad, she’s dressed like she’s a 16 year old trying to let loose after a day of Catholic school.

    Please stop the daily Paris and Lindsay. At least for a week. We won’t miss it!

  • Yeah, Beet. And I think she (Paris) knows it too. What other reason would explain the extended relationship with Madden? She knows, like most other women her age that the time to start dressing your age becomes very clear. Shit. I’m 46, and rockin, but I don’t dress that way because I can, but because I don’t want to look like a frickin idiot when I go to dinner or a club in Seattle.

  • She looks awesome, let a girl wear whatever she’s in the mood for. If you old farts wanna have some dickhead impregnate you before the age of 30, go right on ahead and be another brainless bimbo. But leave people who still have fire in the souls alone.

  • Reminds of of Perez Hilton, pushing thirty and blogging about teeny boppers. Sad to watch. You’re like, dude, you’re using your education and talent to do *that* with your life? How are you going to feel doing that at 40, 50….

  • The teeny boppers are fresh and more interesting in my opinion than the overrated boring paris hilton and most of the rest of the mainstream media favorites.

  • Wow. Yes, I totally know what you mean. Is it just me, or are people starting to hit the club/party scene earlier…and then get sick of it earlier? I am 20…and I have been the legal drinking age for a little over a year (in Ontario, Canada), and I am just completely sick of getting trashed. And I’m still in university! Like, I’m just done with it…and I have ‘that’ friend who still feels the need to do so…every weekend (and some weekdays). I don’t know…it just gets so old so fast, and I just feel surprised that, in her mid-20’s, Paris still feels up to it, because she’s been at it for quite awhile.