Today's Evil Beet Gossip


“There are times I don’t even remember that particular show. This is horrible to say, but there are times when I laugh my rear end off. And I get in debates with people who are over and say, ‘Friends’ is not my thing.’ Excuse you!”

Jennifer Aniston, who is rapidly winning my heart, discussing watching re-runs of her break-out sitcom in an interview in this weekend’s New York Times magazine.

27 CommentsLeave a comment

  • What a great picture of her!!!!

    I’ve always adored her… she’s always been a bit of the “girl next door” mixed with (ironically) Lara Croft. Despite what other people have said, and despite her portrayal in the media (part cougar, part pathetic loser at love), she’s always remained very classy in my book. And she can act!!!! Go see ‘The Good Girl.”

    (*sigh*) Love her!!

  • Act???? Ha ha ha ha ha! That’s a good one. She is boring, whiny, talentless and pathetic. No, I’m not an Angie nut…I felt this way for years before the whole breakup. She’s just even worse now.

  • how is she coming out of her boring girl shell? and lara croft? what the hell are you talking about? are you mixing her up with the way more attractive women that played that part and rightfully took her husband? and why would i want to see the good girl? is that one of her 15 movies she tried to headline and that were ignored and bombed?

    classy…yeah she’s classy like boone’s farm. she hooks for roles. every report says that her friends only say she is an insecure drinker that can’t hang on to a man. but oh yeah the world ignores her horrible acting for a reason, but no she’s a real talent. just like matt leblanc is a real talent because he was in a popular show. people ignore her acting because she is a horrible, horrible actress. and you know it. stop it. 100 million people vs. you; guess who’s right

  • She has got to be one of THE most altogether annoying, tooth-grindingly irritating of all the aging female television sit-com stars. Or, just of all the women celebrities in Hollywood, period. She’s definitely in the top ten. My god, she is annoying, and SO full of shit.

  • She sucks. she is boring, insecure, dumb and jealous that I took her man and gave him the life he always wanted.

  • To all of you haters: suck it!
    Surely you can have your opinions but don’t attack the others who don’t SHARE your opinion! That is just NOT NICE … yes I said you are not nice.
    I will chime in to say I really like J.An, think she’s cute, enjoy her personality as it comes across through the media (despite the slant) and also enjoy her as an actor! I think she’s witty and funny! Sure, she acts in chick flicks, but so what – don’t see those if you don’t like the genre. She fits it perfectly.

  • lenden – –

    I dont think she was saying “I dont remember working on that show or that time in my life” She is saying she doesnt remember each particular plot line for the show and can watch the re-runs and laugh like anyone else watching the show.

    Anyway about that pic, I think she should always pose with a smile, it softens her face a bit.

  • i love her too. she is just so poised and classy, her clothes are perfect, and she’s a funny, smart lady.

  • Friends sucked, so did The Good Girl. I cannot believe that they put her and loser Owen Wilson in Marley and Me, which was an excellent book. I was looking forward to the movie, but now that they picked two of the biggest non-actors, I think I’ll skip it. Hell, they might as well have chosen Keanu Reeves and Lauren Conrad…..

  • Stop it jen! Stop trying to be so anti friends! The show made you a star and you should own it! People who are your fans are your fans mostly because of it. Don’t diss your show that made you are star! So what if people look at you like you are rachel green a lot, that is a GOOD thing, you still get parts in movies. Be thankful for friends. I am your fan but come on!

  • I’m unsure about what she was saying, but, i know she hates to be labeled rachel green. And i don’t get it. It seems like she was dissing friends and sticking up for it in the same sentence.

  • I like her. She seems like she’d be fun to be friends with.

    @ J, WTF do you mean “rightfully took her husband?”

  • I’ve never been blown away by her acting but she’s done some good stuff (The Good Girl) and been sufficiently cute in a bunch of other roles. I’ve never seen anything that leads me to think she is anything other than a fairly nice person who tries to be as classy and discreet as possible about her life.

    Angelina, on the other hand…well, when it comes to listing the hard evidence that THAT chick is batshit crazy…where do I start???

    “Rightfully took her husband”?? Boy, it takes a special person to say something that idiotic and almost universally impossible to be true. How do you rightfully take someone’s husband may I ask?? I’m really interested and I’ll be hanging on your every word in what I hope is a really good explanation!

  • And please obvious angelina sucker uppers, that say no one cares about jen, get real. That’s why i see her almost everyday on these sites. That’s why she’s getting roles every year in movies. That’s why she is paid millions every year. That’s why we are talking about her. That’s why she is interviewed by letterman, oprah, etc several times a year. That’s why people fight over her and scream on the internet at people that diss her, etc etc. yeah so the person you said was the only fan, against the millions of haters, what world do you live in? Why can’t you just say “i love angelina and hate jen” ? Wouldn’t that make more sense? Why say things that make no sense and carry no weight? I hate when people are fans of a celebrity and say outrageous things that are completely off the wall and act like they are so cool and smart for it and are really hurting this celebrity and the fans when it’s just so outrageous. All i can think is they must be completely out of their mind or like a 5 yo. Like circle circle dot dot now i have my cooties shot but you don’t kinda bs, that’s how factual it is when someone says that millions hate jen! Jen is a superstar just like angelina, they both have tons of fans, even though I prefer Jen i will say that angelina has many fans. OK? Can we have mature convos? Sorry for my poor grammar and stuff lol

  • I am always wishy-washy about her. I want to like her, but I just can’t commit to it. I do however LOVE her style.

  • Cosmo Radio on Sirius/XM was doing a Team Aniston vs. Team Jolie call-in this morning. The co-host of the show decided that those women that don’t like Angelina and are on Jen’s team are just insecure. I guess that she felt that they related to Jen as a loser in love and not Angie, as a can-do-it-all sexpot mom.

    I gotta say, I like them both. Jen is relatable and Angelina has come out of a horrible history to fulfill a larger purpose.

    Why can’t we all get along??

  • erin, that’s BS. not all women relate to people based on whether that woman is secure or insecure. sometimes, it’s the way people carry themselves, their genuineness, and the level of respect they have for themselves and others. i am a fan of aniston over angelina because i lost all respect for angelina (and brad) after their affair and the subsequent insensitive behavior they displayed towards jen when the divorce wasn’t even final! i also see through angelina’s bullsh-t and see her for the manipulative, insensitive b-tch that she really is. she never shows any remorse when she hurts people, but then she globe-trots all over the place acting like a do-gooder. it’s so hypocritical. jen has done nothing to make me lose respect for her and she seems genuine and seems to have empathy (something both brad and angelina lack). so those are the reasons why i like her. if any distinction were to be made it would be that those females who prefer jen are usually more of the “girls’ girl” type and down-to-earth, while those who prefer angelina are the more catty type who don’t have many female friends and love attention from guys. just saying.

  • @ sandy “but then she globe-trots all over the place acting like a do-gooder.”

    Correction: She is globetrotting and BEING a do-gooder. She isn’t merely acting like one. She is getting a lot of great stuff done. At least have respect for her charitable endeavors.

    and again, for the billionth time, still NO PARTY is claiming that ANYONE cheated on ANYONE. jesus christ.

    and your response was hilarious and ironic because it seriously just made you sound like one of those insecure women that Erin had mentioned. And I would say you are more of a “girl’s girl,” unless the other girl happens to be prettier than you, or better than you in any way. They you would want to tear her to shreds. And, dude, you seem awfully catty yourself. Oh, and being someone who prefers Angelina- I have plenty of girl friends. Just not jealous insecure ones.

  • Wow she’s so pretty there, she’s MUCH prettier than Angelina.
    SHE’S NOT INSULTING FRIENDS! She’s praising it, lol.