Today's Evil Beet Gossip

First Look: Jennifer Aniston on “30 Rock”

Here’s a first look at Jen’s appearance on 30 Rock tonight, where she’ll play a psychotic former roommate of Liz’s who becomes obsessed with Jack.

Listen, people, I don’t care why you tune into 30 Rock, just tune in! This is like one of three shows on television today that I still find watchable. I’ll just die if it gets canceled.

20 CommentsLeave a comment

  • that seems pretty funny.. jen’s body looks great… she should really just stick to tv.


    it’s one of the best shows ever….. seriously

  • Cannot wait to see Jen tonite!! Seriously, I’d totally go gay for her. Licking vagina can’t be that bad if so many people are doing it, right?

  • @ ThatLisa

    i think i may have found my television soulmate

    it’s always sunny in philadelphia is definitely one greatest show ever! DAYMAN!

  • 30 Rock is fantastic. Obviously, Tina Fey is a comedy goddess, but I LOVE Alec Baldwin’s role and the way he plays it. fantastic show.

    You know what other show is AWESOME and exceptionally well written?…. “The New Adventures of Old Christime”. I purposely avoided the show when it first came out, because I was like “who cares” just a project to keep Julie Louis Dryfus employed after Seinfeld. But then the show, and Julie Loius-D, kept winnng all these emmys, so I tuned in. FUCKING HYSTERICAL. And, as an added bonus, Wanda Sykes as a regular cast member. WS is a riot.

  • well hellllo mhmm. hahha. Yeah, I had vaguely heard of the show, but never watched it. i finally did and I am BEYOND hooked. did you know you can watch every episode online? I like watching it at HULU. but seriously… you guys should check it out.. seriously. it’s like the nicest thing I can do for someone, is tell them to watch this show. If you guys liked Arrested Development (also amazing show), you should love it.

    this has been a public service announcement from Lisa ;)

  • Tonight’s show was great! Jennifer aniston’s character was so funny and
    as always the cast was fantastic. Love this show.

  • I’ve never watched that show. I can’t stand Baldwin. He drives me nuts. Though I don’t despise him as much as Charlie Sheen..
    Anyway. Her dress is gorgeous!

  • Alec Baldwin is awesome in 30 rock!

    And, to concur with other here…the only two current shows I watch (on Hulu, of course) are:

    30 Rock and IT’S ALWAYS SUNNY (Dennis and that junk yard cat last season had me in absolute hysterics).

  • HULU is one of the best things EVER. I am so sickly obsessed. ITS ALWAYS SUNNY is like the only show I actually watch on tv now.. I would do anything to make sure it wouldn’t be cancelled.. it is BEYOND funny

    sorry I have been on an enormous SUNNY kick lately, and want to share my SUNNY joy with all. seriously. watch it.

  • My husband doesn’t like IT’S ALWAYS SUNNY.

    So, I’m stuck sitting in a dark room, staring at my computer, giggling to myself.

    Eh, what else is new?

  • ThatLisa: I tried to watch “Philadelphia” twice, I thought it was horrible. I wanted to like it cuz I love Danny DeVito, and I really looked forward to it coming on, but it’s horrible.