Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Celebrities Voting: Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick


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  • is that obama on her shirt????? i can’t really tell. but if it is, i thought you can’t have any form of propaganda at voting booths..

  • wasn’t there supposed to be some big drama with Jessica and Matthew? I thought he was screwing someone on the side….But maybe I’m completely wrong.

  • Is that an Obama necklace she’s wearing? Aren’t you not allowed to wear candidate paraphernalia to voting sites? I wonder if they are allowed to bust their kid even though he’s not eligible to vote…

  • yeah, lucky, i saw that on a magazine cover a few months ago.
    but i ignored it cause i was like, no, stfu.
    so idk.
    but i doubt that’s true.
    and they must have some good publicists or something, because it completely disappeared.
    i’ve never seen a front-page story so completely fail to pick up.

  • Anon. and SJ –

    I think it all depends on where you live and what poles you go to, the board where I am from debunked people saying you cant wear shirts and things with the candidates on it, they said it was ok as long as you werent marching up and down the lines with signs shouting who people should vote for. lol

  • keep the hair if you like, just get him some pants that come down to the tops of his shoes. that’s what i’d like to see. too long even. let him grow into some. these are almost there, but not quite.

  • Don’t influence your kid on who to support, or he’ll grow up with the same views as you, which is how hatred is spread! (eg prop 8)
    Not that she is spreading hate, just in general.