Today's Evil Beet Gossip

R.I.P. Madelyn Dunham

Barack Obama’s grandmother, Madelyn Dunham, lost her battle with cancer early this morning.

Obama reportedly cried at a speech in North Carolina today when talking about her, calling her a “quiet hero.” I’m trying to find video.

R.I.P., Madelyn Dunham, and welcome to the Presidency of the United States of America, Barack Obama.

67 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Aww .. that’s sad.

    When I looked at the picture…for a second there… I thought Wendie was posting that they are no longer shooting episodes of ‘Different Strokes’.

  • don’t worry, her legacy will live on. i’m guessing that her name will be used in voting booths in at least 15 different states.

  • Remember when Obama referred to his grandmother as a “typical white person” in a radio interview because he said she had a ” fear of black men who passed her by on the street.”

    Can you imagine the uproar if McCain had referred to someone as a “typical black person”?

    It’s sad that Obama is so comfortable stereotyping a whole group of people based on the actions of his grandmother. Isn’t that called racism?

  • re; bossy

    the definition of racism is when any non black person makes a single comment that can be perceived as negative about a black candidate that is running for president of the united states. obama gets a free pass while riding on the backs of the scared white folk that will vote him into office for fear of seeming racially intolerant. pathetic.

  • censorthis and bossy…..would you leave his political career out of this and express your condolences! its pathetic that it the midst of his time of need you rehash “questionable” quotes.

  • its sad to see people base all their decisions on race without acknowledging what they stand for…its safe to say that most people voting for mcCain don’t know his position instead they are consumed with his whiteness.
    if a white guy was running for the democratic party, would anyone be voting for mcCain?

  • “Omg Karen, you cant just ask people why they’re white!”

    Definitely thought of that line once I asked that question lol

  • @ lola

    My. God. You. Are. An. Idiot.

    Here’s a tip…try to refrain from speaking on behalf of “most people”.

    Okay? THANKS.

  • I’m sorry to hear his Grand ma died, that’s always sad. Especially if you are close to them.

  • @ Lola

    You raise a good point, but the question you should be asking is:

    If a black man were running for the Republican party and a white man for the Democratic party… would black people still vote Democrat? The answer is NO.

    I am not voting…so I am unbiased, but I truly believe, after researching the fact, that 90% of individuals voting for Sen. Obama are doing so because they TRULY believe he is the better candidate.

    And ‘no’ I am not contradicting myself by making those two statements.

  • wow it must be so sad for him and his family at this time, she was so close to practicly see him as President. my dad was watching the rally on t.v. and i saw him cry and it was such a sad moment and i have no idea how he is dealing with all this, but im glad he went to go see her last week? and may she rest in peace forever.

  • Ok so i kindof understand where he(obama) is coming from. My father is biracial and his parents were married in Paris (1930 people!) because there was nowhere in the US for them to be legally married. When they came back to the US( south carolina) they were publicly made a sectacle of, rejected for jobs they were more than qualified for, and their house was burned down killing their first child. My father said when he was young he despised his mother(who was white) because the kids at his school (black kids) tortured him and called him half breed. He was beaten up almost everyday.He thought that since it was normal to be “black” he wanted nothing to do with his white mother. He just wante to be normal. As he got older he realised he didnt hate her, he was just too cowardly to be proud of his heritage.His grandmother however was no where near as kind as Obama’s ( the only time he met her she shouted “get you ni&&er children outof my house”). I think it is terrible that he call her a normal white woman, when she raised him and cared for him. If she did that in the sixties she obviously wasnt an “average white woman”….whatever that means? So thats my long drawn out 2 cents worth :). Fire at will

  • bossy and censorship,

    Firstly Obama is just as white as he is black, which would make it fairly hard for him to be racist against white people.

    Also, I’m not sure if you’re going to understand/care, but his comment, although it sounded racist, wasn’t exactly meant to be taken like that. I’m biracial, and its happened that I say something stupid and unfortunate. Not because I’m racist, but because I consider myself “white enough” to say some things and “black enough” to say others things, which might if spoken by someone else seem racist.

    Now, if you want to find out if elderly white females are more prone to fear black men, which is what Obama was talking about, there are loads of interesting statistics out there. But do also look at the Ashley Todd tale for example. The young white innocent girl violated by what she described as a “big black man,” and how fast the media and people reacted.

    Anyways, sorry for the long post, and my condolences to the Obamas.

  • Yay Bossy and Censor – very well said, even though that is an obvious truth that no one in any position in the drive by (main stream) media have the balls or courage to have a truthful conversation about.

  • I hope even more now he wins tomorrow! He can’t lose two of the most important things to him in a course of 2 days! My heart goes out to him!

  • @ Lola.. do YOU even bother listening to the candidates? If you were blind and noone told you their color, you’d be an idiot to vote for McCain. I know many white peope voting for him. You knwo why? Becuase hes GOOD for the presidency. Sure some will vote for him for his color, and many more will NOT vote for him because of his color. But most of the people voting for him is because of his principles.

  • “If a black man were running for the Republican party and a white man for the Democratic party… would black people still vote Democrat? The answer is NO.”
    at the same time though tss, would white people( way to generalize:/) still vote republican?

  • Evil Beet…NOTICE:

    Election Day has actually, not yet happened. So, declaring that Obama is the secured new President of The United States, is not remotely accurate, since the facts and results aren’t in.

    Election Day is tomorrow, November 4th…VOTE McCAIN!!!! **BECAUSE I DON’T NEED RAISED TAXES TO HELP MY OWN MIDDLE CLASS**

  • Kristin, I don’t care what you need, and Beet doesn’t need your notice. She is hopeful for change, like the MAJORITY of Americans are.

    and here’s a little notice for you:

    “Both McCain and Obama will have to raise taxes to pay for programs for which the public is clamoring, whether those programs are universal health insurance, expanding the military, trying to retire the national debt, or simply trying to balance the budget.(I didn’t write that this dude did:”

    Anyway, My heart goes out to Obama for his loss. His Grandmother was clearly a positive influence in his life and he has a lot on his plate right now! I’m hopeful/nervous about tomorrow!! OBAMA ’08!

  • OKAY first, kristin, that’s a great reason to vote for McCain. idiot. something tells me beet is aware that the election hasn’t happened. oh hey, check it out, you are actually not on a news site. it’s a fucking personal blog.

    show some fucking respect. god. when McCain dies I won’t be writing shithead comments all over blogs. what is wrong with you people?

  • Even though I am voting for McCain, I think it is unlikely he’s going to win. Because I live in a BLUE STATE, my vote is essentially a throw away anyway, but I will still exercise my constitutional right and VOTE.

    That said, tomorrow morning, while disappointed, I will support my President / my new commander in chief, who in all liklihood, will be Barack Obama. I will be happy for him, on many levels. I will be proud of this historic moment in my country’s history. I will pray for him to exercise wise judgement, and that he is “not tested” in any way that could hurt this country, or him and his family. In sharp contrast, I might add, to the many many unpatriotic people (and many, “celebrities”) who make the hollow vow to move to another country (BUH BYE ASSHOLES!).

    I feel very sad for him that his grandmother did not live just one more day to see his accomplishement, though she surely knew he’d win it already. I feel sad for him that his heart must be broken, at such an awesome time in his life, otherwise.

    That said, I’m going to vote now!!!!! I really really really hope tomorrow John McCain will be my President. But if it is Barack, I will support him and wish him the very best. GOD BLESS AMERICA

  • isn’t this a pic of the racist grandmother from his books, the one he was embarrassed for, who made him realize he had to be fake being a softspoken, sincere person so he wouldn’t be thought of as “uppity”? Cry the tears now but he should apologize for how he treated her.

  • yes lets all vote for the guy that couldnt become an fbi agent or gaurd himself as a secret service agent because of his affiliation with known terrorists only in america are people this dumb

  • Not an Obama Lover:

    Thank you!! That’s why I think you should have to take an IQ test before you:
    1. drive
    2. have children
    3. vote for the freakin’ leader of the free world!!!

    Unfortunately, any moron can do any of the above.

  • TSS, if what you said was true, Alan Keyes would be president. Or at least he would be more than just some crazy guy who pops up every now and then.

  • Yikes Alan Keyes! What a fucking lunatic. I remember him debating Barack by breaking into song. Put him up for any office against Bill Clinton and see who gets a whopping majority of the AA vote.

    (Clinton. Just in case you didn’t know)

    It’s the same mindset that convinced McCain that us women would vote for a twit because she and I happen to share the same anatomical makeup.

    And plus, don’t you remember when Obama was having a hard time getting the AA vote against Hillary Clinton?

  • Ask her what the VP does. Just for fun. Ask her. I promise it’ll be funny…

    It’s so hilarious because that’s the job she’s running for!

  • I believe she knows the answer better than Joe Biden did, and he’s got MANY years on her. BTW, did you know that Sarah’s got more security clearances than any of the candidates, and that Alaska’s National Guard is always on call? Wow, I guess that dumb girl really got lucky!

    Obama: “I’ve been to all… 57 states now” – And HE’s running for the big boy job!

  • Hey, did you know Sarah also abused her powers as governor and violated her state ethics laws? Yeah, a bipartisan panel of mostly Republicans said so. And that’s awesome because she is running as a reformer- she’s gongi to clean up Washignton.

    Hey, did you know Sarah Palin can’t name a Supreme Court Case other than Roe v. Wade even though the Exxon Mobile case was in Alaska?

    Did you know Sarah thinks a VP’s job was goin’ into the Senate and makin’ some new policies, stirin’ things up, although that’s not at all the job of the VP?

    She also couldn’t name any of McCain’s achievements in his long Senate career (not only is he her running mate but the man has actually gotten some big things done).

    She said in a speech she would work to make new laws that would put government spending online. Someone didn’t tell her transparency laws already exist.

    She didn’t know what the heck the Bush Doctrine is.

    There are just a couple of examples of how she is ignorant about all three branches of the US government. Oh, and also she is a big, fat liar (Bridge to Nowhere). And her husband was part of a secessionist group (but they TOTALLY love America, they just don’t want to be a part of it anymore).

    You can talk about verbal gaffes all you want, my fellow prisoner. But Sarah is actually a complete political amateur, caught on tape, who is dangerous being a heartbeat away from the presidency. That’s why in the polls, she is a bigger liability than George W. Bush. This thing would probably be a lot closer today if it weren’t for her.

    Pardon my typos. I sliced my knuckle off yesterday doing dishes. But now I’ve learned my lesson and I’ll never do dishes again.

  • If you are referring to Troopergate, Ms. Palin was just cleared in all those charges:

    As for your other assertions about her inexperience, many of them have been debunked. Obviously, she’s doesn’t really think her job would really just consist of going in there and “makin’ some new policies, stirrin’ stuff up” – she’s trying to appeal to the average person, which the Obamassiah claims to care about, but really feels he is above. Since we’re talking inexperience, Obama only served 144 days in the Senate – John McCain was in a prison camp longer than that. Also, most of Obama’s time was spent working on his presidental campain, not actually being Senatorial. Both Obama and Palin are green, granted, but she is not running for the presidency, he is!

    By the way, just heard on a local talk show that Barack’s senior advisors are already working on a plan to “lower voter expectations” after the election. Uh-oh! Think people are going to be pissed when he can’t walk on water?

  • Dinosaurs, this report is from the Times Online today…

    “Sarah Palin has been cleared of abusing her office in the “Troopergate” case by a state personnel board, which over-turned the findings of an earlier probe by the state legislator.”

    I’d much rather have a “political amateur” in office who has lived and worked in the real world most of her adult life than a lifelong professional politician like Biden who practically went from law school to the “ruling class” in much the same way Obama has. Our government is supposed to be “of the people, for the people, by the people”…not “by career politicians”.

    And I would love to see Alan Keyes get the Republican nomination sometime. He is a great speaker and thinker and a true conservative…way more conservative than McCain.

    If he had been the nominee this year, an added bonus would have been the Democrats would have had to focus on the issues instead of calling people “racists” if they don’t agree with Obama’s ideas about the role of government.

  • PS – Why are you washing dishes, anyway? The way I see it, you have three choices:
    1. paper plates
    2. dishwasher
    3. the popular college choice – take your dishes into the shower with you.

    Just trying to help.

  • If I was ever found to have abused my power, I too would have a separate commission of people that I personally had hired and not an independent bipartisan panel. Then my buddies on the new commission could, shockingly, say the other one was wrong! That said, I think after she loses tonight Troopergate will continue in Alaska.

    Nothing I’ve said has been debunked since there is video of her saying each of these things. That was her answer to an 8 year old asking what the VP does. She said the VP is in charge of the Senate and can go in and work with the folks there. Maybe that’s her trying to appeal to the average American, but she is wrong. And her husband was part of a secessionist group. And she wasn’t able to name a Supreme Court case. And she wasn’t able to name McCain’s contributions in the Senate. And she wasn’t aware of pre-existing laws. And she supported the Bridge to Nowhere in her bid for governor, then lied for months about it. She supported Sen. Stevens who has just been found guilty. She couldn’t name a news publication! But strognest to me is the fact that she doesn’t know what a VP does and expects the country to accept that and vote her in. Why don’t you give the country some credit and do your fucking homework! This is all fact. This is not me saying she’s a bitch, blah blah blah.

    You can make whatever false claims about your feelings for Obama- that he doesn’t care or whatever nonsense because he eats arugula or whatever. I just hope you are aware that those are your subjective feelings, not based in fact. He has never said he feels above anyone. Not you nor I.

    Or you can debate his policies. Perhaps you don’t like the fact that he will be cutting taxes for the middle class and taxes will go back up to Clinton levels for the very wealthy. OK, fine. That is all fact. But don’t give me that garbage about what some candidate “feels” about Americans. I can make a lot of guesses about how Sarah Palin “feels” about Americans since she mentioned how there are pro-America parts of the country (meaning there are anti-America parts). I guess she assumes here in Chicago we are anti-American since we’ll be voted for Obama. I should remind my friends in the marines that they are sposed ta be anti-American! I suppose I can assume how Palin feels about women when she charges rape victims for evidence to prosecute their attackers in a state with a sexual abuse epidemic. But, that’s all my opinion and not fact. What is fact is what she has said, or been unable to say, in recorded interviews.

    And I am not talking about experience. I am talking about ignorance of American poltics and the three branches of American government. I fully recognize that John McCain has way more experience in the Senate. There is no comparison. I guess experience is not a top priority to me- ability and knowledge are my top priorities. Obama has had the task of proving himself knowledgable and safe to Americans. Tonight will show if he has made his case.

  • I do use paper plates sometimes. But we like to drink wine out of glasses. And the damn glass broke in my hand.

    Someday I would like to afford a dishwasher, but it’s not happening any time soon.

    And that third option is just yucky.

  • Bossy- she appointed the Personnel board that just cleared her. It’s smart. I would like to do the same when I’m in trouble. The main problem, if you read the reports, is how much of an amateaur she is. Her husband was involved in meetings he should not have been. She should have backed out of pressuring Monegan to get that bad trooper fired when she became governor, if only to cover her tracks. People in her cabinet were giving out confidential information. In my opinion, she wasn’t malicious or trying to steal, she was just ignorant of what the rules are and where her boundaries should have been.

    If I hear someone disagree with Obama because of idealogical or policy issues, I do not jump to call them racists. Nor do my friends and family who also support Obama. Now, when someone talks about his heritage and his middle name in a negative way- that is racist. When Rush Limbaugh says Colin Powell only supports Obama because is black- that is racist. Because it plays into the assumption that all black people are so simple that it only takes skin color to get their vote. Where was Rush Limbaugh when it came to William Buckley Jr.’s endorsement? Or other prominent conservatives?

    And Alan Keyes… frightening…

  • Don’t worry, if Obamassiah gets elected, he’ll buy you a dishwasher. He’s also going to fill your gas tank and take care of your mortgage for you. I know this because he told me so, and he never lies… (chortle, chortle)

    Nothing wrong with drinking wine straight out of the bottle… I plan on doing a lot of that over the next four years, depending on the outcome of today.

    You’re obviously very knowledgeable about politics, but methinks you’re only reading what mainstream media is feeding you. You have half the story – you need to do a little digging. You sound too smart to believe Obama. Mark my words, he will push this country into a serious depression (just like FDR) with all of his so called tax breaks. He’s already proposing billions in social programs (where’s that money coming from?), he wants to sit down and “talk” to Iran, because everyone knows you can just reason with terrorists, he is proposing a National Civilian Guard (can you say Hitler Youth and the SS?) and has openly said he plans on bankrupting the coal industry. Despite what the liberal media reports, the economy under Bush was the best in American history until about 2 years ago, when Democrats gained control of the House and the Senate. Since then, thanks to the whole mortgage crisis and the failure of Fannie Mae due to sub-prime mortgage rates (a democrat proposal), our stock market has dropped over 4000 points! What I don’t understand is that the democrats think the way to fix this problem is to spend more money on more social programs. If you honestly think you will be better off financially after Obama “spreads around the wealth”, then I really am concerned about you. Better learn how to make your own wine, because you won’t be able to afford it. Read ANYTHING on Chinese or Russian history – what Barack is proposing NEVER works!

    By the way, these are all facts, including the point that Joe Biden stated “mark my words, Obama will be tested within the first six months of his presidency” – how, exactly, does that make you feel safer, especially living in a large city like Chicago?

  • Bossy – by the way, I guess I am a racist because I disagree with Barack Hussein (his given middle name – a fact) Obama’s policies. I also happen to be from PA, so I’m just a redneck, clinging to my guns and religion. Can’t believe I actually figured out how to use this here fancy com-puter thingy!

  • Ok, Dinosaur, it’s been fun, but I have a lot of stuff to do before we lose our basic rights as Americans, God-forbid, tomorrow. You are an interesting sparring partner, but I’m going to let you get back to drinking your kool-aid now.

    (Footnote: that “kool-aid” comment wasn’t being racist – it’s in reference to Jim Jones forcing his followers to drink poisoned kool-aid. Just wanted to clarify my statement.)

  • Everything about Barack is fake! He’s a true Spin Doctor.. he says nothing but it sounds so nice coming out of his mouth; even with his dead grandma, who he hated on in his book; he’ll do a 180 and turn her into Mother Teresa, his white saint of a grandma-ma.

    As for not being born in the USA, prove it please, his ties to terrorists, documented and he pushes it aside… his mentor/pastor who is a complete racist and anti-American, Barack only said he didn’t agree with him until it was made public… the black liberation theology/kill whitey stuff? Come on; put the Kool-Aid down…

  • It’s like you never read my last post or something- disagreeing with Obama’s policies is not racist, nor did I ever or would I ever say that. When someone like Ann Coulter says B. Hussein Obama what point do you think she’s trying to make? Yes, that’s his middle name. Are you simply just fixated on middle names? Cause I don’t hear people saying J. SIDNEY McCain. Don’t play dumb of the fact that people are using his middle name disparagingly. Don’t play dumb about the fact that it is racist when Rush Limbaugh says Colin Powell is voting because of his skin color. Don’t play dumb about the skinheads who would like to kill Obama and 100 black people first. Don’t play dumb about how easy it is to brush off Obama’s AA support that he was not winning in the beginning of the primary. Don’t play dumb about the fact that we’ve heard way too many people saying weird shit about reparations and afrocentricity and affirmative action on this blog alone! I don’t support Barack because I think people are racists. Nor do I think all McCain supporters are racist (not at all).

    But you are saying something doesn’t exist that does blatantly exist and hurts a lot of people. Racism is painfully real, and that fact shouldn’t hurt your arguments about why you support McCain, just as it shouldn’t boost my arguments about why I support Obama.

    Anyway, I hope Obama wins because I don’t want you to lose your rights. I’m not hoping all you folks on the right get screwed cause my guy wins. I’m voting for this guy because I think he’ll do good for us all. I hope you enjoy your tax breaks, at least, Jen (ok, I am assuming that you don’t make over $200,000).

    Good luck to us all!

  • Stick to the effing issues people. I get sooooo tired of hearing all of this rhetoric. He’s the anti-christ, he’s a terrorist, he hated his grandma, blah, blah blah. What is this – highschool??? Vote for the candidate who’s stance on issues you agree with. Period. End of story.

  • Beet Czar, go join Thomas Paine in the looney bin. I cannot argue with someone who hates facts, and loves using hyperbole like an 8th grader on caffeine pills.

    Anyway, I have been a little too obsessed with this election and read news from all different sources all day (when I am not shooting the shit on this here blog).

    I don’t believe we had a strong economy under Bush and the Republicans. Trickle down economics failed. It takes time to prove it, and I don’t think it’s right to blame dems in Congress. Mainly because I think our dems were completely ineffective. We couldn’t get a damn thing passed except for a torture bill that our awesome president vetoed. I hope we get a better group of Dems coming in. Ones with a spine, like those Montana dems!

    I think diplomacy is important. I think you should be able to talk to a foreign leader. Bush never went to Iraq before gonig to war. Plus, I think all available options should be exhausted before we ever put American lives at risk.

    And both McCain and Obama will increase government spending. We are in a crisis. We have to rebuild the middle class. I truly believe this is what will make us strong. I really do believe that a strong middle class will give us a strong economy and a strong America. I think kids should be able to do civil work (like volunteer in a homeless shelter) in order to help pay for school. I don’t know how the hell you get Hitler Youth from that. It’s about doing your civil service and in return being able to get a college education.

    Nor do I think Obama will buy me a dishwasher or fill my gas tank. I’m not a fool, like you love assuming all folks who think different from you are. I don’t believe in voodoo like Gov. Palin’s preacher.

  • @ jen: WTF? governors don’t send their national guard into war – only the president can do that. the national guard answers to the pres & general petraeus, but you realize that, right? and as far as civil liberties, we have none left because 8 years of bush and cheney have taken them all. and what is wrong with talking to iran? ignoring terrorists hasn’t really worked out so well, has it? whatever. enjoy the election.

  • Everything about the man is important, since he never STOOD for anything to begin with… the most # of “present” votes in the Senate; votest the most liberal Senator by his peers, his books speak volumes about the MAN you want to be president. He wants Change, no shit. so does everyone… he has just lied, but sounded so nice about it..

    And he does have ties to terrorists; do you? I don’t, so Barack is one up on me there… my church’s pastor never said “God Damn America” or US-KKK-A” either… and the minister says Barack is a close friend, and has been his advisor for 20 years… and Barack has ties to a racist sect within the black community… I don’t, do you? He has done nothing in the Senate, TELL ME one thing the man has done… no one can…

    I can tell you many things McCain has done, and how he risked his life for the sake of others as a soldier in captivity, I don’t think I could have stayed in captivity, if the enemy wanted to send me home but only me, and not the others… I would be on the next plane.

    That enough issues for you…enjoy the day.

  • For those of you who are too lazy and/or afraid, here are some of Obama’s accomplishments.

    Of the 15 bills Senator Obama sponsored or co-sponsored in 2005-7 that became law:

    Two addressed foreign policy:

    Promote relief, security and democracy in the Congo (2125)
    Develop democratic institutions in areas under Palestinian control (2370).
    Three addressed public health:

    Improve mine safety (2803)
    Increased breast cancer funding (597)
    Reduce preterm delivery and complications, reduce infant mortality (707).
    Two addressed openness and accountability in government:

    Strengthening the Freedom of Information Act (2488 )
    Full disclosure of all entities receiving federal funds (2590)
    Two addressed national security

    Extend Terrorist Risk Insurance (467)
    Amend the Patriot Act (2167)
    One addressed the needs of the Armed Forces

    Wave passport fees to visit graves, attend memorials/funerals of veterans abroad (1184).

  • You know, normally I’d be all jumped in here – but I’m weary of this and just got back from a very long trip. Jen – great points. Beet Czar – you too.

    Dino – get some neosporin and a band aid! I almost cut my finger off doing the dishes one day too. It made me very gun shy, or more like Knife Shy. And right now, I wish I had some of that wine. It’s been a day!!

  • The McCain campaign is not dumb or low enough to bring up Rev. Wright. It didn’t work for Hillary either. But guess who also has pastor problems? How about a pastor whose claim to fame is calling witch craft on some lady in Africa, getting the town to kick her out of her house and kill her pet. Do you go into people’s houses and kill their pets? Do you cry witchcraft (which has plenty of sexist roots, believe me) and force a woman out of her home?

    And I’m not sure which racist organizations you speak of, or why you think you are the uncoverer of a smoking gun that nobody else has gotten hold of and thoroughly researched in his two years of running for president. All this conspiracy theory sounds a lot like paranoia. Do you also believe the Jews caused 9/11…?

    Anyway, I don’t give a shit about Palin’s pastor. I give a shit about Palin’s ignorance and her being crooked. Troopergate will probably continue in Alaska, just as will other scandals about her charging her constituents for her children to travel with her on trips where they weren’t invited.

    And guess who has ties to lobbyists convicted of being unregistered agents of Saddam Hussein??? Don’t play the bad ties game, cause everybody has bad ties.

    And Indigo don’t forget the bill with Republican Senator Lugar to help countries get rid of nukes.

  • And eyes I so wish I was at that neosproin level, but not quite. It’s to deep and oocky to put neosporin on it yet. I’m glad I’ve gotten to talk about it so much today!

  • Ahhh, Beet Czar…

    Obama voted “present” 120 times out of about 4000 votes in the Illinois state senate. That’s a strategy that is often used in that legislative body. You’d have to look at the reasons behind each of Obama’s “present” votes in order to analyze his record. Otherwise, your criticism is just empty rhetoric.

    Obama was NOT “voted most liberal” by his “peers”. Do you really think that Senators vote on who among them is most liberal or conservative? He was ranked most liberal based on voting records in 2007. Now, mind you, he missed a lot of votes that year, which is the reason he was ranked more liberal than some of this colleagues who generally come out more liberal. Of course, Obama didn’t miss as many votes that years as John McCain. John McCain missed far more votes than anyone else in the Senate that year, even more than the senator who had a brain aneurysm.

    Half truths, misinformation, misunderstanding the facts, and lies. That’s your evidence.

    As far as “ties” to terrorism go. It depends on the meaning of the word “terrorist” and the word “ties”. How are these for “ties”?

    McCain’s good buddy William Timmons (who McCain chose to lead his presidential transition team–not that he’ll need one), worked to lobby for Sadam Hussein. Yes, THE Sadam Hussein.

    Last year, McCain praised the philosophy of his good friend G. Gordon Liddy (who hasn’t shown any remorse for his tactics during the Watergate years, that included plans for kidnapping and murder).

    John McCain was part of an organization that provided aid to the Contras in the 1980s.

    McCain blocked attempts to investigate his friend, the late Vo Van Kiet, for war crimes (ordering the executions of POWs during the Vietnam War). Kind of disgusting considering that McCain is MISTER POW.

    Compare those with Obama’s “ties” to Bill Ayers. Don’t you think that maybe McCain has a few more (not to mention stronger) “ties” to war criminals and terrorists?

    Now, I’m tired and I need to go to the market and prepare myself for a long evening of watching the State map turn blue.

  • wow, now im not o democrat, but i do feel srry 4 this guy, n im not that emotional. if only she hung in there 4 , like , i d k , 2 more days, she would have been able 2 find out if he accomplished his dream on his 1st try. how sad, n i dont even LIKE the guy 2 much!!!!!!!

  • I don’t know what Obama’s family issues are, but I sympathize with him, it is really sad that his grandmother missed the chance to see him elected.

    I do know what he meant by that comment about his grandmother being a typical white woman. My grandmother is white, and she grew up in a time where races didn’t mix and she isn’t racist but she had prejudices. Sometimes she says things were it shows. So I think that people may have prejudices but once you become part of a blended family, those things go away and you see people for who they are.