Today's Evil Beet Gossip

My Exciting Day

8 am – 1 pm: Work
2 – 4pm: Dentist, where I am informed I am in the early stages of periodontitis, and I was like “Yes I am PMSing, thanks for noticing” but then the dentist informed me that periodontitis is actually a gum disease. Fun.
4:30pm: Violently ill for no apparent reason. Feels like food poisoning. Even funner.

I’m gonna lay in bed and watch the debates and take it easy the rest of the day.

16 CommentsLeave a comment

  • At least you dentist didn’t tell you to take off your pants like he does to me, every damn time.

  • My dentist is crazy hot. I went to see him a couple of weeks ago because I was having jaw pain. It was from over-use. I’m a trainer so I talk all day, plus I travel for my job so not only do I talk all day but then we go out for dinner and more talking, so by the end of a couple of weeks, my jaw is sore. So my hot-ass dentist had to tell me that my jaw pain was due to the muscle and that I should practice jaw exercises and stretches. I did my damndest to not look at him while he told me this because good Jesus, he’s a fox. So that’s my story. I love my dentist. Because he’s crazy hot. And married but I figure his wife’s a bitch.

  • Your gums get all swollen and painful, and your violently ill when your pregnant, AND it feels like a constant PMS… Maybe lau_rens right?…

  • sounds like you need a love injection Sasha.. I’d be more than happy to give you one. While you’re at it.. open nice and wide and say AHHHHH

  • ‘Beet… you may be sick from the bacteria and yuck the dentist rustled up during your exam. Beginning stages? I’d get a second opinion if I were you… seems you are too young and in reasonable health to get gum disease (unless it is hereditary??) Could be a way for them to make some bucks off of ya!

  • If your dentist recommends some kind of deep cleaning treatment, make sure you ask for the total cost. My bf was told it cost a certain amount, had half of the work done, and then was told that that amount was “per quadrant.” As in, “It’ll cost four times the amount we originally told you.” I too am wondering if this is a new scam dentists are pulling. Good luck!

  • get them cleaned, and floss. floss. floss. EVERY day. under your gum tissue. if everyone did it, it would put dentists out of business. aside from the occasional broken tooth or wisdom tooth extraction. trust me. i’m a dental hygienist. we depend on non-compliance.