Today's Evil Beet Gossip

The Next “Dick” Cheney???

Ahhhhhhh ha ha ha ha ha ha!

I crack myself up sometimes, you guys.

A reader sent in this old-school pic of possible VP Joe Biden, which showcases what he has to offer to, um, our country.

Love it, love it, love it.

Sarah Palin may be all about Joe Six-Pack, but I for one would be happy to get me a piece of old-school Joe’s two-pack, if ya know what I mean.

Thanks Chelsea!

27 CommentsLeave a comment

  • hahaha, shit, this is awkward :P
    lol. love you beet!
    p.s. –
    for some reason the “chelsea” made me think of chelsea clinton contributing this.
    awkward again.

  • To say that Palin is not particularly kind to those who don’t spport her 1000 percent is an understatement. Lyda Green is a highly-respected Republican and is president of the Alaska state senate. She resides in Wasilla. Lyda did not feel that Palin was ready to be governor in 2006, and declined to endorse her, preferring to remain neutral. In January of 2008, Palin was on the Mark & Bob Show, a radio show in Anchorage. During the radio spot, Bob Lester remarked to Palin that he knew she viewed Green as “a bitch and a cancer.” Palin just laughed and giggled at his comments, knowing full well that Lyda is a breast cancer survivor. What was particularly hard on Lyda is that her children had to learn about the incident by reading about it on the Internet.

    I just cringe when I see Palin exploit her infant son on a stage to crowds.

    My message to Sarah: As a real woman, I don’t need to put on my “lipstick and high heels” to see where you’re coming from. Go home.

  • I didn’t think that anyone would see this 3 pages back but I after reading that so many people didn’t know information on herpes, I had to share some.

    One in five people in the U.S. have been infected with the herpes virus and 90% of those people have no idea they have it. Herpes simplex virus is the genital herpes virus. It infects the skin and travels down the nerves to the base of the spinal cord where it stays for life. The virus travels from the spine back to the genital skin. While the virus is on the skin it can be spread to a partner through close skin-to-skin contact.

    Condoms work very well and do protect. But since the condom doesn’t cover the entire genital area, herpes infections can sometimes be transmitted from person to person even when using a condom. Herpes can be transmitted from oral sex as well. Valtrex have also been proven effective when taken daily to reduce the risk of transmission. Always use communication when having sexual relations with a partner.

  • ya can never ever trust a pollie who flops to the ‘right’ !
    ….and thems the facts!
    same applies to the females although a bit harder to detect!
    ya just gotta keep an eye out for :- upskirt and/or bikini (‘toe)pics…or of course the very popular ‘Britney-esque vehicle exit flash’ !!

  • @ PMP- mhmm. I used to have a link to my itsybitsy blog, but I figured my semi-professional photographs were more interesting, heh. Thanks for the compliment, BTW!

  • Aside from the sockless loafers and the kielbasa (which, while not unimpressive is better left to the imagination), Joe looks pretty cute.

  • “When the stock market crashed, Franklin D. Roosevelt got on the television and didn’t just talk about the, you know, the princes of greed. He said, ‘Look, here’s what happened,‘”
    -Joe Biden

    Except, Republican Herbert Hoover was in office when the stock market crashed in October 1929. There also was no television at the time; TV wasn’t introduced to the public until a decade later, at the 1939 World’s Fair.

    Nope, I’m definitely not voting for “that one”.

  • Let’s see, a gaffe about Franklin D. Roosevelt, or making rape victims pay for their own rape kits.

    Yup, you’ve picked the right choice there.



    The American people are thrilled to have their first African-American president.

    Speaking of Barack Obama—Barack Obama is a racial-minority individual and does not like racism:

    And Michelle Obama is a racial-minority individual and does not like racism:


    (I) I do solemnly swear by Almighty God that George W. Bush committed atrocious, racist, hate crimes of epic proportions and with the stench of terrorism which I am not at liberty to mention. Many people know what Bush did. And many people will know what Bush did—even until the end of the world. Bush was absolute evil. Bush is now like a fugitive from justice. In any case, Bush will go down in history in infamy.

    (II) It is opined that Bill Clinton committed terrifying, racist, hate crimes during his presidency, and I am not free to say anything further about it. ‘Be sure your sins will find you out’ (Numbers 32:23).

    (III) What if basically all racial-minority people would subscribe to the interpretations that George Herbert Walker Bush committed monstrous, racist, hate crimes while he was the President of the United States? It will eventually come out: it is only a matter of time.

    (IV) I know it may be hard to believe. However, Ronald Wilson Reagan committed horrible, racist, hate crimes during his presidency.

    – The Dissemination Machine

    (There are thousands of copies on the Internet indicating the contents of (I), (II), (III), and (IV). For example, one can go to Google right now, type “George W. Bush committed hate crimes of epic proportions and with the stench of terrorism,” hit “Enter,” and readily find 1,000 or more copies indicating content of (I). For example, one can go to Msn right now (14 April 2009), type “It is opined that Bill Clinton committed racist hate crimes, and I am not free to say anything further about it,” hit “Enter,” and readily find more than 460 copies indicating content of (II). For example, one can go to Msn right now, type “George Herbert Walker Bush committed monstrous, racist, hate crimes,” hit “Enter,” and readily find more than 210 copies indicating content of (III). For example, one can go to Msn right now, type “Ronald Wilson Reagan committed horrible, racist, hate crimes during his presidency,” hit “Enter,” and readily find more than 180 copies indicating content of (IV). The contents of (I), (II), (III), and (IV) exist very extensively in all major search engines. And there are thousands of copies in very many countries around the world. For example, there are countless copies on the Internet in Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Denmark, France, Germany, India, Japan, Korea, Russia, Sweden, the United Kingdom, etc.)

    ‘If only there could be a Ban against invention that bottled up memory like scent & it never faded & it never got stale.’ Off the top of my head, it came from my Lower Merion High School yearbook.