Today's Evil Beet Gossip

The Simpsons Alleges Voter Fraud

Well, kind of.

Check out this clip of the episode of The Simpsons — which will air on November 2, two days before the election. In it, Homer tries repeatedly to vote for Barack Obama, but his votes are counted for John McCain. Then the voting machine kills him.

Executive producer Al Jean claims the clip is not an endorsement of Obama but rather a commentary on voting system irregularities.

11 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Even Republican’s I know didn’t vote for Bush in the last election, and didn’t Bush only have a 33% approval rating when he supposedly won? I love how his most major contributor is the man responsible for the manufacturing of the voting machines and the software. Ugh. What happened to this country?

    On a happier note, I love the Simpson’s thanks for the clip.

  • before we snark we should learn to use the proper form of ‘won’. “Just saying”…

  • “before we snark we should learn to use the proper form of ‘won’. “Just saying”…”

    That made my day

  • everyone knows the creators of the simpsons and southpark are raging convservatives so no, they are not endorsing obama.

  • This is no time to mince words. The reality is that Liberals are so egocentric and paranoid that they cannot get past the fact that they ACTUALLY LOST – TWICE. And will probably lose again. Will they continue to convince themselves of their favorite fantasy (it was “unfair”)? Or will they face reality for the first time ever? The U.S. has 2 conservatives for every 1 liberal. Democratic wins are ANOMALIES in this great nation. Stay tuned for another liberal loss.

    Democrats today are what they have always been: the party of human slavery. During the Civil war they were pro-black slavery. Today they are pro-Iraqi slavery. Economic freedom is intimately tied to social freedom & the results of their coercive windfall taxes show that they are pro-American slavery. They have illogical irrational blind faith in the government despite it’s ongoing damage to America and very public failures. They vainly pretend they are too clever to believe in G-d and then turn around and worship at the alter of the almighty State. JFK would be utterly horrified at what the foolish anti-American traitors that populate the Democratic party today.

    The lies they tell grow greater with every year. A rich man only got rich by taking it from a poor man. The government can make the world “fair”. American soldiers are terrorists. Europe is good. America is evil. Government is good. Corporations are evil. Education can keep people from making bad decisions. Lie after lie, they only fall deeper into quicksand of their own making. And they wonder why they pop pills and are full of anxiety.

    Their self-serving deceptions fall apart with even the most basic rational insight. They are blind and lost little wraiths, thrashing about walking backwards through life spewing ironic negativity with the inanity of a madman. They question everyone’s beliefs but their own.

    Congrats to liberals for getting every issue wrong and misrepresenting American history for over 100 years. Liberalism itself is the greatest lie ever told. The truth shall set you free.

    It’s not the end of the world….it’s just the end of liberals.