Today's Evil Beet Gossip

What the U.S. Really Needs Right Now Is Someone In Power Who Foreign Diplomats Feel Comfortable Sexually Harrassing

Gag me.

On entering a room filled with several Pakistani officials this afternoon, Palin was immediately greeted by Sherry Rehman, the country’s Information Minister.

“And how does one keep looking that good when one is that busy?” Rehman asked, drawing friendly laughter from the room when she complimented Palin.

“Oh, thank you,” Palin said.

Pakistan’s recently-elected president, Asif Ali Zardari, entered the room seconds later. Palin rose to shake his hand, saying she was “honored” to meet him.

Zardari then called her “gorgeous” and said: “Now I know why the whole of America is crazy about you.”

“You are so nice,” Palin said, smiling. “Thank you.”

A handler from Zardari’s entourage then told the two politicians to keep shaking hands for the cameras.

“If he’s insisting, I might hug,” Zardari said. Palin smiled politely.

That’s nice. Because Lord only knows what could happen if John McCain had picked a female VP candidate who insisted that world leaders take her, ya know, seriously.

In fairness, though, Sarah Palin still thinks Pakistan is a city in Mexico.

44 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I’d like to find a way to take this candidate seriously. I searched the back issues of Alaskan newspapers….nothing there helped. I dug up contacts on both sides of the law in her home town and other neighborhoods as well…nothing there helped…but it sure was interesting to hear the word on the street…

    Once the dust clears and level heads prevail come January, it will be interesting to read what we can’t be told at this point because the media doesn’t want to appear biased in regard to revelations about Lady Lovely…

  • that was a funny one, beet. You kidder, you! All this shows is that Pakistan is @ 15 years behind on the politically correct things to say and has no corporate policy on telling someone they look nice. I do believe, however, even though Sarah Palin is a woman, she still has the ability to have an original thought, carry an intelligent conversation, have even stronger qualifications than the well spoken Democrat Presidential candidate; even though she’s a woman.

  • Never forget that many political decisions are made at the coffee table
    and, like it or not, both Palin and Bhutto´s widower seem to be
    charming and ambitious
    two qualities that serve politics well
    especially on a foreign affairs basis.

  • ding, ding – round one, oh yeah, it’s on again

    I for one, have absolutely no desire to have a cheerleader as second in command.

  • I personally don’t even think she’s that pretty…. prettier than most women in politics, ok I’ll give her that, but pretty? Eh. But still men will be men and are too busy thinking they might get an ass shot one day if she is in office, than actually listening to her political views. Sigh. this country is so screwed if they win.

  • The country will be better off with a qualified, experienced, no nonsense president leading… congress still is where it matters and Obama, in all his 143 days in congress before he decided to run, voted neither for or against, but just that he was present for the vote more than any other senator… that is not the decision making quality of a leader to me.

  • Holy shit so Pakistan isn’t in Mexico??

    Oh my God you know what this means?? I can totally be vice-prez!

    w00t! I also am a girl and have big boobies, so that will TOTALLY help. I can taste the complimentary photo-shop now!!

  • How capable is the woman of original thought, Beet Czar? She think’s the planet is 6,000 years old! A 2nd grader visiting the Smithsonian could tell you that’s BS. As far as McCain qualified to handle the country through these economic times…are you high? “Fundamentals are strong?” Remember hearing that somewhere?

  • it must be me but it seems the evil beet has developed quite a crush on this woman—- she just can’t help herself and she just keeps on posting on this woman (beet, can palin’s face shot be any bigger plzzzz???)…i think this official is on to something…. seriously, im beginning to think Leo and the cats are being neglected…. how many times will i come to this hot spot to see yet another “i can’t believe she was picked” post. not to mention neither are these posts funny or devious. like crotch shots in hollyweird—kinda expected by now. now i know our evil beet likes to keep her politics to herself but one can only wonder when posts on obama are all hearts and butterflies and this woman/mcrum/economy/ect are all “chicken little they sky is falling.” either beet is a democrat or she’s a republican who became a democrat because she doesn’t like his vp pick….i don’t know, but maybe it’s time for beet to come out of the closet, no clay aiken pun intended, and tell us where she stands. this way im not lead to believe—- that her neither funny nor devious preoccupation with this woman is just a sign of a major crush.

    in case one is wondering this woman did lost me when she left that polar bear stranded on the melting ice….but I digress.

  • What a bunch of misogynistic assholes. Make up something (6000 year old planet) just so you can hate on someone you disagree with politically. It’s that same small minded parochialism that creates and sustains racism and sexism. I don’t agree with the lady, but that doesn’t mean we can’t be civil. It really bothers me to see what is becoming of so-called liberal-minded people these days.

  • Ew. Her mascara is so clumpy and thick. Spider legs! And the eyeliner is the same thickness throughout. What a hick.

  • @ Alex – The media doesn’t want to appear biased??? Are you fucking kidding me??? Just how many light years is the planet you are from away from earth?

  • re; deedee

    i appreciate your enthusiasm in voicing your opposing viewpoint on whether we think obama is the man or not, but i think it’s time that everyone on this fucking planet holds onto their fucking seats because the good old usa is seconds away from crashing and burning in a spectacular fireball like you won’t believe and one you may not be able to escape with marginal burns from.

    obama/biden or mccain/palin…does it really matter at this point? do you actually think obama’s going to save your ass? right. or mccain will pull you out of this? sure. and i’m the goddamn tooth fairy.

    the whoring of the almighty dollar by these fucking politicians (both parties), and the companies that own them, have led us down this wizard of OZ yellowbrick road paved with borrowed gold only to pull the curtain back, look at the bottom of your shoes, and realize it was really dogshit you’ve been walking in and nobody’s there with a good plan on how to clean them.

    for those of you that thought you could buy a house bigger than you needed and without having the income to pay for it, and you did it and now you can’t make your payments or have been foreclosed on, fuck you and the lenders that loaned it to you without checking your financial background. for all of you that maxed our your credit cards so you could look good living the good life and keeping up with your peer group, fuck you too. for those of you that are so superficial that you really do covet those expensive shoes, dresses and blouses you see at the high end stores you flock to but have to charge them because you can’t really afford them, you can fuck yourselves too.

    we should all be marching on fucking washington right this minute, and will soon, i guarantee you. so now beet’s shocked that she can’t get a home loan for her sister with 15% down, sadly realizing that the bigger picture is that there is virtually no fucking money left to borrow, period. not for houses. not for cars. not for businesses to have working capital. car companies are broke. airlines are broke. banks are broke. suppliers are broke. you’re broke, my friend, or may be closer than you want to admit.

    let’s go have a nice dinner and ignore that our 401K is in the fucking tank and may take 20 years to recover. i’ve got 20 years, but how about your parents? your sisters? brothers? how about all the young people in the country that are just getting started trying to make their mark and make a difference. will they be able to afford to? will they even have an opportunity to? man, i hope so!

    all the while we sit back and watch the dollar become closer to being worth as much as the toilet paper roll that ronson wipes her skinny little ass with. while we all sit here and giggle about sarah palin’s ignorance or joe biden’s pompous idiotic rant, this country is one minute closer to operating much like obamas homeland.
    i, for one, like goat meat, but i’m guessing many of you won’t. and i really hate to see beet carrying some big ass basket on her head walking down the street to try to get a loaf of bread.

    the epidemic we’re in has no dividing line between democratic and republican. and sadly, whether you’re white or black, asian or hispanic, those of us that actually played by the rules are the real fucking minority now.

    sure, we’ll get bailed out as we begin piecemealing our companies to the highest bidder at ten cents on the dollar. and they they’ll own us. the indians. the chinese. the saudis. pick your flavor.

    slavery, massa, my, my, my, ain’t it sumthin’.

  • DeeDee, I have zero faith in Obama doing anything but creating more government, which I have no interest in, but Caribou Barbie is dumber than a bag of broken hammers, and the thought of her being the leader of this country is a pretty scary one.

  • Censorthis, what a great post!

    We sat out the housing market (not to mention the plasma screen TV, huge SUV market) and watched our neighbors and lots of other random people make huge gaping asses of themselves. My retirement account is in deep trouble and so is our life insurance policy.

    So, yeah, fuck the mortgage companies, the ugly-ass mcmansion buyers, the zero-down schmucks, and the real estate agents who happily drove housing prices beyond anything remotely sane.

    Now, we all have to pay the price for your greed.

    And, well, censorthis said it much better than I ever could.

  • re; donkey

    i’m guessing you’ve never had to suffer a typical church service before? let’s see, here’s how it goes. you show up and look at what everyone else is wearing and ogle the hot young teenage girls. then you find ‘your pew’, which you have to be careful as there’s hierarchy as to where you can sit. big wig, up front. little peon, in back. then you listen to creepy organ music. then you pray. then they tell you a fable or two. then you pray again. then they bring out the tray with flesh and blood. then you file up front and eat some crackers and have grape juice , but pretend it’s the mostest special flesh and blood you’ve ever eaten before. then you look at the teenage girls again as they file past you to sit down. then they pass a tray around and you give them 10% of your gross income. then you pray again. it’s all voodoo man, it’s all voodoo. just ask obama.

  • Censorthis, you make a lot of really good points. And there’s no way anyone on here can ask anyone else to be optimistic about our chances. But I will say that in the past, amazing presidents have fixed our huge crisis. We had a civil war, and an amazing president helped bring us back together. FDR helped get us back on our feet after the Great Depression. As dismal as things seem right now, I still have hope that with intelligent, responsible leadership, we can somehow land on our feet again. Maybe I’m too optimistic. Who knows,

    However, I will say the voodoo thing is pretty nasty. Killing a woman’s pet and accusing her of witchcraft is just more anti-women speech coming from the McCain/Palin camp. Perhaps folks will think I’m too sensitive about this stuff, but I am a strong feminist, and stuff like attacking a woman and calling her a witch (something that in this country resulted in lots of murdering of young girls) doesn’t sit well with me.

    On that note, it is not misogynistic at all to fault Sarah Palin for being a Creationist. That talk is just fine in the church, but when it comes to science and what is taught in schools, and our government, actually concretely thinking that the world is 6,000 years old and people walked around with dinosaurs becomes delusional and sometimes dangerous.

  • re; dinosaurs

    there you go again, being all polite and expressing your point in a thoughtful and calm manner. are you sure you’re on the right board?

  • Every time I see this picture I think that the rest of her face is going to fade away slowly, leaving just that wide, toothy insincere grin behind…like a certain famous literary cat…who, come to think of it, was also known for not really giving folks a straight answer.

  • Censorthis, the US economy is already making headway in recovering. For once, the US is being financially supported by the UK, not the other way around. The outlook may seem gloomy for the time being, but those of us in Europe know that where there’s a will, there’s a way – countries that have been made destitute can still rebuild. It just takes time. And who you elect next will matter a lot – it’s *got* to be someone who can work with the rest of the world now that it’s becoming apparent just how much you’ll need us.

  • @dinosaurs: I strongly strongly agree with you…a lot of people say that lack of experience is one thing, and lack of knowledge is another.

    What I’ve seen in this forum alone has shown me that people get more pissed off about you saying something stupid, than they do about you being new to something like a forum.

    Is the White House that much different? Probably, but I still think that one trait makes people a lot more nervous than the other.

    Also, completely out of the topic –you’re a female, right?

  • *stands and applaudes* censorthis has hit the nail right smack dab on the head (IMHO).

    That picture of Palin is freaking me out, like seriously, it gives me the creeps. If that was in 3D I’d probably scream til the end of time.

  • oh, censorthis, you’ll make me blush! I’m definitely on the right board. If only you knew what a fould mouth and foul sense of humor I have.

  • @Censor this–hear, hear (to your first comment). The only thing I would add is that walking with baskets on our heads to go get bread wouldn’t necessarily be a bad thing. Cut down on gas consumption, get some exercise, etc etc.

  • OK, here’s a question (if anyone’s still reading this thread). How should she have handled the situation diplomatically? She can’t call him out for his sexist comment. Other than smiling and thinking privately that he’s a jerk, what should she do?

    On another, totally superficial note: She is not hot. There is a different, much lower, standard of looks for politicians. Male or female, no one expects them to be babes, so moderately decent looking public servant get gushed over.

  • > Is anyone making sure that McCain take his vitamins?

    Negative each night they top off the formaldehyde flowing through his veins and stick him back in the cryogenics chamber until morning. Once a month he gets the cancer cells sucked out and replaced with foam latex.

  • Speaking of John McCain and vitamins- anyone else think he looks like the crypt keeper lately? He looks terrible! And not just old, cause my grandparents are old and they are adorable.