Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Amy Winehouse is TOTALLY FINE: Exhibit 2,994,756

Here’s Amy at a DJ gig in London last night, where she apparently jammed on an acoustic guitar before attempting to jam several vinyl records down the backside of her leggings.

The photo agency says she later “suffered cuts to her legs and hands,” although they don’t specify exactly how.

For what it’s worth, Amy, I find it works better if you use the razor blades to cut the cocaine on, say, a mirror, instead of on your hands. Just my experience.

8 CommentsLeave a comment

  • ahh Wino Wino… give us all such an endless supply of great material……but alas , I`m sure it ain`t meant to last.
    For sadly one day Amy (maybe soon) we`re gunna be presented a pic of you laying on your back,conked out behind the fridge,arms and legs in the air just like a cockroach after losing a bout with a can of Raid!!

  • So this totally waste of a human strung out on many addictions is not helped at all by her family or the government and is allowed the freedom to roam about doing illegal things? YAY Brits love her to make a lot of money and pay those taxes! Just don’t drop a wrapper outside or put the wrong item in the recycle bin with criminal intent and you can do as you please.

  • Honestly~ I am torn between doing a death-clock on Amy and feeling extremely, extremely sorry for her and hoping she’ll snap out of it….I guess if she can’t have Blake she wants to go to hell in a handbasket~ but back me up~ have we ALL not been there after a devastating break-up/seperation? It’s up to luck if you survive.

  • ….so seriiously …why do we have these ppl as the “role models”…they should lock the cokewhore up… :)

    (sorry if this is mean..but its just disgusting seeing a young girl throw her life away)

  • I’m pretty sure that’s a scarily bony shoulder, Anonymous.

    Kitten, I too have had a bad-breakup breakdown, but I think her time allotment for downward spiral has expired. Seriously, it’s unfair that a wonderful man like Heath Ledger can accidentally overdose while suffering from sleep/stress issues and this train wreck is free to roam while doing unquestionable things to her body on purpose! I’ll never understand.