Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Alec Baldwin Wrote a Tell-All, Was Once Suicidal

So Alec Baldwin’s got this new tell-all coming out, titled A Promise to Ourselves: A Journey Through Fatherhood and Divorce and a source who’s read an advance copy says that Alec talks in detail about contemplating suicide after his cruel voicemail to his 11-year-old daughter leaked to the press.

“He writes about how he was serious about suicide. He definitely put a lot of thought into the different ways he could accomplish it,” says the source. Eventually, Alec writes that he decided to seek treatment, because he was no good to his daughter or anyone else in his depressed, suicidal state.

Ugh, I don’t know how I feel about like 8000 celebrities doing interviews or writing books about how at one point in their lives they contemplated suicide. Like, is it a positive thing because it gives hope to people who are currently very depressed that things do improve? Or is it shameless exploitation of a very real issue that does claim lives? I mean, for every celebrity who rants to People magazine about how they were once suicidal, like, tens of thousands of people actually do kill themselves, leaving loved ones in devastation. Do these sort of admissions from celebrities help things? Hurt things? Have no impact whatsoever?

What do you guys think?

15 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I really don’t know what to think
    he seems pretty normal to me
    sometimes in a very crazy way
    but he’s like everyone else,
    and that could be a publicity stunt
    or the plain truth

  • Give it a rest Alec! Your divorce and suicide contemplation were years ago.
    Why don’t you hit the gym! You need it. What happened to him? He use to be so hot!

  • What do I think? I think Alec Baldwin is a class A-1 prick. I think he’s proven time and time again — from his tirade on Letterman’s show so many years ago ( to the charming phone rant to his daughter — that he’s probably one of the most childish people in Hollywood. I gotta say, though, he has made me laugh quite a few times when he appears on SNL. And his brief but powerful performance in “Glengary Glenross” is definitely unforgettable. I dunno, I guess I have a love-hate relationship with him.

  • I don’t think it hurts to tell the truth. More and more people are becoming much more open about their problems.
    I sure hope it is not a publicity thing. I can’t help but imagine that whenever someone writes a ‘tell-all’ that it is just a ploy to make cash and they end up exploiting others connected to them (ie. his daughter) whether they intended to or not.
    It helps to know that celebrities have problems too. But, it seems that being messed up now is hip- and that scares me. Let’s hope it is a step in the right direction for him and that maybe, just maybe it saves a few lives too.

  • you make a good point. i think some of these celebs use it to gain sympathy when they’ve done wrong or to make their life stories more dramatic. however, i think in the long run most people reading about these celebs going through tough times will take away hope that things will change. i remember when halle berry confessed to oprah she tried to kill herself after a breakup, that really struck a nerve with me. if someone so beautiful and successful felt that way… and look at her today. she’s so happy and she has a baby and a man and a great career.

  • My first husband committed suicide three years ago this month leaving behind his infant son and the rest of us to mourn and wonder why. I personally don’t feel like having celebrities talk about their brush with suicidal tendencies does anything either way, bad or good. At least in my situation, if our baby’s sweet face wasn’t enough to make my husband want to change his mind then I *highly* doubt having some celebrity share his story would have made a difference. But maybe there are some people out there who could be saved…

  • “Alec talks in detail about contemplating suicide after his cruel voicemail to his 11-year-old daughter leaked to the press.

    “He writes about how he was serious about suicide. He definitely put a lot of thought into the different ways he could accomplish it,” says the source. Eventually, Alec writes that he decided to seek treatment, because he was no good to his daughter or anyone else in his depressed, suicidal state.”

    Because he is so much better for his daughter being a tyrannical bully *rolling eyes here*. Seriously, Alec Baldwin talking about contemplating suicide because the public finally had firsthand proof of how terribly he treats his daughter is actually quite disgusting. If he was a decent father who deserved to actually have a child there wouldn’t be anything shameful to consider being suicidal over in the first place. That is even if he was suicidal in the first place. The whole statement and book reeks of him desperately trying to win back favour with the public. Anyone who may have sided with him over Kim Basinger in the divorce and ensuing custody battles will now be admitting they were backing the wrong horse there. A lot of people will understand why Kim has fought so long and hard against him….she is doing all she can to protect her daughter from someone who obviously treats the girl like crap and can’t understand why his daugher then doesn’t ‘adore’ him. Thank god the day will come when Ireland is old enough that she can’t be forced by a court to have any contact with her father………..maybe then she will have peace and respect in her life. Stay strong Kim, u have many supporters!

  • i think its silly
    i think hes just going for sympathy
    like feel sorry for me and not my daughter
    who i verbally assaulted

  • I think that it is exploitive to generate earnings through sharing painful personal experiences…a la alec baldwin. when people simply share their experiences for the purpose of bringing awareness to a problem, or empathizing with others who deal with some of the same issues, however, it can be a very positive thing. I guess its just aspect of using something like suicide or depression to generate profit that really bothers me.

  • I am a divorced father (of 7 years ago) with children now 9 son and daughter now 14. I love them very, very ,very much. I believe it to be so true that the man in a divorce to totally alienated from his children. I love my children very much them when it is convienent for the other side of the family. Yes I have a parententing plan, however, I wonder what the writing on the plan is for. There is no reguard to the parenting plan whatsoever and I as the father is just a second class citizen. The x claimed I made 3 times the amount of money that I make and the courts imposed this on me. After 10+ years in busines I’m forced to close the doors and see mt children when it is convieniet for the other party. I feel for this guy and agree 100% that the average guy gets totally shafted. Yes another part of the world looks good when things connected to your heart are taken away from you and you really have nothing to say about it. I feel for this guy kowing what it’s like to have this preduice from the court system, attorneys, judges etc. It is the worst no win situation there is.

  • On the voicemail: I’m not taking sides. but sometimes things are not what they seem. The angry person might have been “trolled” for many years with constant manipulations, gaslighting etc.

    I was in such a relationship (with a personality disordered person) and was viewed as the angry person (being constantly triggered by a very manipulative and smart person, who knew exactly how to “look good”). This person had tried to alienate me from an eleven-year-old and at one point I even snapped at the child, for allowing this to succeed!!!

    I don’t know these two persons, so I can’t say in this case, but one should be careful. Those who seem “nicest” are not always so…