Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Okay So I’m a Little Obsessed with This Whole Thing About Sarah Palin’s Pregnant Teen Daughter

There are very few things that can get me genuinely interested in anything political. In fact, I had previously believed that there was nothing that could get me genuinely interested in anything political. This year, however, has proven me wrong. There are two things, at last count, that can get me genuinely interested in politics: hookers and teen pregnancies.

Since the Eliot Spitzer scandal has died down, I am now thoroughly obsessed with Sarah Palin’s 16-year-old daughter, Bristol, and the child it is becoming increasingly clear she gave birth to, and that her mother claimed as her own to protect her political career. It doesn’t do a lot of good to champion an abstinence-before-marriage platform when your own unwed teen’s knocked up. (But, you know, that’s what fucking happens when we refuse to give our teenagers useful information about and support for their sexuality, but whatever, I’ll back off that rant for now. I have a feeling there will be plenty of time for it later.)

This link has a ton of photos of Sarah Palin just a month or two before she “gave birth” — she doesn’t look preggers at all. They also offer tons of other evidence to support their point — including the fact that, after going into labor, Sarah traveled for hours (on an airplane!) to “give birth” in a remote hospital in her home town, even though the baby was a month premature. Additionally, at the same time as Governor Palin’s “pregnancy,” her 16-year-old daughter, Sarah, was out of school for over five months due to “mono.”

Perhaps most damning is this photo of Bristol taken in late 2007. The baby was born in April 2008. Stomach fat or growing baby?

What do you guys think????

80 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I think it’s pretty stupid to have done such a piss poor, sloppy ass job of covering up a teen pregnancy, and not being honest about said pregnancy and then accept being on the Republican Ticket in what will be a moderately watched election between a biracial senator and a senior citizen who can’t remember how many homes he owns, and who would like to keep troops in Iraq for 100 years. Yup, this is going to be a tight race folks, so why would a liar on the Republican ticket hurt them at this point?

  • Its totally her daughters kids. Especially since she was taken out of school for 5 months during her mothers “pregnancy” because she had mono. Yeah right.

    Theres also a picture of her daughter a few days ago looking a few pounds heavier.

    Also, the woman gave a speech 3 days AFTER she claimed to have given birth.

  • I’m leaning toward YES, if all the things reported on that site about the being in labor during the flight, length of the flight and amount of time the kid was out of school are true (and no one seems to be arguing that they aren’t) I think the kid is definitely the daughters! And if you haven’t seen them check out the pics of the daughter now (in the facebook group “Marry Me Bristol Palin!”) even though she wearing black she’s appears quite heavy which is also odd because most people seem to lose lots of weight when they have mono, right? But she could have packed on the lb’s after recovering….

  • I totally agree with you Beet. I have had 3 boys, one was premature- 5 weeks to be exact- and there is no way that my doctor would ever let me go on a plane on during my 8th month while pregnant with my 5th kid…. no way!! She wouldn’t last 8 hours with her 5th kid if she were having contractions and her water broke before she even did the speech. Plus, I am high school teacher. Kids get mono and are out for a month and even that’s unheard of.

    Plus, if she was that big with her first son (I don’t know if you posted those pictures) then there is no way she would be so tiny with your 5th at 7 months pregnant. No way. Your girl parts know what to do once you had one!!

    I love this soap opera.

  • Baby Jesus, if you are listening and not too busy, please, please let this be true! How very desperate housewives!! Bree for VP :) Im so not sure though. The possibility of having a baby with Downs increases with a womans age and that bitch is 44, but a lot of young women have babies with it too. Also, there are a ton of a little chunky 16 year olds out there too, so Bristol may not be knocked up in those pictures. Man, I demand DNA tests stat!

  • I think if the baby is the daughter’s, they would’ve done a JamieLynn and made her have it and then have the daughter marry the baby’s father. Palin seems pretty unapologetic about things. I’m very, very doubtful she would’ve thought a subterfuge like this was pull-off-able.
    Sure there are a lot of circumstantial deets that seem pretty salacious – but remember… Sarah Palin was over 40 when she got pregnant (higher likelihood of a Down’s syndrome baby), and the baby was about a month premature (also typical of a later in life pregnancy).
    Lastly a premature, Down’s syndrome newborn is usually underweight. The fact that Palin ‘didn’t show’ – seems fairly reasonable.
    I don’t know. But it just seems kinda unlikely

  • It certainly makes for an interesting story.

    The facts certainly suggest, on a circumstantial basis, that it is possible.

    But the youngest daughter looks so much like her mom that I think she is in fact the third daughter.

  • it would make me so happy for her to be called on this bs. if you follow the links there’s just too much evidence that Trig is her daughter’s child. i love when hypocrisy is exposed.

  • Im fairly sure that this was a Desperate Housewives plotline. Apart from Marcia Cross wore a fake belly and fooled everyone.

    I think its time adults started to accept the fact that teengers will have sex when they want to, it doesnt matter how much you tell them to wait until marriage. All you can do is tell them where they can get contraception from, and give them information and stuff.

  • Yeah, what a story either way. Now some blogs are saying that Bristol is married and CURRENTLY pregnant. Knocked up again? Any truth to this rumor?

  • I so hope that this is true, because if that fundamentalist, anti-choice biatch thinks it’s okay to stick her nose into the reproductive rights of all women, we have every right to know the truth about “her” pregnancy. Go down in flames, lying beauty queen.

  • AT LAST!!!! Some decent gossip, with some background information as well. I swear there are two Beets writing in here. One shows real promise and the other is just a lazy pouty little rich girl.

    I think you have scooped the national press here (!) because no one is touching this story YET. Congrats… keep up the good work.

  • WoW, I love this story, so…theatrical, its fucking hilarious, and fucked up, cuz no one likes a hypocrite in society, this bitch will get it from the lefts and the rights for pulling some shit like that.

    Im glad, cuz really, Obama has to win, there is just no way this country can be so stupid as to choose mcain, I would just be offended.

  • Kelsey that was really funny. Now, what do u think, if the father knocked up the daughter… now that would definitely be more of a reason for high probability of trisomy 21! (down’s syndrome)

  • This was posted on Dlisted HOURS before Beet posted it, so it’s hardly a “scoop”. It’s also absurd. There is no limit to the depths liberals will plunge to tarnish someone’s reputation. And now you guys are suggesting INCEST on top of it? What the hell is wrong with you?

    The more crap like this comes out of the left, the worse the left is thought of. Which is helping the McCain camp, not hurting it.


  • Looking at the pics here, looks like a normal teenage girl ‘little belly fat”. If they were trying to hide it; would she wear such a tight dress? Haven’t checked the mom’s pics, but the story is bizarre

  • I read the story attached to the link that you gave out. Trying to sort out the source of that link… do you know the website? Silly question, I know.

    You rock, Beet. Keep doin it!

  • Who cares? Seriously, did anybody ever think maybe she was doing it to protect her DAUGHTER and not her campaign. I mean I know people who’ve done this same thing, I had a friend in elementary school and we were friends just about the time she found out her sister was her mother and her mother was her grandmother. Imagine what it must be like for a pregnant 16 year and then give her mother political spotlight… what was she going to do? Go on tv and announce my 16 year old daughter is P{REGNANT WOOOO. It’s not her personal business to announce, it’s her daughters, if her daughter said I don’t want anyone knowing… well you can see my point.

  • The other evidence is good but that last pic of the daughter posted is hardly the kicker to prove she must have been pregnant I think she is just a solid chick, her arms and things are all proportioned to the waistline. Ahh, this is so interesting. and lmao @ meerkat for being the only one upset about this story, guess we know who they are rooting for!!!

  • Conspiracy theory aside – I’m pregnant with my 5th, and know my pregnancies pretty well, but there’s no way in hell I’d be hopping on an 8 hour flight if I was leaking amniotic fluid…much less if I had been leaking it for hours. Usually once your water breaks, you start having contractions. If not, it still leaves you susceptible to infection and cord prolapse, which is why doctor’s start to when you’re at 12 hours post rupture without labor progressing.

    And it was her fifth, and labors tend to get shorter with each delivery. How could she be sure she wouldn’t transition from early labor to active labor while in the air? Then what? Land in some remote location, with unknown maternity care, one month premature with a baby who has downs who could potentially have a heart defect?

    If she can’t put the health of her unborn child before a stupid speech, I really question her judgement to run our country.

  • who knows but that picture of the daughter says nothing – i mean come on – half of american females probably wish their stomach was that ‘non blobous’

  • The original website that posted the conspiracy has issued a retraction. I was skeptical for awhile but I think its just a case of a few coincidences. I hope no news networks have picked this up – its a bit irresponsible to suggest that a girl with a normal body image (translation: under the average of US female weight) “must” be pregnant because of an unflattering angle. I’d hate to see what bloggers would say about me after I ate a bowl of pasta and a brownie.

  • if the daughter was actually pregnant, dont you think her mom would have put the younger children in front of her to avoid speculation about her stomach? instead of letting her be up front? in this society, any round or protuding belly equals pregnant.

  • Not true. Like said above, if they were going to hide it, why have all these pictures of the girl? She’s not pregnant, she’s just putting on a little fat. I looked the same way at 16.

  • You know what? Who gives a rat’s patooty? She might have tried to save her little girl’s soon-to-be extremely public reputation. I might’ve tried the same stunt. Or, MAYBE she actually had a kid. Who cares? I mean, really. For Pete’s sake, even IF the little girl got herself knocked up, is she any worse than good ol’ Bill Clinton? Not even close, kiddies! So quit with the double-standard already.

    And guess what, guys? Pass out all the rubbers you want in HS, tell’em anything you want- they’re still gonna screw around and they’re still gonna get preggers (and worse!). Doesn’t matter what you do.

  • i have no doubt that this was her daughters baby. which is fine… if you dont hide it to further your politial career. this reflects so poorly on john mCcain. he obviously did NO bakground cheks on this lady before choosing her as his running mate. he was just so desperate to choose someone ‘radical’ to give him an edge on the competition…instead he shot himself in the foot.

  • @sfcgijill
    I don’t think it’s really an indictment of the girl being pregnant, it is much more wonder at the lengths they would go to in order to cover it up, if indeed this is what happened.
    All the stuff you just said, are things one could/should say to Sarah Palin, if indeed she and her hubby covered for the daughter. So yeah, be human and admit to the girl’s mistake and embrace the child and the daughter and go on with your lives. If they did cover up it shows their double-standard and their hypocritical ways. That’s all….

  • Oops, CNN just confirmed that Sarah Palin’s daughter is pregnant NOW. She is getting married before the baby is born to her high school sweetheart.

  • In the picture of her in 2007 she has the same pooch as she does in the family photo up top… obviously not a baby bump.

    I would like this to turn out to be true though. Fun fun!

  • Great post. I too wrote about this (I believe earlier than you maybe) and my little nothing blog, which had maybe 1500 total hits before this post– simply blew up.

    People are so pissed about this rumor!! It’s unbelievable. I’d love for you to see the comment string on mine (click my name to get the link) and let me know what you think.

    I believe that as unlikely/outrageous as this seems to so many Palin-lovers (and even some Obama supporters respectful of personal privacy) there’s got to be a chance. Besides, look at Elliot Spitzer and John Edwards– both people whose scandals were decried as absurd until they were, in fact, verified and publicly confirmed.

    We’ll have to see if this thing dies out or if it becomes a national issue and legit news sites start discussing it. I think that if it does get bigger, she’s going to feel forced to take a DNA test and prove that there was no hoax.

  • Wait, one more thing– I also think it’s interesting (irrelevant to the scandal, technically) that the vast majority of comments on YOUR post are light-hearted, mostly people saying they DO buy this rumor and DO hope it’s true. On my post, nearly everyone reacted negatively, and seems pissed off.

    I wonder if it’s a difference in audience, i.e. your readership is comprised of more casual politically-interested people without a burning fervor either way (Dem or Repub) who are all about just hearing some good gossip and debating its veracity. Kind of cool. The commenters I’ve seen are more often (one of them even with the username MORMON, natch) furious and call this story “depraved” and “appalling.” Kind of funny, actually.

    Don’t they see that this is what you get when you’re a politician? Especially one JUST TAPPED FOR VP OF AMERICA?! Haha. No subject is off limits, and just as you say in your banner: It’s not personal.

    That being said, if it’s true, the McCain campaign is OVER.

  • I used to fear that there would be another dammed republican voted into the White House in this next election – McCain is a moron for choosing such an individual to be his Vice President. NOBODY is going to vote for him because of Palin – I don’t worry anymore.

  • AOL’s reporting it now, saying the same thing. That she’s pregnant NOW and marrying the guy…

    I wonder who’s idea THAT was. She’s freaking 17. Having a baby with someone does NOT mean you are ready for marriage with them. Especially at 17.

  • yeah, it’s all over the mainstream media sites now: and cnn and msnbc.
    what really pisses me off is that a senior aide of mccain’s claims that the mother daughter fake-out prenancy rumors on “liberal blogs” had Obama’s name attached. YEAH, RIGHT! Way to connect his name to it, even it that is a total lie!
    Barack Obama had nothing to do with liberals putting crap like that up on their blogs. Look at Beet, who put it up on her blog. By her own admission, she’s not political at all, she just loves the juicy gossip part of it. Whatever…

  • I read that the baby had down syndrome. I would guess that is the reason she waited until she was seven months pregnant to tell anyone. Imagine having to come to terms with something like that, maybe you don’t want to share the news right away.

  • Ok, so where does this leave us?……..CNN reports that the daughter is 5 months pregnant – right now, and that she will marry the father of the baby. How are all the non-tolerant, religious, abstinence-preaching, far right people going to explain this? The teenage daughter of the GOP VP nominee getting knocked up. Hmmmmm, and McCain’s people said he knew all about it before he announced his decision? WOW! His choice looks like more of a mistake with every passing minute. (Not to mention Palin’s husband has a DUI arrest in his past.) I wonder how many more skeletons are going to come out of Palin’s closet?

  • Let’s just see… in a few months Bristol will “prematurely” give birth to her child. Probably she is not 5 months pregnant now, but much less, and they are just telling this to cover up the fact she gave birth 4 months ago.

  • What really upsets me, now knowing that her daughter is pregnant, is that this woman seems to not care about her family at all. To put your daughter, WHO YOU KNOW WILL BE IN THE SPOTLIGHT, into that situation by accepting the VP spot is absolutely sick. She is supposed to manage our country (should McCain win then die) and she cannot even manage her own family?

    She is a vile human being.

  • On September 1, a few days after Palin was chosen as McCain’s running mate, it was announced by the McCain campaign[120] that Palin’s 17-year old daughter, is five months pregnant and intends to keep the baby and marry the father of her child.[121] The father was referred to only as “Levi” in the release.[121] The McCain-Palin campaign states that John McCain was aware of the situation, but decided that it would not affect his choice of Palin as his vice presidential nominee.[121] The announcement was made in part to counter rumors that Trig Palin is actually Bristol’s son.[121]

    – wikipedia

  • CNN has confirmed that Palin’s daughter Bristol is in fact 5 months pregnant right now……you see? this other thing was just a rumor. :)

  • I guess this makes the rumors about McCain’s lax vetting process true. A 5-month pregnant teenager isn’t exactly hard to vet. All it takes is a good pair of eyeballs.

  • Teenagers have sex. Look in the mirror. Did you have sex when your mom said to wait? I did. Regardless of how much the parents inform them, teach them, hand them condoms, etc. It happens. A teenage pregnancy is not the ideal situation, to be sure. I’m choosing to admire the whole scenario with all it’s flaws, with all the pomp and circumstance. It’s REAL. The family is completely exposed and they’ve chosen to grab their nuts and plow through. I say hell YEAH.

  • 5 months because of mono, please. I believe the official report is that the daughter is in fact pregnant…and that said child being spoken of in this story is in fact Palin (mother).

  • I agree with zaza..

    the kid born in april is her daughters, and this girl is now pregnant with her second child..I’m not really suprised though these people are some country hillbilly folk..I mean Dad gets dui’s and oldest daughter gets knocked up…well i guess they are from alaska I mean whatelse is there to really do?

  • Well, they said McCain wasn’t in touch with “real” problems and such. Maybe he isn’t but Palin sure seems to be, maybe it’s one reason he picked her?? Possible DUI of her hubby (I say possible because I hadn’t heard of that till I read these comments) and a pregnant teenage daughter, you can’t get more REAL than that. It’s not the adversity it’s how you handle it that is important. Looks like she handles it in true form fitting the beliefs that she has

  • i dont know what we’re trying to prove right or wrong here but the last picture is NOT a baby. its so defiately stomach fat!

  • Women who have had four children before are simply not that skinny when they are pregnant for a fifth time. She does not look pregnant at all.
    Also, if she is such a good and caring pro-life mother then why would she be flying around from Texas to Alaska when she is giving birth? Doesn’t that just seem pointlessly risky and stupid?

  • evilzoe,
    while there is decaffeinated coffee, there is not such a thing as caffeine-free coffee. Maybe the amount of caffeine in decaffeinated coffee is ok to have during pregnancy (I don’t know), but I personally would not take the risk if I were pregnant with a special needs child.

    Oh, and the dates of some of the pictures are disputed (mostly because the Governor keeps moving a deleting pictures so it’s hard to establish a credible time line.

  • She definitely looks pregnant in the picture above. However, One thing I think you all missed is the ring on her finger. Yes, it is on her middle finger, but if you look at her latest pictures it has since been moved to the wedding finger. If the above picture was taken in late 2007, that would mean that Bristol Palin has been engaged for some time. Just a thought.

  • I think it’s true. Down with the fuckin’ GOP! They would be ALL over this if it were Hillary/Chelsea.

  • You guys are stupid as fuck… thats all I’m going to say. You’ve all had sex before you were married. You know that Sarah Palin is a better person than you, probably a better mother too… Her daughter is pregnant with her first kid. If thats the most “damning” photo, you shit out of luck, cuz its what she looks like in every photo…. what the fuck difference does it make anyway.. Sarah Palin has a kid who is having a kid… Obama wants to kill kids instead of have them…. hmmmm, who is better?

  • again,, com’on,,, who gives a shit about her (cute) daughter being knocked up. shes hot, and puts out, she s a double threat girl,, sweet!.. blame her folks for not puttn her on birth control, past that PALIN FOR PRESIDENT! plus,,,,,,i’d do her

  • You people are fucking scumbags. Leave the girl alone and stop attackimg her simply because you have no reason to vote for your idiot messiah.

  • well Listen my Name is Star i am 16 i have a son of my own i was raised as a VARY religious kid… it’s NOT always the parents Fault i mean EVERYBODY makes mistake weather it;s doing drugs steeling or Getting PREGNEANT…. NObody is Perfect…

  • Bristol and Levi need to get their acts together for their child so he can have a stable home life.But if they can’t do that.they need to get away from each other and leading separate lives.

  • I think the girl is too hot, and if she is not pregnan I would do some efforts to make her being!

    Huge piece of tits and really beautifull mouth to blow my saxo….


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