Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Your Daily SamLo

Lindsay and SamRo hit up Miami International Airport on Wednesday after spending a few days hanging out there with Samantha’s family.

I’m relieved that Lindsay’s going to be back in LA, where the paparazzi can keep a closer eye on her.

7 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Is there a new blues brothers movie coming out that we didn’t hear about where Lindsay plays Jolie Jake Blues’ love child or is she just looking for the look?

  • I officially dub this outfit Lindsay’s traveling clothes. I’ve lost count how many times she’s worn it lately.

  • Evilbeet, I love the SamLo/Rohan so much. And I love you for loving them. Keep it coming! Eyes of Green, Samantha is hot as a stove top with her new haircut, whether or not that makes her like more or less like a man, debatable.

  • They’re just at an airport. Why is this worthy of a post?? I come here for sex scandals and public gaffes, darnit, not pictures of Lindsay Lohan walking around in an airport not doing anything interesting.

  • I remember the days when Lindsay was worth reading about. Now she’s just another hollywood chick with an unexplicable ugly boyfriend. *sigh*