Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Britney Hits Up Cabo

When is Britney Spears not on vacation these days?

Oh, right, when she’s in a courtroom surrendering custody of her children.

With no little munchkins to look after, Britney hit up Cabo San Lucas to soak up some rays and forget her worries.

Rough life.

8 CommentsLeave a comment

  • give her a break, she needs some time away from all the fake LA hoopla… after all at some point its just shooting ducks in a barrel with the britney bashing isnt it?

  • i dunno, considering she worked her ass off, literally and figuratively, while the rest of us were allowed to have an actual childhood, i think she should be able to take as many vacations as she’d like for the rest of her life.

  • God dammit.. When i was living in mexico, celebrities wouldn’t go there.. And now that i live in canada, these people soends their life in mexico.. thats bullshit.. i never get to meet any celebrities..

  • WTF she’s not doing anything in these pics just leave the bitch alone then maybe she won’t be crazy anymore