Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Is Maggie Gyllenhaal Pregnant or Is This Just an Awful Dress?

And by “dress” I of course mean “jumpsuit.”

At the London premiere of The Dark Knight.

20 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Wow, this looks almost exactly like the outfit that almost got someone booted from the first episode of the new Project Runway! The one made of cheap garbage bags? Actually, I think that outfit may have been a little prettier.

  • I think its just a bad dress. I know a lot of girls that are like a 100 pounds and still have that. Its actually kinda like ab definition

  • No…just a really ugly dress. For some reason, I’ve never found her particularly attractive so I may be biased

  • she sucked in the movie….no she doesnt look pregnant….she looks like an idiot wearing a really stupid dress or whatever that thing is

  • Ugly dress, might be some kind of bone; hold for my skeleton review of the bones of the body… hell if i know which bone that is sticking out… Not a fan of hers at all; so I wanted to really hate her in batman, but she didnt suck…almost showed the same amount of droid emotion as our little Katie Holmes.

  • that material is not forgiving at all, so any bump or roll will show up. unfortunate choice all around.

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  • She is classy.She is very hot on M i l l i o n a i r It’s a pity,if you miss it.

  • even tho she looks like she has a poochy here, her face looks better, in the dark night i could not get over the fact that she looked like a granny

  • Donkey Punch – LMAO, etc, etc – that was good.

    Besides her dress appearing to be too large I actually like it – I love the plunging neckline and the black. Maybe even skinny girls need to wear spanx.

  • Awful jumpsuit, makeup and hair. There are so many directions one can go to from this picture.
    I’d say the car and the guy in the shade (in the backgroud) are the true beauties in the snap shot!

  • She’s a little pregnant, prolly doesn’t give a shit what she really looks like and wanted to feel comfortable…. but yes the dress is bad, i agree with that point.