Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Mug Shots!!!

Hooray for new celeb arrests!

Here are the mug shots of W castmembers Josh Brolin and Jeffrey Wright, who were arrested on Friday night at the wrap party for the Oliver Stone-directed flick about President George W. Bush.

Apparently 10 cops and pepper spray were involved in the brawl.

“We are not at liberty to discuss the specifics of the incident. But officers will use whatever force they feel is necessary to effect a safe arrest,” said a member of the police force.

8 CommentsLeave a comment

  • i do not see how you could be happy about people getting arrested. i dont think getting arrested is something you celebrate

  • Josh Brolin only got arrested for interfering with Jeffrey Wright’s arrest. He’s too big of a puss to fight with the police.

  • He’s not a wife beater, he and his wife Diane Lane got in to an argument and the police were called. They took him to jail, which is sop so there is no domestic violence. It was suggested he take anger management classes and he did. He was never charged with any violent crime ever.

    I love Jeffery Wright, he’s just a brilliant actor. I wonder if that was the unofficial wrap party, cast and crews become very close when they are filming, I can totally see people jumping in to protect each other when they are all from out of town, locals win in most of these cases.