Today's Evil Beet Gossip

A-Rod Taunted with Photos of Madonna

Heh. Some imaginative Toronto Blue Jays fans tried to mess with Alex Rodriguez’s head, showing up to the game with photos of Madonna to shove in his face.

I think my favorite part is how the host here wants to lecture A-Rod about getting married, suggesting that he should have instead stayed single and fucked a ton of hot chicks all day long consequence-free, a la Derek Jeter and Tom Brady. Classy!

7 CommentsLeave a comment

  • So is the idea that he cheated with Madonna while she was married also? If so, I hope the women in this comment area also condemn Madonna.

  • mr. punch, the story so far is that he cheated with various strippers and sluts over the years, and is totally sprung on madonna but not consumated. junior-high-school-ish text messages were involved.

  • life sure is short
    and the news guy sounds pretty paternalistic
    maybe he should leave the money business for the rightful owners
    at the gazillion level we are commenting
    do they really care?
    money makes more money
    and there’s plenty more to come

  • This is awesome. A-Rod is such a Tool.

    If Madonna did fuck him then shame on her. Her husband is the coolest EVER.