Today's Evil Beet Gossip


So basically everything on is the funniest thing ever. I ::heart:: that site. But when I came across this one I almost fell off the couch laughing. Had to share.

21 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Some of them are dumb, but then there are some that mke you laugh a week later thinking about it.

  • im glad you posted this. that site is my homepage when i sign online.
    ….is that bad?
    NO, it’s amazing.
    its my favorite site hands down.

  • Cate Blanchett is my current favorite performer EVER!!! Her acting is fucking MESMERIZING; she truly is. that. goddamn. good. For realz. And I love everything she wears, and I think she looks like some sort of Martian princess. She’s like Rihanna in that way — too strange-looking yet simultaneously flawless to be real. I LOVE her. lovelovelovelovelove.

    Oh, and yes, that tabby looks JUST like her! My boyfriend and I rented The Aviator a day or so ago and were totally remarking on how she looks like a very, very beautiful cat.

    I knew a couple who owned a German Shepherd who looked exactly like Niki Taylor. No joke.

  • @ carmey – it’s the first site I check in the morning too!! (no offense Beet – you’re the second!!)

  • ICHC is one of my all time favorite sites too! It’s bookmarked right below Evil Beet on my computer!

  • The cat pictured above is one of the major reasons that I love cats. I love the “What the fuck are you looking at?!” expression.

  • I HATE those LOLcats. I love cats, but I also love things spelled right. They’d be good videos if they didn’t have captions like “whatz dis do?!”
    Some black guy writes them. Which makes sense.

  • Whoa Junkets!!!!!!!!! Did Don Imus direct you to this blog to make sure we know about his insensitive ass club?

  • i heart the site too- but also am annoyed with the baby talk spelling. never thought about it resembling ebonics, though.

  • oh my god.

    i’m totally supposed to be getting ready for prom & I’m just sat here looking at all the pictures!!!

    My favourite is the baloney one. Ooft!

  • LOL why don’t you get Leo and the cats to do something like this Beet!! lol and then share the pics please!!! lol i love Leo