Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Rebels with a Cause: Matthew McConaughey

Seriously this video looks like the Sharks and the Jets all over again.

A bunch of teenage surfers caused a scene on a Malibu beach this weekend, when they attacked some paparazzi trying to get photos of Matthew McConaughey surfing. It actually gets pretty brutal toward the end.

I mean, far be it from me to stand up for the paparazzi (I just pay them), but these kids come off as total tools here. They yell at the photogs to “get a real job,” but when a photog asks them what they do for a living, one of the kids responds “I drink beer and party! Woooo!”

Total. Fucking. Douchebags.

11 CommentsLeave a comment

  • MM, another asshole. Like Lance Armstrong. (Posted on that as well)
    This one once had a career.. once…

  • That man shirtless is true proof there is a God. Why would anyone prevent shirtless pictures of him being taken? I think my grammar is all off here but really, he’s shirtless. Yay shirtless photos of Matthew Mcconakgahiah.

  • Wow, that did get kinda scary at the end there. I didn’t think that would ever actually feel sorry for the paparazzi, but I do, a little. Too bad the boys on the beach couldn’t have been a little more diplomatic, they just made themselves look like teenage, drunken assholes.

  • Is it wrong that I laughed my ass off? I say it’s an occupational hazard, and aren;t there enough shirtless pics of Mat floating around anyways?

  • Little spoiled MALIBU sufers, come to Santa Cruz bitches!

    I am so torn on who I would side with on this one. It’s a toughy, I can’t stand overprivilidge little shits on summer break looking for attention but the paps should have been adult enough to just call the cops or leave for 10 mins.

  • Adam, no, there are not enough shirtless pictures of him. Have you seen him? It’s a crime when he does wear a shirt.

  • Malibu Chamber of Commerce and Toursim Council motto for Summer 2008:

    “None of us are as dumb as all of us”

  • Haha, that was hilarious. Maybe it’s terrible of me to think so, but still. I mean that’s the price paps are willing to pay for a shirtless pic of Matthew. :D god bless ’em.