Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Lovin’ the Ladies

This is the graphic the New York Times used to illustrate their piece about Lance Armstrong on Sunday.


I, for one, am just glad Ashley Olsen made the cut. I’m so disappointed that one didn’t work out.

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  • I have to comment here bacuse I can not stand Lance Armstrong & Kate Hudson..
    How many Men will this talentless trampy daughter of a famous yet very un-clean looking mother (ever notice that Goldie hawn always looks unshowered) bring home before her son figures out who is who in his life & how big must Lance Armstrongs dick be for all these little girls, (Except for Tory Birch I guess, she must have been high) to date him.
    HE IS GROSS! So gross I can barely look at him..
    They are both so gross.
    I lost respect for LA a loooong ass time ago..

  • Lance Armstrong is a sorry excuse for a man. I hope his ex-wife had a thorough std check when he left. He was with hookers all over the world while he was married to her. He cheats on every woman he’s with. Kate Hudson is a mega slut who deserves every disease she gets from him.

  • i’m disappointed that the mary-kate thing ended so fast too- but i heard that she makes out with ben kingsley in a new movie so i guess that will make up for it.

  • I admit I always was a big Lance fan
    as a survivor, as an athlete
    I am trying not to care much about his love/lust life
    I think of him as a man with only one testicle
    going through midlife crisis
    or any other life crisis
    people who saw death coming at an early age just tend to