Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Incredible Hulk Crushes the Competition

A guy I used to date is friends with Liv Tyler, and he gave me no end of shit for saying “mean things about her legs” at the premiere of Incredible Hulk last week. “She’s really nice!” he insisted repeatedly, as if that somehow negates the possibility that she could have poor fashion sense every once in awhile.

I’ll note two things here:

1) I did not know he knew her prior to writing that post, so I wasn’t being “mean” to her out of jealousy or anything, and

2) I did not say mean things about her legs. I said she has legs that could be really sexy … in a different dress.

Anyway, Liv has the last laugh this week, as Incredible Hulk topped the box office charts with a $54.5M opening. Liv is already signed on to do two sequels, so she’s gonna be okay on the cash flow for awhile. Kung-Fu Panda came in a distant second, followed by the feel-good mass suicide flick of the year, The Happening.

10 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Well, I guess you’re really happy now, because you’re not dating that muppet anymore…. ;)

  • eh, she was boring in the movie, i dont like her or dislike her but she’s got this empty look in her face and her mouth is all awkward, it distracts from the movie.

  • You’re one to talk about someone else’s legs with your cottage cheese ass and elephant trunk Beet.

  • Perez some of us like cottage cheese. Great snack with olives and vegetable thin crackers.

  • Chill, Toxic Shock!

    Every time I see the Incredible Hulk I think of the old SNL skit where all the superheroes were at a cocktail party, and after the Hulk (Belushi of course) used the bathroom, no one else would go in there. So I guess the Hulk equals stinky toilet to me….I’m just saying I probably won’t be going to that movie.

  • Beet – please delete TSS’s posts if possible – they are toxic and I’m getting REALLY pissed off.