Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Britney and Mel: Still Going Strong!

New BFFs Mel Gibson and Britney Spears met up Tuesday night at an exclusive Beverly Hills cigar club.

They chatted for over two hours, and sources say their relationship is an “ongoing guidance session.”

You know Mel probably has to use his American accent to talk to Britney. Otherwise she’s all like “Stop talking funny! I can’t understand you!”

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  • I agree with Esa.
    Hats off to Mel Gibson. Maybe he can help Britney see Madonna, the scant, and the rest of the bottom feeders for what they are.
    Britney needed help and only her father and Mel stepped up to the plate. She is doing much better.
    Happy Father’s Day Mel and Poppa Spears!

  • Mel Gibson scares and angers me – really, seeing his picture freaks me out. I sincerely think he’s crazy. Maybe him and Britney share the same mental issues (really, I’m not being flippant).

  • Yea of course…. Mr. DUI here is the BEST influence on a cracker jack like Britney…

    Nice going Daddy Spears… When is mom’s parenting book coming out again?