Today's Evil Beet Gossip

I’m Famous, Bitches!

Sarah Larson is somehow now more in demand since her split from George Clooney.

Paparazzi hounded the model as she visited her agency and then had lunch with her agent in LA. When asked if she would ever date a paparazzi like Britney, she says “Sure. You wanna be the next one?”


11 CommentsLeave a comment

  • why does she matter all of a sudden? frankly, i was sick of hearing about her the day after they broke up. another “celebretard” *thanks Perez* famous for damn-near nothing.

  • They need to round up Sarah and all those little bitches from The Hills and ship them off somewhere far, far away.

  • as much as i hate her hooker face AND she is cashing in on George Clooney’s stu-horny-tee, this video ( unlike the s%$t you see on ….say INSIDE EDITION ) Shows you what a pack of school yard bullie the paparazzi really are.

  • Did she get new boobs? Can’t tell here. This looks like a total set up…the paps just hanging out in front of her agency’s doors….ya right.

  • i just got an idea. I will date a celebrity, pick up and agent…have a hard breakup and then become famous. No talent needed.

  • Cinnamon-I read somewhere that she did, just a month or so ago & George did not like she did?