Today's Evil Beet Gossip


My fabulous readers know how I feel about Tyson Beckford. I feel that he’s hot. Really, really hot. Not quite Greg Plitt hot, but HOT nonetheless.

So when EB readers Tiffany and Hailey met Tyson at a party in the Hamptons this weekend and got photos with him and sent them to me, I just HAD to run them. He looks amazing here. EDIBLE.

The party was a People magazine event at Surf Lodge, which is … wait for it … Top Chef also-ran Sam Talbot’s new restaurant in Montauk.

Sam is ANOTHER huge celeb crush of mine, but Tiffany says she couldn’t get a picture with him — he was too busy in the kitchen. She did, however, confirm that he is “really tall and really sexy.” Ohhhhhhh, Sam. I love you.

And Tiffany scored Tyson’s number and he texted her later that night to chat her up and ask her and her girlfriends to come to his hotel. She declined, because she has a boyfriend. I WOULD NOT HAVE DECLINED. I SHOULD HAVE BEEN THERE. WHY OH WHY DID I EVER LEAVE NEW YORK CITY???

14 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Sam Talbot’s hotter than Beckford or Plitt. Pretty boys are even higher maintenance than pretty girls…not hot.

  • WHAT!? Um, TEXT ME!!!! Not to sound like a desperado or anything of that sort of nature. Seriously though. Text me. *wink

  • Tyson did not text Tiffany to come to his room to get some of her, she must have had a totally superhot friend that she was too jealous of to send you her picture with Tyson. Tiffany probably could suck a golf ball through a garden hose though…

  • You know, I was trying to find something bad to say about him… and I’m good at that… but unfortunately I can’t. *sigh*

    He’s even my age and seems like a nice guy. He doesn’t appear to be overly stupid, either. Maybe not the deepest pond (the whole spirituality issue), but I’m thinking most women are probably out to devour the packaging anyway.

    I mean… Beet is standing there with Tyson in his hotel room:

    Tyson: “Beet, I’ve been thinking… do you feel logical positivism really has a good take on Hume’s science of man?”

    Beet: “Get. Nekkid. Now.”

    Tyson: “I mean, if a statement can’t be proven to be true or false, do you REALLY think it is irrelevant?”

    Beet: “MRAWWR!” (Pounces)

    Damn him. Yeah, he’s pretty much a work of art.

  • I had a really great time at that party, I cant believe that woman said no!I really is an outrage.

  • Omg. I have to go to Sam’s restaurant.

    Beet, I hereby invite you to chill with me in Connecticut, and we’ll pop over to Montauk and stalk Sam Talbot. <3!

  • I find the whole inter-racial dating thing disturbing. I am not the least bit attracted to black men. The hair…the smell…the attitude…no thanks. There’s plenty of good white men out there with the “perfect package”

  • Apox i beg to differ on the spiritual part. A few years ago on Oprah she interview Tyson about a car accident he had… and omg! Adorable! In the interview he did show alot of spirituality and just a bit of vulnerability…

    But yea… that would totally be out the window in the hotel room.



  • There are plenty of hot white men, and plenty of hot black men. Not every black guy has a smell or an attitude. That’s just rude.