Today's Evil Beet Gossip

This Is Probably the Greatest Justin Timberlake Interview I’ve Ever Seen

Justin is exhausted and hungover and unhappy about being stuck at a press junket.

Chuck the Movie Guy kind of starts the whole thing out on a bad note.

But, in general, Justin’s just being a HUGE bitch here.

I laughed out loud like five times.

23 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I hate Chuck The Movie Guy. I would be a bitch like Justin too if I had douchy Chuck interviewing me.

  • okay, i’ve never been a fan of Justin’s, but i’m not gunna lie this actually made me like him a lot more. he seems more like a real 20-something year old guy and less like a whiney little teenager singing songs only dogs can hear.

  • Absolutely HILARIOUS, I mean seriously I’d be a bitch too if that douchebag was interviewing me. First with his “I’m a nobody so why didn’t you f’ing let me interview you!” attitude then with his, “So you’re stuffing your junk” remark, HELLO?! I’d be like “You want an interview with me? I’ll SHOW you!” too. I love how Justin was like “You don’t have to stretch, be you.” Priceless…Love ya Justin baby.

  • Why is it that I am so attracted to assholes? I had no clue that Justin grew a pair after In Sync, and now he makes me hot. Ah well.

  • I am not getting the “huge bitch” thing here. He seemed pretty nice to me, given the fact that Chuck the movie guy is as an ass!

  • I have always thought that Justin had a sense of humor, I mean having to deal with that HUGE douchebag Cameron Diaz for so long, he kinda had to have one!.. I like how he was just terrified to say that Madonna was a HUGE Bitch and that working with her was hideous..

  • Aye yo, JT is THE MAN. I didn’t see the “huge bitch” thing either. I thought he was playing it funny and smooth (messin with chuck). Good show.

  • LMAO I’ve had a depressing morning but this totally put a smile on my face, Beet. Thank you! I love Justin, minus the bitchiness and cockiness.

  • I had never seen nor heard of that Chuck guy before but he really is a DOUCHBAG! Yuck! That is definitely the type of person to avoid. I thought Justin handled that in the best way possible. You could tell he really didn’t want to be there.

  • Wow, that Chuck guy asked the stupidest questions. I really like that Justin kept looking off to the side to be like, “can i leave yet??”.

  • I really think that the Chuck guy came off as a jerk and that Justin was much more polite than he needed to be.

  • LTTP, so it’s pretty worn terrain, but: Who the fuck is Chuck the Movie Guy? What a dick. Mr Timberlake made this interview watchable, and then some.

  • lmao i adore Justin Timberlake… That was so funny!!

    I would have left if i was the one having to answer the stupid questions though, Justin didn’t really have to put up with it, he could have just left and but he wasen’t disrespectful that way, i give him credit for putting up with that asshole in a nice way..