Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Pete Wentz Stays Sober for Ashlee

Pete Wentz celebrated the big 2-9 at Foxtail in LA last night — but he didn’t get wasted. In fact, Pete never had a thing to drink all night. Since preggers Ashlee can’t be drinking alcohol, Pete abstained as well.

Aw, how sweet!

8 CommentsLeave a comment

  • i think that’s really cool, there are a lot of people who wouldn’t think to do that

  • she shouldv’e insisted he had a couple for his b-day instead of being so selfish. or maybe since he didn’t drink he took some vicodin or something instead.

  • joan: she’s selfish? maybe she told him it was ok to drink and he declined anyhow.. selfish is the man who doesn’t give a shit what a woman sacrifices to give him a child..

    he sounds like a good guy. cute couple. i hope it sticks! =)

  • haha who cares..he used to be straightxedge anyway until fall out boy got really big. not that big of a deal. haha