Today's Evil Beet Gossip


“I really enjoy having sex, and that’s offensive to some people. Women are the quickest to call other women sluts, which I think is sad. I haven’t met a lot of men who have said, ‘You like having sex? What a dirty whore you are.’ I’m young and have a lot of hormones—I’m always in the mood! But I like sex with one person when I’m in a relationship. Sex with random people who I’ve met at clubs is not really my thing. I have the libido of a 15-year-old boy. My sex drive is so high. I’d rather have sex with Brian [Austin Green] all the time than leave the house. He doesn’t mind.”

That slut Megan Fox, in a new interview with FHM.

Nah, I’m kidding. I think Megan Fox rocks. I also think sex rocks. I do not, however, think sex with Brian Austin Green would rock, but, in general, she and I are in full agreement here.

23 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Hahahaha, my respect for Megan Fox just went through the roof.


    Let’s all have sex tonight in honour of her unabashed statement. :D

  • *yawn* she’s pulling the whole ‘being sexually-liberated-will-make-you-more-attractive’ card. and she wouldn’t have said something like that if she were being interview by, let’s say, Elle magazine, she just played up her whole type-casted persona more because she was being interviewed by fhm. fuckin loser.

  • I finally got around to seeing that Michael Bay special effects orgasm “Transformers” and Meagan Fox can’t act. The blonde in the movie was a hellova lot sexier and can act. Meagan Fox has fanstastic eyes but nothing is going on behind them.

    Wish the blonde in that movie was a bigger star and that we see more of her. Hot.

  • The blonde in Transformers was an even worse actress than Megan Fox. Dude. Get your brain checked.

  • the blonde ? Aussie gal Rachael Taylor ……and plenty hot at that!
    her acting ability ? I mean ……. really…..who cares !!

  • Ah yes, I was wondering when I would see the imposter “Donkey Punch” show up again (the commen at 7:45pm).

    Oh, some poor Christian Conservative American got their little feelings hurt.

  • I have become a huge fan of this and I love megan fox, but wonder is her agents pushing her to push sex as her image. shes smoking hot she doesn’t even need to say such things like brian austin green and sex in the same

  • I’m never gonna be angelina waaaaaaaaaaah.. I am never gonna be angelina.. waaaaaaaaaaaaaah..

  • i am a female who has been friends with guys my whole life and yea if you say i looooovvvveee to fuck they are not going to say anything to jepordize their chances of gettin them some but you should hear what they say after you bang them and leave so i agree females are part of the problem but men are just more sneaky about it but more power to her do what you like ………..shes taking the whole im like anjelina thing real serious though

  • “Ah yes, I was wondering when I would see the imposter “Donkey Punch” show up again (the commen at 7:45pm).

    Oh, some poor Christian Conservative American got their little feelings hurt.”

    Are you referring to me?!
    I don’t even remember seeing a blonde in Transformers.
    And I’m not that pathetic, sorry..
    Not that you’re going to believe me anyway, right? :)