Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Jessica Simpson’s Country Track: First Listen!

Click here to listen to the first single off Jessica Simpson’s upcoming country album.

It’s called “Come on Over,” and it’s not half bad for a country tune.

Eh, I really want to see Jessica succeed. She’s been through so much. She deserves a fucking break.

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  • maybe she could team up with Jen and record a duet of “Stand By Your Sleazebag”

  • I agree with you. I don’t hate this chick, and I’ve felt myself feeling really bad for her lately, what with all those super-cruel tabloid headlines screaming about how pathetic she supposedly is or whatever. GOD. I mean, she’s not that egregious, you know?

    Whatever. The chick’s milquetoast, and her pop music has made me want to DDDDDDIIIEE ever since that “I Want to Love You Forever” song came out. Oh my GOD. But this song isn’t that bad. I’m not a Top 40 Country fan, but I can see this doing pretty well.

    It would be SO. FUCKING. AWESOME if she started kicking Carrie Underwood’s ass on the music charts. Make it happen, Jesus.

  • Ugh.. I have this feeling some master editor going quietly mad and is sealed off in a padded room with a teddy bear, pacifier and rocking chair.. to rest for a while.. after he personally rechoreographed, clean up rough breaths, hiss, trimmed a lot of wail and whine out of her vocals before the final recording. Singing quickly as possible and sticking mainly to all that was taught her with a gun to her back and a hand gernade ring taunt in the stern director’s itchy finger near her ear she gave the final cut serious attention. Jess mentally blew up and collasped in a corner when it was done… and had to be given oxygen and bottle of gin, then sonic screamed for two minutes to recover..

  • Hmmm. Everything about this song is a bit amateurish – cheesy acoustic guitar riffs, lyrics that pander more to the need to rhyme than make a statement or even make sense (“leave the dishes in the sink, leave the ice cubes in your drink”???), thin vocals. I think it will get some play out of curiosity, but it’s not a smash hit. She can sing country, tho. She just needs a better vehicle and some better dubbing.

  • She has gotten plenty of breaks. She would succeed if she had talent above and beyond what she has. She isn’t an extraordinary singer and she isn’t a talented actress. She has fame and money far above what the rest of us have, so I am inclined to think she has had plenty of luck!

  • But really, she’s been through so much! Please! I can’t really feel sorry for her. She has made a gazillion dollars on very marginal talent. And she got to sleep with my husband Nick Lachey! ;) The song isn’t as horrible as I imagined it would be but it’s no hit. And sorry Ernestine. Carrie Underwood is gorgeous and has real talent so getting her arse kicked by Jessica on the charts ain’t gonna happen.

  • Can’t imagine any Nashville session players bragging about working on this piece of aural crap.

  • She a terrible fucking singer. Terrible singers do not deserve careers in country music. I don’t give a shit what she’s “been through.” She can go cry me a fucking river down in Cabos with her bizillion dollars. Give ME a GD break from the assault to my eardrums, why don’t you.

  • Amen to that. I like the song, too. She’s not doing so much of the breathy thing she did in her pop music, which I hated.

  • That is just barely country. It wasn’t that bad, but if you were to remove that twangy guitar sound, it would be the same bullshit pop music she’s been shoveling out. I call bullshit!

    But, I will say this. She looks really pretty in that banner picture!

  • “Carrie Underwood is gorgeous and has real talent.”

    Uh, D, no. Carrie Underwood is NOT gorgeous. She is a prepackaged, cornfed, generic ol’ blonde with horrible eyebrows and a very, very, very normal face. I’d WAY rather look like myself than Carrie Underwood. Sorry. Oh, and she seems like a megabitch.

    Taylor Swift is gorgeous and has talent. I’ll give you that.

    Carrie killed Heart’s “Alone” during her AI season, I must admit. But I was still totally rooting for Bo.

  • She and Nick need to get back together- both share the common bond of having the lamest songs ever

    “What’s left of Me”? oh, come on!

  • Wow some Carrie Underwood haters I see, I’m not even a big fan but I can admit she’s got an amazing voice that could wipe the floor with Jessica’s anyday. As for Jess…I guess you gotta give her props for not giving up…

  • I think I speak for all real country music fans everywhere…we don’t want your failed pop stars! You can keep Jessica Simpson…and take Jewel back too!

  • i actually like it :]
    i love jessica simpson and i really like her music….
    ohh and “kelly” you dont speak for all country music fans :/

  • Ok Its not horrible..but come on…are we that desperate to get our career back? She see’s all these people making it big with country and she figures since no one will take her seriously as a pop singer she switches to Country? just sounds like Jessica Simpson trying to be a country singer and I dont think its going to work..nice try

  • Wow, it is just like the Alan Jackson song…Poppa Simpson thinks there is money in it. Period. It is generic and boring. Really good country music should make you laugh or cry or both…it shouldn’t make you go “meh it didn’t totally suck.” Go put on some George Strait, you seem to have forgotten how good country music can and should me.

  • She’s NOT talented. She wants to be famous… I get it. But, she should do something she’s actually good at like… *crickets* Singing….being a musician…acting…dancing…designing… *chirp! chirp!* …NEWLYWEDS is what made her a household name. She doesn’t deserve a break, she needs to sit DOWN…

  • dislike her, dislike her, dislike her!!
    ok but prob not as much as i dislike her bag, yuck!

  • Yea..beware Devil Girl speaks the truth. Jessica wiggle and giggle do not work now that she is approaching 30! She killed ‘Take My Breath Away’ and it’s just a song that was never live!
    It’s her sister’s time to shine. Ashlee has turned out beautiful and she rocked that yellow bikini.

  • I think the media has been extremely cruel and degrading to this young woman. I mean what has she really done to anyone, except be married young and have her poor marriage fall apart in front of the whole world. And why should she give up on her dreams, because half of the world is jealous, cruel and intent on seeing her fail??
    It shows she has drive and is persistant in following her goals, and trying to accomplish those goals to the best of her ability. Isn’t that what we all should be doing??? And if she is able to earn an income to support her self and do it well, who can fault her, for what all of wish to accomplish. Get over it, and move on to a new subject, and to the media, quit bullying this poor girl, it is nothing short of pathetic.
    It is like cyber bullying, and sad that so many people in society get a kick out of seeing people be treated cruelly.
    And I really hope Tony Roma has more balls then the media makes him out to have. And isn’t the complete wimp and jerk the media makes him out to be. I hope he realizes he has a nice and extremely beautiful, and talented young women he is dating, and he needs to stick up for her. Get a back bone. Even her x husband has one of those, he wouldn’t have let the media treat her this way. And the only reason their marriage didn’t work out is because the whole world and the media was in the middle of it. So they did not have a chance of making it. Give her a break

  • Jessica,
    Girl hold your head up high. Don’t let anyone bring you down.
    This a cruel world we live in. And when you have money, people are caught between wanting to ride the curtail of your success and secretly wanting you to fail. Know the real friends from the fake.
    Keep your personal life, personal. Know you will find someone who knows what a special and unique person you are.
    The media is bullying you and unfortnatley their are people who want to participate in that bullying. It is tragic, that we have so many cruel and pathetic people who like to see others suffer. Or decide to dislike someone for no reason at all. But keep trucking forward it will get better. Good luck