Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Britney’s Romantic Getaway with Mel Gibson!

Okay, okay.

So it’s not exactly romantic. But it is a getaway. Mel and his wife are heading to their vacation home in Costa Rica, and Britney Spears and her papa are coming along.

I can’t even imagine what they’re all going to talk about.

The topic of Jesus will come up at some point, I’m sure.

7 CommentsLeave a comment

  • The topic of discussion may be : How much liquor does it take to tank a career? And then something anti-semitic because Mel’s a racist douchebag, and then on to cocktails.

  • I’m not going to rag on his racist remarks because… well, frankly, we all have thought thoughts at some point or another in our lives. It’s keeping the shit to yourself that’s the key. But, Mel Gibson and Britney Spears seems like such a strange friendship… I’d love to be a fly on the wall during that vaca.

  • I think Tom Cruise is doing an end run. He is wearing a Mel Gibson costume and platform shoes.

  • Mel is simply doing his christina duty. Trying to get Brit back on celeb track…vacation…work…vacation. Who needs actual success?