Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Go Go Gadget Long-Range Lens

Here are some photos snapped by U.S. missile defense satellites of Brad and Angie canoodling at their French villa.

I mean, there was this huge secret bombing in Korea, and we, like, completely missed it, but whatever. It was totally worth it.

[Image via Splash]

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  • What the hell are U.S. missile defense satellites doing snapping pictures of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie.

  • hmmmmm… angie showing a moment of weakness? unbelievable. and yet there IS something foreboding about the way she looks right now. she seems very weak. she was too thin when she got pregnant and now the baby(ies) are draining her system. i don’t think she’s healthy at all right now.
    she’s an intriguing woman, that’s for sure, and i can only praise her humanitarian efforts. she has a helluva a lot of balls to go to the places she does and to do the things she does in the name of helping the poor. not so sure she’s a real girl’s girl with her track record of moving in on men when they are already coupled. i guess i would find mother teresa a whole lot more saintly, who devoted her life to the sickest of sick and the poorest of poor…but hey, i don’t want to get all philosophical now.

  • Actually, Mother Theresa was not the nice philanthropic woman history has painted her to be. I was watching Penn & Teller’s Bullshit special on her and then starting doing some research. There’s articles in Nationa Geographic and Harper’s Bazaar about how she purposefully let people suffer and die when she didn’t have to. She’s the Vatican’s minion to promote Catholicism to its critics and she’s a major sadist. I swear by this, do some research on her.