Today's Evil Beet Gossip

A New Love

Here’s James Gandolfini (who looks like he’s lost some weight??) and his fiancee, model Deborah Lin, at the Tribeca Film Festival.

The two got engaged in January after two years of dating.

9 CommentsLeave a comment

  • cmon Beet, show Rumer Willis!
    she went with dad and his girlfriend to this event
    I always felt she would look much better with long hair
    and if she does some lip filling
    you’ll just forget about her chin

  • There’s absolutely nothing attractive about him… well, maybe his money. That would explain the young, fit, semi-attractive model clinging to his hand like it was a gold bullion.

  • Semi-attractive? Why because she isn’t a fat cow that always wears track pants like you Melissa?

    She looks pretty damned attractive to me.

  • Donkey Punch: Do you thrive on knocking other posters? You don’t know me. You don’t know what I stand for or what I even look like or wear. Grow up. Put your big boy pants on. And maybe consider using that grey mushy mass in your skull sometimes. Nobody likes an ignorant ass who posts total bullshit slop that has nothing to do with the actual thread (i.e. Alicia Keys is a racist slut).

    And for the record, I don’t own a one pair of track pants. I don’t live in Hollywood, and my marvelous ass looks better in tight jeans, thank you very much.

    This will be the last time I address you and your bullshit. Keep it up, and I’ll push to have your dumb ass banned. Just because you have the right to freedom of speech doesn’t mean you can just shoot it off with vile, ill-informed, racist canter. NOBODY likes an ignoramus.