Today's Evil Beet Gossip

I Guess I Need to Dye My Hair Again

The Times of London issued a report indicating that wealthy, successful men are more likely to marry brunettes.

Damn. This totally explains everything. You knew this all along, didn’t you, Sarah Larson? You bitch.

10 CommentsLeave a comment

  • There are more brunettes in the world than blondes anyways i think that makes a difference. Being blonde is so much less…frumpy.

  • brunettes with thick healthy hair are viewed by men (unconsciously) as good breeders
    blondes are viewed in a different way
    that’s science of human behavior
    not mine

  • Different person has different style.My black friends on the page, b l a c k c e n t u r y. com , also have their own style.And they live a happy life .We can’t comment anyone because we are different.

  • LA- Ha ha, that’s great! And being less common, you’d think would be more popular?
    Eddy ~~~