Today's Evil Beet Gossip


Hulk Hogan and His Girlfriend, Jennifer McDaniel, Swimming in the Ocean in Miami, Pictures, Photos

All together now:


Hulk Hogan and his new girlfriend, Jennifer McDaniel, were spotted splashing around in Miami this weekend. The two have reportedly been dating since around January.

“He’s very happy,” says a source. “He just seems very happy. His mood has changed. He’s in a better place.”

His mood has changed? Hell, his entire color has changed. Seriously, he is darker than Barack Obama right now. Somewhere at Hillary’s campaign headquarters, they’re sitting around trying to figure out how they can use Hulk Hogan to help get the black vote.

And I don’t know much about Jennifer, but I’ll tell you what I do know: This is the kind of chick who should never leave the house without make-up.

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