Today's Evil Beet Gossip

I’d Marry George Clooney

George Clooney Predicts No Oscar

Clooney knows he’s doomed at The Oscars come Sunday telling People Magazine:

“For me, it’s like being Hillary Clinton,” says the Michael Clayton star. “If it weren’t for Barack Obama, it would have been a very good year.” Adds Clooney: “I thought Daniel Day-Lewis had the best performance of the year.”

Dan Day-Lewis is already shining his Oscar as we speak. But Clooney would have given a far more entertaining speech I’m sure.

As for Clinton/Obama… well, March 4th is still in play. After that things might get a little clearer. But probably not.

7 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Every time I see him, I picture that mop-hair and Wellman’s Plastics tie from Roseanne… therefore, he’ll never be attractive to me.

  • He is so handsome. Love him very much. Lots of my online friends on mixedfriends dotcom love him too. You can share your ideas with them if you want. It is a servious interracial dating service

  • ‘Cause you’re nuts!

    I look at him and I see old man who used to be on the facts of life, or was it Gimme a Break? Whichever, I’d personally like to speak with whoever gave him his first acting job and punch that person in the throat and kick them in the fuckin’ face!

    I’m really a non-violent person. Really.

    Cathy, thanks for the dating service link but I have my own, it’s interspeciesrelations dotgov

    Check it out, there’s some hot cat on dog action to be had, lemme tell ya!

  • when I see him I remember the coffee ad
    I think it’s his best performance
    I hope you know what I mean
    Nespresso,what else?

  • Oh.. his snarky reply will cost him. I wouldn’t be surprised to learn he had his kneecaps crushed in a quick attack from some wild-eyed ninja Clintoonies!