Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Will Somebody Please Wax Her Eyebrows???


Madonna’s daughter, Lourdes, spent time at a Beverly Hills salon getting a manicure yesterday.

All that time in a salon, and her eyebrows still look like that???

Come on, people!

25 CommentsLeave a comment

  • You can hardly even see her eyebrows in this pic, especially not the all important unibrow section. Update us on the look when you find a shot of her face front on. The only funny thing about this is the goofy expression shes making.

  • She’s 11. Why do we want kids to grow-up so quickly these days? It is so sad! She should still be playing sports or creating with her imagination rather than worrying about her nails, not to mention her brows!

  • yes thank you, 11 yr olds shouldnt be getting waxed. look at her heritage, of course she’s gonna be hairy!

  • I agree with Sarie and lollylicious. The kid’s freaking 11, who cares if she has a unibrow? It obviously doesn’t bother her that much or I’m sure she would have pestered her mom into allowing her to have it waxed. Let her enjoy her childhood before people start commenting on her looks and taunting her for any imperfections that, God forbid, a celebrity’s child would dare to have.

  • I remember being 11 and I remember every kid who had a unibrow.
    I think some things are outrageous for 11 year olds to be doing…
    for instance i don’t think they need to be wearing make up.
    But there is NOTHING wrong with them waxing off a unibrow.
    Seriously it’s not like it’s making them grow up too fast it’s getting rid of possibly one of the most unfortunate body hair situations. I mean for god’s sake it right in the middle of the face…

  • Totally agree w/ Abbi-there are def. some things kids nowadays are doing that is too grown up for them. BUT waxing off that hideous unibrow would not be one of them, it’s for her own sake!!! She looks ridiculous, if I had a kid w/ one that bad (no matter the age) it’d be GONE!!!

    Besides the fact that she’s Madonna’s kid, you’d think the ‘Material Girl’ would’ve taken care of that ages ago! *YUCK* Guy needs to whoop that ass :)

  • i dont think 11 year olds should be getting there eye browes wacxed but if your hairy your hairy! she needs them done

  • you’re hairy you’re hair not your. I think i was 13 when i tweezerd my brows, i never had a unibrow but i shaped them, anyway i remember by unibrowed bff at the time teasing me for plucking the brows – the irony.

  • Actually, there were before/after pix of this kid not long ago – she HAS had work on her brow. It used to be more of a forehead mustache, now it’s slightly better. It needs to all go – the other kids will be merciless.

  • Wow! People. What the hell?? Waxing eyebrows so young. Let’s start the pressure of being ‘perfect’ and shallow at 11 or younger in some unfortunate cases. I have no problem with people wanting to ‘look good’ but it should be something they want to do as an adult not something introduced to them by their family and especially at such a young age. Society is screwed up enough to do that to them! Kids needs somewhere to rest from all the pressures of society and home should be it! Someone needs to show their damn children that they are loved at home, as they are, at the very least.


    You are right other kids will be merciless, but parents need to step in and raise their F*cking kids! Teach them to shut their mouths and keep their negative comments about others physical appearance to themselves. There is a lot more to a person than looks. Maybe if we all thought that way, the divorce rate in this country wouldn’t be so high!

  • FrozeRightHere:

    BTW, if you have kids I feel sorry for them. It is soooo shocking to me that there are actually people that teach kids to change their appearance to avoid being teased. And even worse there are still adults that say stupid crap like ‘kids will be merciless’ or even better ‘kids are cruel’.

    NOTE TO ALL PARENTS: Stop saying stupid crap like this. It is an excuse to ignore your children’s behavior. CUT IT OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If a child is being teased or bullied it is up to all adults involved to get it stopped!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Honestly, if she wants to do it, she should do it. I really don’t like it (and her mustache) but you are never too young or too old to do anything, but if you are 5 and under, that’s where I draw the line.

    And no matter what, the kids will still be mean. Geez, some people are that way, they act mean so the can be popular or liked. The parents don’t choose for the child, the child chooses to act that way. They know what should be wrong and right. And Believe it or not, they are HUMAN. Who doesn’t like to feel pretty?

  • I don’t think she’s too young for an eyebrow wax. Well groomed, arched eyebrows open the eyes and give a ‘good look’ even without any additional make-up. If I were her i would also ask for some subtle highlights in my hair.