Today's Evil Beet Gossip

The Video of Heath Ledger Doing Cocaine

Is here.

ET backed out of airing it, but it’s making the Internet rounds.

It’s not really that interesting. The good part is toward the end.

17 CommentsLeave a comment

  • sad sad thing…
    But am I blind or he doesn’t appear sniffing anything?
    he is having a drink, smoking cigarretes…he’s probably drunk or something and his face by the end of the video is weird, but he’s not doing anything wrong…

    this is such a disgusting situation that the people had him over their hotel bedrooms and he was there, telling peorsonal stuff and talking as a regular person while a son of a bitch was trying to get him doing something wrong and now, that son of a bitch is making money with such a sad and “normal” thing in their lives.
    Is is sad that now we have all lost a great talent and actor and it is sad how he lost the control of his own life…it’s sad how he probably couldn’t trust people.
    that’s why…

    I wish this person a lot of pain.

  • Yes, it’s a very sad story. But if I saw the picture at the link, I thougt: a film about the life of Heath could have only one leading actor – his twin ‘the always headdresses’ JAY KAY.

    ride on, Heath

    brgds from hamburg / germany, Stefan

  • I think its horrible that they have to dig up so much stuff about him now. Its like everyone is rushing around trying to find everything wrong thing he ever did. We all have our own problems and we all slip up from time to time. Let him rest in peace, and stop all the negativity. I’m sure his family and friends would appreciate it if we honored him instead of pointed fingers at him.

  • Leave dude alone. We’ve all been bent over a coffee table geeked out of our minds at one point or another. Jesus Christ.

  • Come to your sences people, stardom has its glitz but it has a dark side too , it is man eat man dog eat dog situation.

  • he was at that party for a reason and it was not to socialize. he had already done his line. his face was twitching

  • What a horrible evil man who has led so many our worlds youth astray.

    Death was too easy a way out you scum bag.