Today's Evil Beet Gossip



“To be perfectly frank, I have unexpectedly fallen in love. It is the relationship with Holly that will probably last forever. The others will last for as long as they want it to last before going on with their careers and lives.”

Hugh Hefner to the AP.

Score one for Holly Madison.

You know she can’t wait until Bridget and Kendra get out of the picture and she gets to have that Hefner baby.

37 CommentsLeave a comment

  • thank goodness got her boo-er um real estate license….she has something to fall forwa–scuse me, fall back on…. :)

  • Look how fried her hair is at the ends from being bleached over and over again. Yuck. Other than that she is really pretty though…

  • i think that hes still married to the mom of his two boys, but they are just separated and she lives next door.

  • Sounds like he’s gonna finally end up with just one woman…”forever”…Her forever’s a lot different than his!! And he’s probably snipped and can’t have any more kids, dontcha think?

  • I actually think its sweet. She seems to be in love with him when you watch the show.. Calling him when they are gone and missing him. Not like the other two how is only there for the money. Kendra dont give a shit about Hef.

  • Yes the E! True hollywood story (always reliable) said he never got divorced, that they saw no need for it. It seemed like his first wife didn’t want to, Holly may have some trouble there! Plus “last forever”? How much longer is “forever” for Hef?? She’d better get those other girls outta the pic stat!!

  • yeah she looks pregnant to me
    yeah she looks very much in love with…
    …his money
    don’t worry about divorce baby
    you already have a HUGE bank account with your name on it
    and the baby’s future
    after appropriate DNA testing
    is safeguarded too
    there is plenty of money for every heir.

  • I’ll say his forever is shorter than hers…jaysus, he’s as old as Methusaleh. He ain’t gonna last much longer.

    That was kinda mean, huh?

    Ah, well, I can’t imagine working that….bleeeccch

  • the relationship will last “forever,” um, how long’s that b/c he looks awfully old. also saying the other girls can gave a relationship w/him ’till they move on basically means he don’t give a s*#t about whether he’s with them or not. how mean.

  • yeah, hefner baby. and hefner ring, and hefner family name. and all the hefner money she can get her grubby, liposuctioned fingers on.

  • awwwwww i love to watch that show….it helps me escape reality and reminds me it’s ok to wish :)



  • Ahhhh…..que tudo,eu adoro a Rolly e sinto que ela gosta muito de Hefner,e me parece que Hefner também gosta dela…se nao ele nao dividiria sua ENORME herança com ela…nao é? rsrsrsrsrsrs
    acho que acima do dinheiro vem o amor….a Holly tem de tuuudo na manção de Hugh,ela soó quer o carinho dele só pra ela…e ela merece….pois aguenta ele a mais de 10 velho tarado desse…tem q amar muito..e acredito q ela goste dele sim….tomara que dê certo ^^.
    Será mesmo que Holly esta grávida?..
    esperaremos e saberemos o novo herdeiro da PlaybOy.!

  • The face is pretty, but the rest a’int natural, from her silicone boobs down to that shaved crotch. (Damn you Hef, do you like that? Do we have YOU to blame for that shit? Man, I miss a nice pubic triangle and real titts, oh well.) This girl comes from dysfunctional white trash and Hef is just plain senile. Go ahead girl, pop out another Hefner and hope he croaks soon, or ya just might be smelling his shitty diapers the next 20 years, unlike what you think you will be doing, fucking some young beach boy (Of course, remeber what happened to Nicole Simpson). Is the money realy worth it? I guess it beats the shit out of waiting tables, but who do you see when looking into the mirror?

  • Willie Boy is so right. Shes a slut, he’s a rich loser. the real question is why do we care?