Today's Evil Beet Gossip

The Money Shot

Check out footage of Brit being wheeled into the hospital on a stretcher.

The fun begins around 2:10.

Also, after they get their shot of Britney, the paparazzi bombard Kevin, and it sounds like they’re calling him a “loser,” for reasons I can’t possible fathom at this point.

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  • I feel like this must be how people felt about Elvis…so famous, so exposed, and now all we can do is watch as she loses it. So sad!

  • I can’t believe they are seriously calling Kevin the loser!!???!!

    Ummm, dumb a$$es who just got hauled away in an ambulance cause she’s a brain-dead idiot!!!!

  • hey,take all the tv news reporters, and all thier camera crews, then round up every defense attorney in existence and while your at it find every man woman and child having any ties to the kkk together, then just for good measure, make one more sweep to make sure youve got ALL the tv reporters….find a really huge building so that every one will fit inside, then give oj simpson a set of keys to that building and tell him to lock the door from the inside..(tell him theres a hot blonde reporter inside that wants him to be her daddy) and when he locks the door IMPLODE THE MOTHER FUCKER…THEN things may begin to change

  • …ok britney’s problems are going down a bottomless hole…

    is there an end… ???

    GOD… someone help her out…!