Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Mess USA Tara Conner to Write a Book


You know what the world really needs?

Another book about rehab.

Tara Conner’s stepped up to the task. She told Matt Lauer on the Today Show that she’ll be penning a book about her experience before, during, and after her rehab stay.

Tara’s been sober over a year now, since Donald Trump sentenced her to rehab after Miss Teen USA brutally sold her ass out for snorting coke on the job.

Congrats to Tara for staying sober for a year. Maybe I shouldn’t poke fun — here’s a Miss USA who’s very publicly setting a positive example for real girls with real problems. Way to go, Tara.

9 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Oh yeah, I’m putting myself on the wait list at Barnes & Noble.
    The girl looks like she can barely write her name, never mind a book.

  • It is called a ‘ghost writer’. Most stars and people like Donald Trump use them.

    A ghost writer (of either music or manuscripts) polishes or prepares work that is then credited to another person. Like Brittany’s new album.

    She won’t be “writing” the book as much as spending some time scribbling down near-incoherent drivel onto some scratch paper and napkins with whatever crayon or big-chief pencil is handy.

    Then the ghost writer will cuss, glance at his/her paycheck, smoke some cigarettes, and begin guiding Ms. Conner into “coming up with cool stuff for her book”. Like collaboration, only one sided.

  • I will buy the book when it comes out. She had a lot of problems living back in her hometown. I hope her and her family got closure from what she suffered in Kentucky, best wishes Tara.

  • haha jokes on her – all the writers are on strike!

    jk, i know its the WGA.

    but this thing is still likely to read like the back of a triscuits box