Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Samantha Ronson Ordered to Pay Everyone’s Damn Legal Fees (Including Her Own)


Poor Samantha Ronson.

Not only was she ordered to pay Perez Hilton’s legal fees after her defamation lawsuit against him was dismissed, now her own lawyers are suing her for non-payment.

She’s being sued for nearly $165K in unpaid legal fees.

PLUS she has to pay Perez around $100K for HIS legal fees.

Someone better get her fingers off Lindsay Lohan’s clit and onto the turntable.

Work, bitch! Pay them bills!

13 CommentsLeave a comment

  • So, explain something to me…what exactly is defamation, then? Why can he, that piece of multicolored shit, flat out say she left drugs in the car, and everything else, yet it isn’t defaming her? Ruining her reputation?

    What the hell do you have to say to get a response legally??

    I get that calling someone gay, even when they aren’t, isn’t defamation (although it sure does create turmoil!), but when you flat out say someone did something illegal and they didn’t, and you affect the public’s perception of them, why isn’t that defamation?

    This is an honest question, peeps.

    I can.not.believe that asshole won that case and the right for her to pay his fees. He’ll nevah shut the hell up. Bastard.

  • From what I hear in Cali if you are a public figure than it is pretty much impossible to be ‘defamed’. Malice has to be proven. Since the judge considered her a semi-public figure then she had to prove the statements were malicious. She couldn’t prove that the cocaine wasn’t hers as she would have had to say that one of her friends left it.

    Yes, I know, doesn’t make any sense to me. It’s not like one chooses to be thrust into the public eye when you happen to have famous friends. If you ask me any blogger that receives advertisement dollars (indicating A LOT of people read it and thus reputations can be harmed) should have to be accountable for their claims, just like the tabloids. And the whole public figure shiz should be thrown out the window.

    On another note the original story came from Celebrity Babylon(Perez reprinted it) and they retracted the story after she filed suit yet Perez maintained that it was true! What a douche!

  • Thanks response, for the response. Heh.

    No, seriously, I appreciate it.

    So they didn’t think it was malicious to call her a drug supplier or intimate she was responsible in some way? Hmmm. Sounds like malice to me, it being done to intentionally harm someone in name or person.

    Celebrities may seem to get away with more, and in many cases do, but they are left hanging in ways a private citizen isn’t.

    I don’t know…it just seems jacked.

    And Perez is the biggest douche bag out there. Aren’t his 15 up yet??

  • This is total bull perez is such a jerk! what he said is defamation and what the hell difference dose it make if she had drugs? It’s people like perez that push other people to drug use. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that drugs are good or anything like that but someone needs to tell perez to SHUT THE HELL UP!

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